Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 127 Chapter 915 is gibbering, the wrong spell was recited!

Chapter 127 "915" Huan Er was gibbering and recited the wrong spell!

"There's a piece of paper in here!"

My heart untied the tangled strips of rags and found that there was a piece of paper wrapped inside, oily paper!

"What's written on it?"

Several people came over curiously, and in their hearts, they threw away the dirty strips of cloth and handed the paper to them.

The paper is very rough, with a layer of oil on it. It must have been specially treated for waterproofing. After being taken apart, it unfolds to the size of two palms.

"Can you recognize these words?"

Xinxin handed the paper to the others. He didn't recognize the words on it.

Bai Niao took it, looked at it, shook his head, and handed it to Yang Yu.

As soon as Yang Yu got it, an information box popped up in front of his eyes, making him slightly stunned.

"[Calling for nonsense]: 仚 (xiān); a way to summon 仚. When you act in these ways, think, and babble, you are likely to get a response from 仚.

Cost of use: Every time you babble once, if you don't get a response from you, the babbler's body will rot by one point and your mind will be lost by one point; if you get a response from you, you can take whatever you ask for, and you can't refuse.

Status: Can be purified! "

This is not an ordinary piece of paper, it has recorded ways of awakening people!

That means that what is recorded on this paper is useful!

Yang Yu's mind immediately thought of what he heard chanting from the mouths of those people when he first entered this place. Could it be the chanting words recorded on this piece of paper?

But when he looked at the words on the paper, they were crooked and twisted, like twisted lines. He couldn't understand either, so he handed the paper to the child first.

None of the three people knew the words written on this piece of paper, and now the child became the last hope.

Fortunately, the child took it in his hand, looked at it, and responded immediately.

"This is the text of Jinwa Kingdom, I know it!"

She didn't say why she knew him, but everyone understood it, and only people from Jinwa Country would say this.

It would be best if someone knew the words on it, so a few people asked the children to read out what was written on it.

But the child looked at it for a while and shook his head.

"You cannot read what is written on it casually. I can only tell you roughly what is written on it."

Neither Xinxin nor Bainiao understood what Zhidong meant by saying this, but Yang Yu understood.

"Are the things written on this the same voices we heard earlier? The things they said out of their mouths?"

If you can verify his conjecture, you can only ask the child.

Both Xinxin and Bainiao glanced at Yang Gu.

The child nodded.

“But it’s not just that, there’s also the ins and outs of this place!

This is probably the only clue to whether we can get out of here! "

Sure enough, it was the same as what those people were talking about before. Yang Yu nodded and asked Zhidong to give a rough summary.

Soon the time for a cup of tea passed, and through the children's narration, everyone finally knew where this place was.

A hundred years ago, this place was a small town in the Yundan Kingdom. That day, a natural disaster occurred and all life was lost.

There are legendary immortals who come here to preach, hoping to enlighten the creatures here.

But these people were stubborn and controlled the immortals. In the case of disaster, some people spread the news that eating the flesh of the immortals would lead to immortality.

The immortal was eaten by everyone, and the immortal's bones were buried in the valley outside the city.

From then on, this place became a place abandoned by immortals, and it was also cut off from the outside world and could no longer connect to the outside world.

People here are gradually dying, but those who have eaten immortal meat are still alive.

They are truly immortal.

But soon, these survivors discovered something terrible.

Perhaps because of eating immortals, they lost their five senses forever, could never sleep, could never have sex, and could never eat enough.

They began to beg, begging to be forgiven by the immortals, begging to be forgiven for their sins.

Someone found a method in the valley where the immortal bones were buried.

There are many plants and trees with black roots in the valley, which have grown since the bones of the immortals were buried.

They have to take out those roots and make soup, drink it every day, and then recite some spells and wait for the immortal's response.

When the immortals respond, they will be liberated.

But if the immortals don't respond, their bodies will rot day by day, and their minds will go crazy day by day.

So, these people have been begging here for a long time, doing the same thing day after day, every day.

They will die briefly, only to wake up again soon after.

But a long time has passed and I still haven't gotten a response from the immortal...

After listening to Zhidong's story, three questions suddenly arose in several people's minds.

First, if he was an immortal, how could he be caught by a group of ordinary people? And ate the immortal?

No matter how hard this sounds, it feels impossible.

Not to mention immortals, even practitioners like them, a practitioner in the fake food realm may not be able to be controlled by ordinary people.

Unless this immortal is voluntary!

Second, if the method recorded on this piece of paper is true, why has the immortal not responded after so long?

According to the records on the paper, hundreds of years have passed in this place. Even if it is impossible to determine when this method was found, judging from the degree of decay of these people's bodies, it must have been a long time.

Why didn't they get a response from the Rishi? Could it be that the method recorded on the paper is wrong?

