Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 136 It’s all a trap! Coming from the Eastern Tang Dynasty

“What is a nuclear bomb on a fighter jet?”


Gong Niang asked doubtfully, but she immediately carried out Yang Yu's request.

With the triple increase, half of the mana in Yang Yu's body was instantly drained, and the long arrow in his hand suddenly pulled out a brilliant tail flame that was several meters long.

Yang Gu couldn't explain it to the bow lady, so she drew her bow like a full moon and aimed at the position in front of the big toad's tongue.

One arrow!

call out--

The bow string rebounded, and the long arrow disappeared from Yang Gu's hand instantly, hitting the target almost instantly, as if there was no time delay at all.

Just before a large group of ghosts were about to approach the giant toad, a dazzling light suddenly burst out, seeming to fill the entire world.

The splendid light bloomed suddenly like the sun coming down.

Suddenly, countless monsters and monsters that were close to the toad's long tongue were turned into ashes under the light, and a huge gap appeared within a hundred meters.

At this time, Yang Gu had already relied on the propeller transformed by the golden light and rushed to the front in the blink of an eye, rushing towards the big toad's tongue just as the light was about to dissipate.

But just as the poplar was about to land on the toad's long tongue, a noisy buzzing suddenly sounded in his ears.

He looked sideways and saw that it was a guy with several pairs of transparent wings like cicada wings.

It has an ugly appearance, a slender body, and looks like a human, but more like a mosquito-like species.

And this guy was actually faster than him, surpassing Yang Yu almost instantly and rushing forward.

Yang Yu knew that besides himself, there might be other guys who could fly, and there really were.


The propeller dispersed for a moment, turning into countless golden lights that directly twisted it into a rain of blood. The figure of the poplar swooped down, and finally landed firmly in the soft long tongue, turning into a black shadow and rushing towards the toad's mouth.

The arrow shot just now opened a wide vacancy behind him, and Yang Yu no longer had to worry about being caught up by these guys behind him.

But his speed did not slow down, and he quickly rushed towards the toad's mouth.

But when he stepped on the toad's long tongue and stepped on the eyeballs one by one, as the pupils in the eyeballs contracted or dilated, he still couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Although I know that the real entrance to space is in the mouth of this big toad, it still feels very strange to run in personally like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

The two big eyes that reflected the blood-red sun and moon seemed to be slowly looking down, and a terrifying gaze looked at Eucalyptus poplar, as if they were really staring at a mosquito.

Fortunately, Eucalyptus poplar was very fast. It only took two breaths to cross the long tongue and reach the mouth of the big toad.

This huge and ferocious mouth was like the entrance to a dark abyss, and he could only rush in bravely.

Along with countless wailing and painful sounds ringing in the ears, a thick putrid smell filled the toad's big mouth, which was enough to make people faint just by smelling it.

Yang Yu held her breath, struggled forward, and rushed into the darkness.

Invisibly, he seemed to have touched something, as if he had passed through a very thin film, and everything in front of him suddenly changed.

By the time Yang Yu came to her senses, all the smells and cries for help had disappeared, and even the air had become much fresher.

At this time, he had appeared behind the stone plate of Yunzang Palace, standing in front of the entrance to the upper floor.


Yang Yu happily walked upstairs. After finally breaking through the difficulty, it was time to reap the rewards.

I hope this place can help him find what he wants!

There are seven floors in the Yunzang Palace Tower. When Yang Gu came to the second floor, he originally thought that it would be filled with various books, elixirs, and magic weapons.

But when he saw the real situation, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

empty? !

Didn't the boss say that Jueyun Sect didn't have time to take away the things within the sect before it was occupied by demons?

Or is this what this place was originally like?

The second floor is very large, equivalent to a basketball court, but it is empty inside. Not to mention the things Yang Yu wants to see, there is not even a table or stool.

Except for a painting hanging on each of the four walls, there wasn't even a speck of dust on the ground.

Naturally, Yang Yu's eyes were attracted by the paintings hanging on the wall.

There is nothing but these paintings, which is definitely not simple.

The first painting shows a figure holding a sword, but this figure has six legs and is very strong.

The second painting shows nine monsters, forming a circle and connected with blood.

The third painting shows a boat sailing amidst a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The fourth painting shows a monster that has been dismembered, but countless eyes have grown out of the monster's body.

No matter who comes here, they will be confused when they see these paintings, and Yang Gu is no exception.

Fortunately, he was able to identify the real information of these paintings through his special ability. After just a casual glance, Yang Yu approached the first painting. After confirming that there was no danger, he gently placed his hand on the painting.

"[Sword Training Picture (Fake)]: It was created by Zhang Huaqing, the elder of the Jueyun Sect, using magic techniques. It was placed on the second floor of the Yunzang Palace. It is one of the traps designed to protect the inheritance of the Jueyun Sect; infused with magic power, You can enter the world in the painting and get the inheritance.

