Sure enough, the next second the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, said:

"Your Majesty the Demonic Mother Goddess Mirsilina, you can ask the owner of this territory how long it took to reach this level?"

Zhao Tiancheng's heart tightened. Why did Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, say this?

It is true that the lord of the territory is under the dual arrangement of the laws of the world and the [game official].

The speed of improving strength is very fast. Compared with the indigenous gods, it is as fast as riding a rocket.

Their rapid advancement has already made the local gods feel very dissatisfied and fearful.

If this very special thing of theirs made the inhumane alien demon clan take notice, then he would probably be doomed this time.

So when faced with the question from Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, Zhao Tiancheng looked disgusted and hesitated to say why.

He never spoke.

Seeing this scene, Mother Goddess Mirsilina became more and more curious, and when Zhao Tiancheng didn't say anything, she immediately showed a fierce expression.

"Hmph! You dare to hide something, then I'll show you how awesome you are now!"

Saying that, before Zhao Tiancheng could react, Mother Goddess Mirsilina waved her hand.

A small wisp of purple-black smoke quickly poured into Zhao Tiancheng's forehead.

After the smoke entered Zhao Tiancheng's forehead, Zhao Tiancheng immediately felt as if his forehead had been bitten.

Immediately afterwards, the nerves in his mind seemed to be eaten by ants, and the pain made him roll all over the floor.

Holding this head at a loss.

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

"I said I said it's not okay!?"

"Get this smoke out quickly, I'm really in pain! Hurry up!"

"Brothers and sisters, please, don't make this smoke again, I'm telling you now!"

When Zhao Tiancheng called her eldest sister, Mother Goddess Myerslina snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Tiancheng felt his head hurt even more.

He cried and begged and said:

"Your Highness, the noble and beautiful Mother Goddess Mirsilina, please, please get rid of this smoke in my mind. I'm going to die!"

"Your Highness the Mother Goddess Mirsilina, you are the most beautiful goddess in this world, with a beautiful heart and a sweet heart!"

"I'll tell you everything you want to know!"

After Zhao Tiancheng praised the Mother Goddess Mirsrina for a while, the expression of the Mother Goddess Mirsrina finally became much calmer.

The delicate little finger gently hooked.

Immediately, the purple-gray smoke came out of Zhao Tiancheng's mind again and returned to the palm of her hand.

If you look closely, you will see that the purple-black thing is not smoke at all, but a small twisting snake.

Those who watched it felt even more frightened.

Zhao Tiancheng patted his chest in fear. Seeing a small snake as big as a thumb entering his mind, goosebumps all over his body rose involuntarily.

Really, it's not like he didn't say it, he has never been the kind of person who can endure hardship.

It's okay to just scare him, why should you go to him seriously? ?

Zhao Tiancheng cursed in his heart and said with great respect:

"Dear Mother Goddess Mirsilina, it only took a month for me to rise from the level of a commoner to the level of a god."

"A month!?"

"How can this be!?"

Mother Goddess Myrsrina and His Royal Highness God King Dildenima simultaneously exclaimed in disbelief, obviously very shocked.

"Is this true or false?"

Before Zhao Tiancheng had time to answer, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, said immediately:

"Of course all this is true, I witnessed it with my own eyes!"

After Mother Goddess Myrsrina and His Highness God King Dildenima heard the answer from Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, they knew that all this must be true.

The two of them looked at each other, and they could see the extremely shocked color in their eyes.

After all, in just one month, he went from being a mortal to a god.

Anyone who sees such news will think that this person is bragging, which is not the case at all.

Although before the God King, the speed of improving strength was indeed faster than after.

It still requires thousands of years of improvement from tens of thousands of years.

Then someone told them now that it only takes a short month to reach the god level from a commoner.

The two demons who heard all this felt that it was too dreamy.

If Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, had not testified and beaten them to death, they would not have believed it.

Seeing the extremely shocked expressions of Mother Goddess Myrsrina and His Royal Highness God King Dildenima, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, couldn't help but sneer.

"Don't be so surprised, there's more to it than that!"

"more than?"

The expression of Mother Goddess Mirsilina was very confused. She didn't know what could be more dreamy than this.

However, the news that Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, told her next still shocked her so much that she almost lost her balance.

"That bitch Xiao Mo has already reached the level of a God Lord in just one month!"


"That's completely impossible, right?"

His Royal Highness the God King Dildenima and the Mother Goddess Mirsilina both felt like they were going to be stupid. Their worldviews had a huge impact in just one day.

At the same time, several major senses of crisis also arose in their hearts.

If so, the territorial lord would be able to improve his abilities so quickly.

So if they fail again this time, it will take hundreds of thousands of years until the next attack on the Yuanchu Continent.

Hundreds of thousands of years are enough for the lords of these territories to reach the level of divine masters.

By then, maybe the entire Human Origin Continent will have become the lord of the territory.

At that time, everyone on the original continent was a god at the level of a god.

Then how should they, a clan of alien demons, mix with each other?

So this time, even if they fail, they must deal with these territorial lords.

Thinking of this, Mother Goddess Myerslina's eyes became colder and colder when she looked at Zhao Tiancheng.

Under the cold eyes, Zhao Tiancheng shivered and did not dare to look at the mother goddess Mirsilina at all.


At this time, a huge noise pulled everyone back from their thoughts.

Everyone immediately turned around and looked towards where the sound was, only to see a plume of thick smoke rising from the pile of demons.

And at this time, the Chinese people vaguely smelled the smell of burning barbecue.

A burst of fire shot into the sky, and the entire dark night sky was illuminated again.

I saw Xiao Mo holding the golden bow and arrow in his hand, with great momentum, like the sun god coming down to earth!

He drew his bow and arrow, aiming at the alien demon clan that was attacking the empire's defense shield...

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