Third, since this place is no longer connected to the outside world and is called a place abandoned by immortals by these people, why did they teleport here? Is it just a coincidence?

Just when a few people were thinking about these three questions, the people who were lying dead on the ground actually started to move again.

They slowly climbed up from the ground one by one, and the gravel on the ground clicked loudly.

Yang Yu and others thought these people were dead, but they were exactly as written on the paper, and they came back to life not long after.

After these people woke up, they first looked at the iron pot on the fire. The thick soup in it was gone. They raised their feet and walked outside.

"What are they going to do?" Xin Xin asked.

"They are going to the valley outside the city to collect the roots and bring them back to make soup.

That's where I first appeared. Those roots can condense into demons, and their cultivation is very weak. "

The heart question was answered by Eucalyptus poplar, which is also a useful piece of information.

"I think we can do what it says on the paper, and that might get us out of here!" Yang Yu continued.

There are no other clues here, this is the only way.

If they could see the immortal, they might be able to leave this place.

"But these people have been trying for so long and haven't been able to get a response from the immortal. If we do the same, I'm afraid it won't be effective."

Zhidong said that she was the only one who knew the words on the paper and understood them in the most detail.

But after getting some information from this piece of paper by touching it, Yang Yu already had a guess in her mind.

"Perhaps they have been chanting the wrong spell all along! We can try it first!"

"Recited the wrong spell?!"

Several people were shocked. Taoist friend Hetou could judge this information only based on what the child told him?

If the spell was recited incorrectly...it seems very possible!

But this raises a new question. If the incantation these people recite is wrong, what is the real incantation?

The three of them all looked at Yang Yu. Since Yang Yu said so, he might have the answer.

Out of caution, Yang Gu gave it a try and did not say it now. Instead, he decided to go to the valley with these people first.

If they want to follow the method written on the paper, they also need those roots.

A few people had no choice but to listen to Yang Gu and follow these people to the valley first.

There is a problem with picking roots. Those roots will manifest into demons. How did these people pick the roots?

After a long time, Yang Gu finally had the answer.

These people were very slow. It took them more than half an hour to walk from the city to the valley.

Yang Yu and others followed these people and entered the valley in groups.

And when these people stepped into the valley, the black roots among the weeds on the ground began to climb up their bodies and penetrate into their bodies.

Not long after, the broken bodies entered one by one, and then came out again with bodies covered with black roots.

"It seems the only option is to rob!"

No one was willing to imitate, Yang Yu and others had made up their minds.

When these people returned to the city again and returned to the fire behind the earth wall, the person walking at the end was knocked to the ground by his heart and held in his hand.

Those black roots were very quiet in the bodies of these people, but there was nothing abnormal, and no demons appeared.

These people returned to the fire and immediately took out all the black roots from their bodies and threw them into the iron pot.

The red-hot iron pot immediately emitted strong black smoke, but as these black roots were thrown in, it thickened in a short while, turning into a pot of black soup, exuding a certain rancid smell. .

Seeing their actions, Yang Yu and others found a place. He used the lighting method to light a fire. Then he followed the same method, lifting the person he was holding in his heart and shaking out all the black roots in his body. In a cauldron set over the fire.

This cauldron was a magic weapon and came from White Bird, she didn't care.

The question now is, who will try?

"You have to drink this soup called Immortal Mio, you have to imagine the existence of immortals in your mind, and you have to recite the incantation these people just recited."

The child repeated it.

The heart immediately volunteered.

"We are all born with flesh and blood, so there is no need to be afraid even if we have to bear the cost. But if there is anything unusual or dangerous about me, I hope that a few fellow Taoists can lend a helping hand."

"rest assured!"

Bai Niao gave him an affirmative answer. Even if Yang Yu and Zhidong stood by and watched, she would definitely take action.

After getting ready, several people looked at Yang Yu.

"This immortal is not that immortal! Replace the word 'immortal' in the spell with '仚'! A person standing on a mountain is a 仚!"

Xin Xin volunteered to give it a try, and Yang Yu also put down his guard. The reason why he didn't say anything before was because he was afraid that these guys would have different intentions, but now it seems that he is obviously overthinking it.

At the same time, he also wanted to see how the natural fat could suppress the cost? How is it different from him?

"It turns out to be this one!"

Everyone was shocked. They had never thought about this before, and they had no idea how Yang Yu could think of it. They could only attribute it to the profound knowledge of Taoist Hetou.

If it was really just a one-word difference that caused these people here to do useless work for a hundred years, this would be too bizarre.

Knowing the answer, Xin Xin nodded. Looking at the thick black soup in the cauldron, without any hesitation, he directly reached into the cauldron, picked up the soup and poured it into his mouth.

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