Price of use: Once entering the painting, the mind will be suppressed, the consciousness will be swallowed by the shadow in the painting, and the physical body will be forcibly occupied.

Status: Can be purified! "

After reading the content in the information box, Yang Yu was speechless.

This old guy named Zhang Huaqing is really a shady old man. Now that there are no people in the Jueyun Sect, he is still guarding against this move.

Fortunately, he could see the details of this thing directly.

Since there are four paintings here, it means that some are real and some are fake. Yang Yu decided to try them one by one to find the real painting.

After more than ten breaths, when Yang Yu tried all four paintings, the results surprised him.

All four paintings are fake!

It's all a trap!

Moreover, these paintings seem to grow out of the wall. They are completely integrated with the wall and cannot be removed at all.

Yang Yu was afraid that if he took it away by force, he would trigger some trap, so he simply ignored it and continued walking upstairs, quickly reaching the third floor.

As expected, the third floor was empty except for four paintings.

Yang Yu tried it again one after another, but the four paintings were still fake.

And these paintings, without exception, were all painted by Zhang Huaqing, the elder of the Jueyun Sect.

Yang Yu couldn't help but have a smile on her face, and walked upstairs again.

You can deceive others, but you can't deceive him.

The fourth floor...the fifth floor...the sixth floor...

Yang Yu walked all the way up and finally stopped in front of a picture on the sixth floor. He already had some kind of premonition in his heart.

The painting in front of me showed an old man wearing a coir raincoat fishing by the river. However, in the river, there were no human figures, and even countless flesh and blood limbs and internal organs could be seen.

He placed his hand gently on the painting.

"[Coirella Weng (True)]: It was created by Zhang Huaqing, the elder of the Jueyun Sect, using magic techniques. It was placed on the sixth floor of the Yunzang Palace. It is one of the traps designed to protect the inheritance of the Jueyun Sect; infused with magic power, that is You can enter the world in the painting and get inheritance.

Price of use: Entering the painting, you can't help yourself. If you fail to pass the test in the painting, your soul will turn into a body in the river.

Status: Can be purified! "

found it!

Looking at the painting in front of him, Yang Yu finally laughed happily. It was not until the sixth floor that he finally found the real portrait. If anyone else had come in here, they would have been tricked.

It has to be him!

"Let me see what secrets are hidden in this."

He conveniently used purification to eliminate the price, and then poured his own mana into the painting.

As he watched mana pour into the painting, the blood-red water in the river seemed to begin to surge, and dark red blood flowed out of the painting.

The blood first dripped like a trickle, flowing to the ground, and then suddenly turned into a raging wave, gushing out instantly.

Although Yang Yu was on guard, in the blink of an eye, the entire world had changed drastically.

The clouds are thick, and it seems like there will be lightning, thunder, and strong winds and rain at any time.

In front of him is an endless river. The sight of the river is simply mind-numbing. It is full of all kinds of broken bodies and flesh.

Bodies were crowded all over the river, with barely any space left.

The bloody smell emanating from so many corpses was so strong that it turned everything around them red.

In front of Yang Eucalyptus, on the riverside, there was an old man wearing a coir hat sitting, hunched over, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and a fish basket beside him.

He was throwing his fishing rod into the river, with a slender bone needle tied to the fishing line, but the river was full of corpses and the bone needle couldn't fall into the water at all.

But the old man seemed to be tireless and kept throwing the pole into the river again and again without any signs of discouragement.

Yang Yu stood quietly behind him, looking at him.

He did not sense any cultivation aura from this old man, just like ordinary people.

It occurred to me that this was just a fake character in the painting and probably didn't really exist.

It's just that the magic book hidden in this painting, how can the inheritance of Jueyun Sect be obtained? He hasn't seen any clues yet.

After casting for a while, the old man seemed a little tired, and finally stopped what he was doing, took back the fishing line, and rubbed the bone needle on the fishing line.

As if after realizing it, he slowly turned his head to look at Yang Yu and looked up and down.

"Where did this little brother come from? Why is he silent?"

The coir raincoat covered the old man's face, and seemed to be covered with a fine veil. Yang Yu couldn't even see the old man's appearance.

Just judging from the fact that his hand holding the fishing rod was rough and as thin as dry wood, he was an old man, but his voice sounded much younger.

Yang Yu thought for a while and replied:

"I came from the Tang Dynasty in the East. I don't want to disturb the old man. May I ask if the old man is fishing here?"

"Eastern Tang Dynasty...?"

The old man thought about Yang Yu's words for a moment, and seemed to have no idea where the Eastern Tang Dynasty was. He just looked at Yang Yu curiously.

"Didn't the little brother come from Jueyun Sect?"

"Do you know Jueyun Sect?"

Yang Yu asked back, the people in this painting can actually know where the outside world is?

There are two more chapters to be posted tonight. I’m not very satisfied with the last chapter, and I’m thinking about how to change it.

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