Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 885 Thank you, His Majesty the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire

Xiao Mo still felt very strange, "Why is that?"

After he asked this question, he had other thoughts in his mind.

"Is that because I saved them in this battle?"

"Is that why they thank me so much? And thus they have the power of faith in me?"

[Game Official] confirmed immediately.

【Yes. 】

Xiao Mo felt a little strange as he said this, "Is this power of faith so good?"

If this is the case, then why does the [game official] say that he is the first person to obtain the power of faith?

For example, Helena Tis, the former goddess of nature and earth goddess, once saved the people in this place.

But I have never heard that the earth goddess Helena Tis has the power of faith?

Xiao Mo always felt a little strange, something was wrong.

At this time, [Game Official] said.

[Although they also give you the power of faith, that kind of power is completely incomparable to the power of faith that your civilians give you. 】

[Because someone has faith in you, and you can feel this faith, these people's worship of you is transformed into the power of faith. 】

Xiao Mo understood now. He looked at the people who were now kneeling.

I wanted to ask what was going on, but it seemed like a long time had passed at this time, and the people kneeling on the ground gradually came back to their senses.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

"I just had a feeling of surrender in my heart, and I always felt that something else was calling me!"

"I couldn't help but kneel on the ground."

"I feel it too, that feeling of surrender seems to come from Xiao Mo!"

"The boss seems to have a touch of magic in his body, which makes me admire and surrender to him infinitely!"

"I seem to have felt this power somewhere before!"

"Is it a different world? I have encountered this kind of power there before, and that power seems to have come from Xiao Mo!"

"I am a god. How could I kneel down to the lord of a territory just now?"

"I can't resist the call in my heart at all. What on earth is going on? Why am I like this?"

"But it seems that this feeling is not bad. It makes me feel very at ease and I can't help but trust Xiao Mo."


All the people who came back to their senses were discussing this matter involuntarily, and everyone looked at Xiao Mo with a hint of admiration and excitement.

At this time, they looked at a place where there were no other creatures except them, the lords of the territory and the local gods.

It was like a sudden reaction.

"Where is the alien demon clan? Where is the Dark Emperor?"

"Why have they disappeared? Where have they gone?"

"What happened just now? How could it become like this?"

"It's so strange. I just seemed to see a finger falling from the sky!"

"Isn't that a palm?"

"The one on the palm was made by the Dark Emperor. When the finger fell down, it directly knocked the emperor's palm off. It was very powerful."

"Whose finger is that?"

"Is it an alien object?"

"Did you all go blind just now? It must have been released by our boss!"

"He just released such a powerful power, and those fingers that can destroy the world must have been released by our boss!"

"Oh my God, no, how can he be so powerful?"

"This is really incredible!"

"Yes, even a real god cannot have such powerful abilities as Xiao Mo!"

"I admire him so much! He is my god!"

"So, that is to say, all those alien demons have been wiped out by that finger, and we are safe!"

After everyone realized this, their faces showed disbelief.

Because not even three days have passed since the alien demon clan came to this world, and they have all been wiped out.

This kind of speed is something their local gods can't even dream of.

"Two days! In just two days! All the alien evil spirits have been wiped out!"

"Oh my God, am I dreaming?"

"I remember the last time the alien demon clan came to this world, we spent a lot of effort and barely managed to drive away all the alien demon clan."

"And it took decades. If it weren't for Helena Tis, the goddess of nature and earth, who dedicated herself, our entire continent might have fallen and we wouldn't be able to see the light of tomorrow."

"But now, it only took two short days to drive away all the alien demons."

"This is really too fantasy!"

"This is really unbelievable. I originally hated the Territory Lord, but now I suddenly find that the Territory Lord's arrival has really given us too many unexpected surprises."


Now that the local gods and the territorial lord have reviewed these matters, they finally understand that all this was because Xiao Mo saved them.

Although this time the excitement in their hearts was not as strong as when they were just affected by the divine power.

But they couldn't help but want to kneel down in front of Xiao Mo and express their inner excitement.

However, even though they were still concerned about their own face at this time, they still bent down very gratefully and saluted Xiao Mo respectfully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire!"

"Thank you, boss, for the rescue!"


The cheers of the territorial lord and the local gods resounded throughout the world, reaching thousands of meters away.

Even some gods are still in the midst of an accident and don't know what happened.

But after hearing the cheers of these people, he followed the idea in his heart and shouted crazily, calling Xiao Mo's name.

Invisible to everyone, a faint golden light gradually emerged from their bodies.

It flew towards Xiao Mo like a firefly and flowed into Xiao Mo's body.

Xiao Mo also felt a warm breath wrapping around him at this time.

All the divine power that had been consumed in his body was replenished again.

It made his whole body feel very comfortable, and he couldn't help but want to sigh comfortably.

"Is this the power of faith?"

Xiao Mo looked at his white hands and murmured to himself.

No one answered him, but Xiao Mo was able to confirm it at this time.

The immortal and demon soldiers also looked at their master with great admiration, their eyes full of deep admiration.

At this moment, they really recognized Xiao Mo from their souls.

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