Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 108: Related to the big demon, fifth senior brother Ji Bu

Time flew by and three months passed quickly.

For three whole months, Yang Gu did not waste any time, forgetting to eat and sleep. He spent all his time on practice, day and night.

But even so, three months have passed, and the mana in the acupoints is still one-third away from reaching the late stage of the Yuan Feeding Realm.

When all the elixirs to assist the practice have been consumed, only the formation magic weapon is the only one to assist, and the speed of condensing the magic power also slows down later.

But on this day, while Yang Yu was still practicing, the voice of his second senior brother came from outside his residence.

Before anyone arrived, a violent coughing sound had already awakened Yang Gu from his cultivation state.

"Junior brother, are you in your residence?"

Yang Yu had no choice but to exit the cultivation state, stood up, opened the door, and welcomed the second senior brother in.

Fu Ming still looks sick, and seems to be more serious than when Yang Yu first started.

In fact, Yang Yu has never figured it out. Since Fu Ming is the second senior brother, his cultivation level must be very high, probably second only to the old guy and the senior senior brother.

But why do such people always look like they are suffering from a serious illness that cannot be cured for a long time?

Above the Fu Stone Realm, one is said to be close to the immortal body, but there are no injuries or illnesses that even the immortal body cannot heal?

But after all, this matter had nothing to do with him and he couldn't care less about it. Maybe this was the only abnormal thing about the second senior brother.

"Senior brother, why did you come here to find me today?"

Fu Ming always went to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason. Since he came here, he must have something to tell him, or maybe the old guy had something to tell him.

At the moment, Yang Gu has not yet entered the Fu Shi realm, and the longer the time goes by, the more he feels a little irritated, but there is nothing he can do about this kind of thing.

"This is the new hexagram order. Congratulations, junior brother. From now on, junior brother will be the tenth disciple of the master."

Fu Ming first took out a new hexagram order and handed it to Yang Yu.

The higher the hexagram order number, the stronger the holder is and the more enshrining forces he can take over.

Yang Yu has only taken over one enshrined force now, which is the Blood Bat Gang in Jinlong City. He has not yet had time to take over more forces. He only plans to do these things when he has free time.

Seeing Yang Yu accept the hexagram order, Fu Ming finally talked about the real purpose of looking for him.

"Master has ordered that there are important matters in Liuyun City that need to be dealt with by the disciples. This trip to Liuyun City will be carried out by you, my fifth junior brother, and my twelfth junior sister. We will set off immediately."

Sure enough, Yang Yu knew that it was the old guy who had something to tell him, but it happened to be at this time.

He let out a long sigh in his heart. It seemed that the time to break through the Fu Shi realm would be delayed again.

But it just so happened that he no longer had any elixirs in his hand. If he went out for a trip, it would be good if he could get some resources that would be helpful for his practice.

But what Yang Yu didn't expect was that he would go out with Fifth Senior Brother and Junior Sister Wenyin. The three of them going together?

Could it be that something big is about to happen?

Yang Yu looked at Fu Ming and asked doubtfully: "Senior brother, do you know what the master ordered? Why do we need three people to go together?"

"There are four worshiping forces in Liuyun City, and they all belong to our Minghe Sect. Although I don't know what happened, I guess it must be related to the demon."

"It's most likely related to the big demon."

Fu Ming said slowly, reminding Yang Yu by the way.

"Junior brother, you must be careful when you go this time."

"Thank you, senior brother."

Yang Yu nodded.

Soon, Fu Ming left after explaining the matter.

Big demon...

Yang Gu fell into deep thought.

Since he came to this world, he has seen many monsters, but the big monster he has really seen is a dead thing.

In the Xiyuejiang Incident, at the food gathering held by Master Mu Zhen, the dragon monster that was eaten by everyone was a big monster.

But Yang Yu had never seen a real living big demon, so he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Those who can be called a great demon must at least have a cultivation level above the Fu Shi realm, but he has not even reached the Fu Shi realm yet.

But fortunately, the old guy didn't ask him to go alone, but even the fifth senior brother and junior sister Wenyin also wanted to go together.

Junior Sister Wenyin's previous cultivation level was exposed when the two of them accidentally went to Sansong Mountain. She was in the late Yuanjing realm.

I wonder if after such a long time, I have entered the Fu Shi realm?

As for the fifth senior brother Ji Bu, needless to say, since he is the fifth senior brother, his cultivation is probably not just at the Fu Shi realm, and may even be stronger.

Because above him, there are only three senior brothers: Ye Jin, second senior brother Fu Ming, and third senior sister You Hong'er.

As for the fourth senior brother, Yang Yu has never seen him since he entered Minghe Sect, and has never heard of him from other people. He doesn't know who he is.

But I thought that when Xi Yuejiang first became a disciple, even though he was ranked the thirteenth disciple, the old guy said that he only had eleven useless disciples.

Therefore, Yang Yu reasonably suspects that the one who is missing is most likely the fourth senior brother.

But getting back to the subject, it must be no small matter for three people to go to Liuyun City together. Although Yang Yu felt a little uneasy, he couldn't refuse and could only do it.

