Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 124 It is suggested to commit suicide. Where is the tree you mentioned?

It was still that slight fluctuation, as if something knocked on Yang Yu's brain.

Instruct the corpse slaves to guard the door so that no one can come.

Yang Gu's consciousness was immediately immersed in the dim light and came to the tree of flesh.

A fruit had just grown on the branch at this time, and it was the striped mask that belonged to the owner.

There is a new notification coming!

"The container transfer will start after burning a stick of incense, everyone should prepare as soon as possible!

In addition, depending on the distance of each person from the teleportation point, it is impossible to lock the unified teleportation point. After teleportation, you must pay attention to safety and meet up as soon as possible before taking action. "

"Brother, you won't send us in front of the flesh-death realm monster from the very beginning, will you?"

After receiving the message from the shop owner, a new reply came immediately.

"It's not impossible." The boss replied.


"However, although I cannot lock the unified transmission location, I can try to ensure that everyone is outside the Jueyun Sect, so there is no need to worry too much.

If you are unlucky enough to encounter a demon that you cannot deal with at the beginning, I suggest you commit suicide before the demon takes action, destroy the container, and force your consciousness to return! "

The shop owner is not sure whether it will be the same as what they said, but he gave a more feasible solution.

Looking at the message on the tree of flesh and blood, Yang Gu couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth, but he did not send a message to ask anything.

Soon, the time of a stick of incense passed.

When a gap opened in the tree of flesh, exposing the faceless body, Yang Yu was already prepared, but in just a moment, his perspective changed.

One second he was in front of the tree of flesh and saw the container appear, but the next second he entered the container without any precautions.

The change of consciousness came too suddenly, and what surprised him even more was that there was no discomfort at all, as if he just blinked and appeared in another place.

There wasn't even the strange feeling of suddenly changing his body in his imagination.

He slowly raised his hand, and there was no ambiguity in controlling this body. It was exactly the same as his own body.

Even the acupoints in the physical body for practicing martial arts and condensing magic power exist and are completely the same.

Not only that, this body was also covered with a bow girl, and there was also a bronze bracelet on the wrist of his right hand. Even the flesh burial talisman was in the flesh and blood of his right hand.

He thought that if he couldn't take out the Flesh Burial Talisman, he wouldn't be able to bring it with him. Unexpectedly, even the Flesh Burial Talisman was also transferred to the container.

If he hadn't known that this was a copied temporary body, Yang Yu would have thought that this was his own body.

There is almost no difference between this feeling and the original body.

Soon, when Yang Gu's consciousness was transferred to the container, the trunk of the tree of flesh gradually closed up, and the originally bright scene quickly dimmed into darkness.

Suddenly, Yang Yu felt that his feet were empty and he suddenly fell downwards.

In the darkness, he seemed to be stuck in a cramped space. The areas squeezing his body were very soft, and the top seemed to be filled with greasy mucus, and it kept falling downwards.

The falling speed was getting faster and faster, and Yang Yu could clearly feel his body being rubbed in the narrow space.

This weird feeling suddenly made Yang Yu think of something bad.

I don't know how much time passed, but when a little light appeared under Yang Yu's feet, he was already in mid-air and falling downwards. He was only about ten meters above the ground.

Yang Yu immediately looked up to see where he came from, but he didn't see anything.

He adjusted his body shape in time and landed steadily on the ground.

Is this outside Jueyun Sect?

The first time he landed, Yang Yu looked around and let go of his senses.

The place where he was happened to be in a valley. The ground was covered with black weeds, the sky above his head was dark, surrounded by several low hills, and beside it were some sparse woods.

It's just that the trees and weeds all grow very strangely, with patches of fine black long whiskers growing on the grass and trees, squirming gently, like long black worms.

It's very quiet here, and Yang Eucalyptus doesn't detect any demonic scent. It should be a relatively safe place.

The boss said before starting the container teleportation that it was impossible to determine the location of everyone's teleportation, so it was necessary to find other people to join as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu immediately touched his face with his hand.

Just when he was teleported here, a layer of cuticle-like material immediately appeared on his face, as if a mask had formed on his face.

On top of the mask is a crane's head, with a long mouth and a pointed beak, white hair and a red crown, and a halo of light on its head.

It is the appearance of the fruit he condensed in the tree of flesh.

It seems that the boss doesn't want the members of the Keihekai to know their respective information. This should be a means of hiding their identities, not just him, but others as well.

Since he could hide his identity, Yang Yu felt relieved.

The next problem is to find the location of Jueyun Sect. It would be best if we can find other people to join together. If we can't find them, we can think of other ways.

People in the Keihui Association say that this place is full of demons, so it is not suitable to travel in the air to avoid attracting the attention of demons in the air.

