So Xiao Mo has absolutely crazy capital!

Xiao Mo looked at the starry sky around him and then asked:

"Then where should I get out next?"

He suddenly realized at this moment, why not bring him directly to the God Realm, but to this place?

Soon, [Game Official] gave an explanation.

[Dear player Xiao Mo, you will be the last player to enter the finals of the race competition. 】

[So if you are thrown into the God Realm, you may die directly. 】

Xiao Mo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard [Game Official] say this.

There was cruelty in his eyes.

"Death directly? Let them try?"

He didn't believe that anyone could kill him.

[Game Official] did not pay attention to Xiao Mo, who was obviously distracted, but continued:

[Don’t you want to know how long you came after them? 】

This really aroused Xiao Mo's curiosity, "What else are you trying to do? Just tell me how long it will take?"

【100,000 years. 】

Xiao Mo was silent, "What do you mean? I came 100,000 years later than them?"


Xiao Mo smiled and said, "Let me tell you, if the master of the territory who is as powerful as me arrived here 100,000 years earlier than me, then what else would I be doing?"

[The ones who arrived last are 100,000 years earlier than you. 】

Xiao Mo was stunned and almost couldn't hold back the curse words.

"You [game official] have learned so badly, why are you still breathing heavily when you talk?"

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. The latest ones were 100,000 years older than him.

He can reach this level in a month, how powerful must those puppies be?

Xiao Mo thought about it for a while and then simply stopped thinking about it.

"What the hell, it's all done anyway!"

"What about the earliest one? Whose puppy was the first to come to this world? And how long ago."

[Tang Xiangxun, the God of Destruction, has been in this world for a million years. 】

"Fuck, it's doubled ten times, this is really an old monster!"

Xiao Mo was stunned for a moment when he heard this one million years.

There is actually a territorial lord who can stay in this world for a million years. What kind of concept is this?

He has been here for a month, and it feels like half a lifetime has passed.

But the lord of the territory who first came to this world has been here for a million years.

"So that means he has almost been assimilated into this world?"

After staying there for so many years, he must have become an authentic god like the local gods in this world, right?

However, to his surprise, [Game Official] rejected him.

[That’s not the case, he still keeps his heart. 】

[Similarly, he is also the biggest competitor of you nine puppies. 】

[As the weakest territory lord, you must be careful, otherwise you will be hunted down. 】

Xiao Mo clenched his fist and said, "Okay, I understand, then let me enter the Upper God Realm!"

He couldn't wait to see what that world was like.

【Do you want to enter the realm of gods? 】


Xiao Mo clicked [Yes] without hesitation.

Then a golden light flashed around him, and the glow appeared again.

There seems to be beautiful singing lingering in my ears.

Xiao Mo walked forward without hesitation. At the same time, [Game Official] also issued orders in his ears.

[Enter the first level of the God Realm, grab a territory, and settle your territory. 】

[The mission is successful and you will be rewarded with an artifact! 】

[If you fail the mission, you will be erased from this world! 】

Xiao Mo raised the corners of his lips and said, "Yes!"

In his dictionary, he never thought of failure.

He vowed to win this battle!

[Welcome to the Upper God Realm—the ultimate cosmic world! 】

Then the starry sky around him rotated, and the stars all over the sky fell like raindrops.

The whole scene seemed dreamy and very strange.

Then Xiao Mo stood alone among them, his whole body exuding a holy light.

It looks sacred and inviolable, and people can't help but surrender to it.

When the surrounding scene stabilized again, Xiao Mo found that the surrounding scene had completely changed when he opened his eyes.

There were birds chirping and flowers fragrant around me, the warm sun was shining brightly, and there was a very warm atmosphere all around.

People can't help but float in it.

In front of him was a small town, but even if it was small, it was much higher than the original continent.

Xiao Mo looked at the very peaceful town in front of him and couldn't help but ask:

"[Game Official], where did you teleport me to? What is this place?"

It was not agreed that he should attack Tang Xiangxun, the God of Destruction, but why did he put him in this small town now?

[Game Official] responded to him quickly.

[Player, haven’t you noticed that you are missing something? 】

If [Game Official] had a specific form, Xiao Mo would definitely give him a blank look.

But he also rolled his eyes and said:

"Aren't you talking nonsense? How could I not know?"

"Aren't you just saying that my territory is gone?"

[Game Official] There seems to be some dumbfounding, [You actually discovered it? 】

Xiao Mo felt that his IQ was insulted, "What else? What do you mean? He has lost such a large territory, can't I see it?"

[Game Official] I’m really surprised this time, [Then why are you still so calm? 】

Xiao Mo rolled his eyes again.

"My territory is gone. Can't I feel it myself? He is in this world, but he just didn't appear."

"If I want him to appear, I have to ask you to help, right?"

Xiao Mo has actually always felt the existence of the territory and the immortal and demon soldiers, but he is still a little worried in his heart.

Because he was worried that the heroine would not follow.

The heroine was brought here by him, and she does not belong to the fairy or demon army.

If the world he came to rejects everything that does not belong to his military type.

Then, I don’t know if the heroine will follow.

Fortunately, when he asked this question, [Game Official] replied very calmly.

[You don’t need to worry about this at all, the heroine will be back. 】

When Xiao Mo heard this, he nodded with relief.

Then he continued, "Then what are you doing by putting me in this place?"

[Game Official] said calmly again.

[Because player, you are the last player to arrive in this world, so we can give you some preferential treatment. 】

[What you need to do now is to occupy a territory and place your own territory. 】

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