"Brothers, now that we have the bomb, what will Mr. Xiao Mo make next?"

"I think with how invincible Mr. Xiao Mo is, things like atomic bombs are already right in front of us."

"It's outrageous, it's outrageous!"

"Not to mention an atomic bomb, I think even if it's a rocket, Mr. Xiao Mo will make it immediately if he wants it, right?"

"Brothers, is now the time to talk about these things? We are going to be blown up by these bombs soon, and you are still praising Mr. Xiao Mo!"


At this time, there was a roar!

Everyone looked back and saw that a peak-level god-level demon was not completely dead.

At this moment, they were running towards the fleeing territorial lords with their huge wings fluttering.

However, the other side of them is the exploding flames. Now it seems that there is no way out and there are pursuers behind them.

No matter where they go, they will encounter great danger and the situation is very critical.

"Look! Isn't this bbq? We may die here this time!"

"Ahhh! Help! Brother Xiao Mo, come and save us!"

"Woo woo woo, goddess sister Mo Youyou, didn't you say you would protect us? Where are you now?"

"Sister Mo Youyou is a liar, a big liar. I will never trust you again!"


Each of them covered their eyes, not daring to face the evil demon.

Just as that crazy god-level alien demon clan rushed over, everyone already had the mentality of certain death.

However, at this moment, a very cold voice came.

"Who are you calling a liar?"

Then there was a howl of pain.


The attack was not as expected, and the territorial owners who were originally very desperate found that they were still alive.

The territorial lords opened their eyes and saw their goddess sister standing in front of them.

Directly blocking the attack of the alien demon clan, and then tearing apart the demon that attacked them with both hands.

Seeing this brutal scene, all the territory owners couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He looked stunned, obviously not recovering from the shock.

Mo Youyou tilted her head and asked again:

"What about you? Who were you just calling a liar?"

After hearing this sentence, every territory owner's attitude was very calm.

But everyone involuntarily took a step back and whispered:

"No, no, no, it's not me, it's not me, I never said that!"

"Neither do I, nor do I! I have always felt that Sister Mo Youyou is a person who especially keeps her promises!"

"It's so handsome, so handsome!"

"Sister Mo Youyou's attack just now made me look so cool! I was scared to death just now!"

"Yes, yes, sister Mo Youyou is so handsome!"

"I have always thought that Sister Mo Youyou is a very good person! She will definitely not break her promise!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Sister Mo Youyou is my god!"


Mo Youyou glanced at them, and then smiled helplessly.

"Do you only say these words every day? Even if you praise the great Holy Lord, you still say that he is your god!"

"You guys are so weird!"

After hearing these words, the territorial lords thought that Mo Youyou felt that what they said was too the same.

So dissatisfied with them.

Immediately, all the territorial lords immediately spoke out their words of praise again.

The new tricks make people feel very embarrassed.

Mo Youyou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then explained:

"I didn't mean to put you in danger just now. I didn't know His Majesty the Holy Lord could be so powerful!"

But she actually vaguely felt something was wrong just now, but she couldn't tell what happened at that second.

So Mo Youyou just thought that something was wrong with the magnetic field at that time.

Although he had calmed down by this time, the owner of the territory was still very excited.

"All this is simply outrageous! I have never seen anyone as powerful as Mr. Xiao Mo!"

"He can even create bombs! How did he get such a brain?"

"And how was this bomb made? How could it be so powerful?"

"And I have never heard that Mr. Xiao Mo can make bombs before, and I have never heard of the news that a bomb has been made."

"Was Mr. Xiao Mo a science student in the modern world? Why can he even come up with this thing?"

"This liberal arts student can only do soy sauce and doesn't even know anything?"

"No, no, no, this is not because of liberal arts students or science students. As a science student, I can't make bombs!"

"So all this is Boss Xiao Mo's awesomeness! We mortals shouldn't mention these things!"

"That's right. The more we compare, the sadder it becomes. Now we just need to lie down honestly."


Xiao Mo would have laughed to death if he had heard the boast made by the owner of the territory to Xiao Mo.

Because this bomb is just an inspiration, not as powerful as these little fruit dogs say.

He just used a little bit of the bomb concept and then put some divine power inside it.

Then there would be such a powerful explosion, and he was very surprised by this.

On the other side, Mother Goddess Myrslina, His Highness God King Dildenima and others saw the magical scene in front of them.

They were all dumbfounded.

"What the hell is that round thing? Is it another artifact? It can be so powerful!"

"They actually have so many artifacts! Is all this true?"

Zhao Tiancheng, who was squatting aside and continuing to count the ants, was the only person present who knew what it was.

At this moment, he could be said to be truly convinced, and said silently in his heart:

"D, some people are really incomparable! Boss Xiao Mo is indeed Boss Xiao Mo! It's different for us civilians! This guy even made a bomb!"

"I'm really going to conquer this damn turtle grandson this time! How can he be so powerful?"

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