Yang Gu had no choice but to use her body skills to get out of the valley first.

First find the location of Jueyun Sect, and then check to see if there is any news from other people in the Tree of Flesh.

Since entering the Fu Shi realm, his speed has been much faster than before. In just a few blinks, he was already a thousand meters away.

But just as Yang Yu was heading towards the entrance of the valley leading outside, dozens of strange auras suddenly appeared in his perception.

These breaths seemed to appear suddenly, coming towards him from all directions at extremely fast speeds.


In an instant, Yang Eucalyptus activated the Great Light Buddha's Golden Zen Mantra, turning into dozens of golden lights that surrounded him, blocking everything that came towards him and knocking it to the ground.

They were black fingers, two minutes longer than human fingers. They were pierced by golden light and fell to the ground, and soon became silent.

At the same time, in Yang Yu's perception, these finger-like things immediately lost their breath and became no different from ordinary objects.

Frowning, Yang Yu activated the Baoguang Glaze Purification Technique, emitting a burst of cyan light from his body, and then continued to go out.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him again.

That's it again!

There is no breath at all, these things seem to have grown suddenly.

With the appearance of the black shadow, Yang Gu could immediately sense its aura.

The black shadow quickly twisted into a humanoid shape, and immediately rushed towards Yang Yu, but before it could reach Yang Yu, it was immediately smashed into a sieve by countless golden lights.

With a "bang", it exploded into countless pieces and scattered all over the ground.

The aura of this demon is very weak, and it may even be close to the stage of fake food, and Eucalyptus poplar can be easily destroyed.

But this place was very strange. The monster always appeared silently. He continued to go outside without any pause.

However, when Yang Gu was about to reach the entrance of the valley and was about to go out, he suddenly felt his feet sinking.

A black tentacle as thick as an arm wrapped around his foot at some point, and a huge force suddenly came, pulling Yang Yu back.

The next moment, the countless black slender tentacles on the grass and trees were like dense insects, all gathered together.

In just the blink of an eye, hundreds of demonic auras suddenly appeared in Yang Yu's perception!

It seems that the entire valley is filled with these things, and the aura is stronger than just now, and they are all in the fake food realm!

At the moment when Yang Eucalyptus was controlled by the tentacles under his feet, these suddenly appeared demons turned into black shadows and all rushed towards Yang Eucalyptus.

In an instant, it was as if the sky was overwhelming, and Yang Yu was immediately surrounded by all the black shadows coming towards him.

But just when these demons were about to step within ten feet of Yang Yu, a white light suddenly burst out on Yang Yu's body.

In the blink of an eye, all the demons that rushed towards Yang Eucalyptus were turned into ashes!


A look of disdain appeared on Yang Yu's face, the light dissipated, his figure turned into a black shadow, and he quickly walked out of the valley in the blink of an eye.

After leaving the valley, the vision finally opened up. Although the sky was already gloomy, Yang Yu's eyes were immediately attracted in one direction.

Just to his left, along the mountain road, was a plain.

On the plain, there are almost no trees, but a large number of buildings can be seen. However, from a distance, those buildings are all shrouded in shadow and look very strange.

Is this the Jueyun Sect?

It does look like a practicing sect, but it is more like a small town in the ordinary world. Yang Yu can't feel any life, nor can he feel the breath of any demon.

This ghost place is full of demons. Yang Yu decided to find a relatively safe place first, check if there is any news coming from the Carnitas Tree, and see where other people are.

Soon, Eucalyptus poplar walked to the plain and found a place without the black rhizome tentacles. His consciousness quickly immersed himself in the tree of flesh and blood, and he immediately saw several fruits of different shapes appearing on the tree.

Broken Hand: "I have arrived at the outskirts of Jueyun Sect. There is a very tall tree here, higher than the surrounding trees. The tree is full of corpses. Everyone, come and gather!"

Heidan: "I saw it, fellow Taoist, wait a moment, I'll be there right away."

Sheep Horn: "He'll be there soon!"

Shiratori: "I'm a little far away. Where is the tree you mentioned? Why didn't I see it?"

Baby: "Where did the tree come from? Isn't this a plain?"

Broken Hand: "It's just the trees at the foot of the mountain. What kind of plain? These are all mountains, where does this plain come from?"

After seeing the news from the members of the Economic Rebellion Association, Yang Gu immediately broke away from the tree of flesh.


He glanced around again and looked at the plain in front of him. Except for some trees in the valley he just walked out of, there was no tree at all on this plain.

Not to mention what the member said, right at the foot of the mountain, there was a very tall tree covered with corpses.

For a moment, Yang Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

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