Instructing Haofugui to guard his residence, Yang Yu quickly arrived at the mouth of the valley and saw Wen Yin who was already waiting here.

He said hello to Wenyin, he was a senior sister in the past and is a junior sister today. Things in the world are always unpredictable.

Wen Yin didn't have any grudges about it, it was just a title anyway.

After waiting at the entrance of the valley for a long time, a figure finally walked slowly from the blood mist and soon revealed his figure.

It was a man whose whole body was wrapped in cloth strips, and even his head was wrapped so tightly that his face could not be seen at all.

The visitor walked very slowly, and there was some wet blood stained in the gaps between the cloth strips, as if it had just flowed out of his body.

Wen Yin called him "Fifth Senior Brother", and the visitor nodded slowly.

He is the fifth senior brother Ji Bu.

Yang Yu looked him up and down, but he didn't see him before. Even at the apprenticeship banquet in Jinyang Pavilion, he had no impression of Ji Bu.

"Let's go."

Ji Bu said slowly, his voice coming out through the wrapped cloth, and it sounded a little strange.

It was like the sound of sand rubbing against his throat, and there was actually some noise included in it.

Seeing Ji Bu moving slowly, like a person with great difficulty walking, he walked towards the exit of the valley with Wen Yin.

"Fifth Senior Brother, don't we need to take the Earth Worm?"

Yang Eucalyptus asked doubtfully.

But when he asked this question, Ji Bu and Wen Yin, who were walking in front, stopped at the same time.

Ji Bu slowly turned his head and didn't say a word.

The next moment, countless blood-stained strips of cloth flew out from his body, and instantly became entangled in mid-air, condensing into a ferocious beast head, and suddenly attacked Yang Eucalyptus.


Yang Yu was shocked, and immediately summoned the Buddha's light wheel, activated the light and shadow escape method, and instantly avoided the attack of the beast head.

The place where he originally stood was violently chewed by the beast's head, creating a huge hole in the ground.

"Next time, die!"

Fortunately, after just this blow, the beast head quickly dispersed and turned into countless strips of cloth again, which were taken back by Ji Bu.

But Ji Bu turned his head away and said in a slow and cold voice.

This guy! Another lunatic with an abnormal mind!

Yang Yu looked at him equally coldly, completely unaware of what he said just now, where he violated this guy's taboo, and he actually took action at the slightest disagreement.

Is it possible that this guy has some kind of love-hate relationship with those earthworms?

Yang Yu cursed in his heart, but when he saw that Ji Bu had stopped holding his hand and continued walking towards the exit of the valley with Wen Yin, he followed him.

Just out of caution, he subconsciously stayed away from this guy.

Wen Yin turned her head, her eye sockets full of red blood vessels seemed to just glance at Yang Yu lightly, and quickly withdrew her gaze. Maybe now was not the time to explain to him.

The three of them quickly walked out of the Valley of Corpse Spit, passing by the coffin at the entrance of the valley.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound from the coffin.

"Hehehe! Junior brother!"

Hearing the sudden voice of Sixth Senior Brother Jin Tong in the coffin, Yang Yu stopped and looked sideways.

This junior brother was obviously calling him. After all, Ji Bu was the fifth senior brother.

"...If you have the chance, kill this guy! Don't let him kill you first!"


Yang Yu was silent. "This guy" mentioned by the sixth senior brother was undoubtedly referring to the fifth senior brother Ji Bu.

These guys are crazy and can't believe a word they say.

Yang Yu didn't say anything, but just paid attention in his mind. From Ji Bu's sudden attack on him just now, he knew that this guy was definitely not that easy to get along with.

Even without Jin Tong reminding him, he would still pay attention.

Yang Yu was not the only one who heard Jin Tong's voice, Ji Bu and Wen Yin also heard it.

However, Ji Bu didn't have any big reaction. He just snorted coldly, ignored it, and continued walking out of the valley.

Soon, the three of them left Corpse Spit Valley.

"Hahahaha...all of them will die!"

Jin Tong in the coffin seemed to have gone crazy, laughing and shouting wildly, but his voice soon fell silent again.

Half an hour later.

Following the two of them, they saw Ji Bu walking slowly. From the time he left Corpse Spit Valley to now, it was as fast as a walk. He had only walked ten miles until now.

Yang Gu couldn't understand.

Even if you don't take the Earth Worm, since you have to rush to Liuyun City, you should rush there as soon as possible.

After all, being able to send three people to deal with one thing together is definitely no small matter.

Liuyun City is more than 1,300 miles away from Minghe Sect. If we go at this speed, we may not be able to reach it in ten days and a half.

Looking at Ji Bu walking slowly in front of him, isn't this guy not worried at all?

Aren't you afraid that if you go late and something happens, the old guy will blame you?

But now among the three of them, only Ji Bu has the highest status. When they go to deal with the affairs this time, it must be Ji Bu who takes the lead, and the two of them can only listen to him.

Yang Yu had no choice but to remain silent and follow them without saying a word.

Anyway, if the sky falls, the taller ones will die first.

In this way, until two days later, I finally walked a third of the way.

But when passing a village, Ji Bu, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

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