The powerful evil force just now also made Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, feel alert, so he ran away without stopping.

But after all, it is that evil spirit, and it only works against evil spirits here.

So they didn't stop him when he ran away.

Otherwise, with his god-level power, he would have turned into a ball of rotten meat!

That kind of terrifying ability makes everyone feel very scared and frightened.

Xiao Xiaoxiao's steps forward paused, and she looked at Zhao Tiancheng with a long look.

She said with a bit of innocence:

"Of course Father Xiao Mo told me that you are on our side. I just glanced at you. Why are you so scared?"

Zhao Tiancheng shook his legs and thought in horror.

This eldest sister, the power you just had to kill a blood demon with one move should frighten everyone, right?

But now that Xiao Xiaoxiao knew who she was and would not harm her, Zhao Tiancheng was no longer so afraid.

Now that the princess is dead, the remaining female domain owners are just a bunch of rabble, and they immediately ran away without stopping.

Like a group of bereaved dogs, their hearts are also full of fear.

Because the powerful evil power in Xiao Xiaoxiao was really terrifying.

That kind of purity, that kind of cleanliness, that kind of holiness is simply not the kind of demonic power that ordinary demons can possess.

So these evil spirits ran away in fear, not even daring to look back.

"Oh my god, what kind of power is this!?"

At this time, a scream sounded, and the tone was full of disbelief.

Everyone looked back and saw that these were the words of a female territory owner.

The silence was broken by this scream, and everyone reacted. Xiao Xiaoxiao actually killed an evil demon master with just one simple move.

There began to be a lot of discussion about this matter.

"Yes, yes, she is so powerful. I can't even imagine that she has such strength!"

"She looked so cute just now, like a well-behaved little girl, but in the blink of an eye she turned into a big devil!"

"This is really amazing!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, sister? What a big devil, he is obviously our savior!"

"That's true. He is so powerful. I never imagined that we would be saved by a little girl."

"It seems that our strength is too weak!"

"It's not that our strength is too weak, sisters, we don't need to feel inferior. It's really because their strength is too strong!"

"Think about it, these are the people around Mr. Xiao Mo, how could they not be powerful?"

"But to be honest, where did this little girl come from? I have never seen such a powerful little girl next to Mr. Xiao Mo?"

"Don't you see that this is a normal thing? There are so many talented people around Mr. Xiao Mo, why don't you let you see every one of them?"

"But I seem to have heard from the owners of the female territories that this little girl actually has the power of the devil?"

"And it seems to be very pure? What is the reason for this? It sounds like you are a little scared?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. As long as it can protect us, then it is our friend!"

"We don't need to be afraid at all!"

"I don't know why, but I always feel like this little girl comes from another world!"

"Where's the evidence? What evidence do you have? Moreover, the evil spirits in the other world are even weaker and not as powerful as the current evil spirits!"

"I told you it was just a feeling, how can I have any evidence? If I had evidence, I would have come up with it long ago!"


The owners of the female territory began to talk about Xiao Xiaoxiao's identity. Dou Xiaodou looked at Xiao Xiaoxiao who was covered in blood, and she immediately ran forward.

"Xiao Xiaoxiao, are you okay now? Are you injured?"

In fact, Xiao Xiaoxiao's current situation is very terrifying. His body is covered with black blood, his eyes are red, and his face is indifferent.

It looks like a very scary demon.

Ordinary people simply don't have the guts to approach her.

But Dou Xiaodou didn't think it was anything important at all. He felt that this was her trusted friend, so he walked over very boldly.

Xiao Xiaoxiao was originally very evil, with murderous aura all over his body.

But after Dou Xiaodou took her hand, the terrifying aura dissipated immediately.

His red skin suddenly turned white again, and the horns on his head and the pair of wings on his back had also disappeared.

The whole person became that cute little girl again.

"Of course I'm fine, they're just a bunch of weak trash. They're already dead before I can even move my muscles and bones. They're really useless!"

Xiao Xiaoxiao hugged her chest and said very proudly. It seemed that she really felt a little unfinished.

Zhao Tiancheng knelt aside and was completely stunned. This was really too weird!

All the female domain owners were going to be killed by this scary little witch, who actually felt a little inactive.

It really makes people feel like they don’t know what to say.

Dou Xiaodou breathed a sigh of relief when he discovered that Xiao Xiaoxiao was really not injured.

But her expression did not change for the better, but she still had a frown, as if she was disturbed by something.

Xiao Xiaoxiao felt Dou Xiaodou's emotions very keenly, and asked with some confusion:

"Dou Xiaodou, I just defeated the evil spirit. Aren't you happy? Why do you look like this?"

Dou Xiaodou shook his head, showed a smile, and then said:

"That's not the case, Xiao Xiaoxiao. In fact, I'm very happy, but it's just because I'm still a little worried about the goddess of fate, Ila. You said that all the evil spirits have come out now."

"Is Ila, the goddess of fate, in danger?"

Dou Xiaodou attaches great importance to the safety of the goddess of destiny, so after seeing so many female domain owners, he felt uneasy in his heart.

However, Xiao Xiaoxiao, who knew the outcome early on, said:

"Oh, I told you, you don't need to worry about this at all! Goddess of Destiny will be fine, you just need to trust me now!"

After hearing these words, Dou Xiaodou was still a little worried, but he could only nodded and said:

"Xiao Xiaoxiao, now that we have finished all our things, what should we do now?"

"Do you want to go back?"

Her words fell on the ears of the female territory owners, and the territory owner Shen Qingqing immediately ran over with her people.

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