Immediately, the demon continued to attack the protective cover, spitting out violent flames from its mouth, and exploded when it collided with the protective cover.

Because the density was too high, some demons were even accidentally injured by their companions. Huge corpses fell from the sky, hitting the ground and splashing dust all over the sky.

Even though they have not caused any harm to the Immortal and Demonic Empire for the time being.

But the terrifying amount made all the people feel as if a huge mountain was weighing on their hearts.

Their breathing became heavy involuntarily, and they felt a little worried in their hearts.

Under the current circumstances, even a blind man can get experience points by just shooting an arrow into the sky!


This is exactly how the immortal and demon arms acted at the moment.

The immortals and demons held bows and crossbows and kept shooting arrows into the sky. The dense arrows fell into the demons like a heavy rain.

However, they need to be careful not to shoot another wave of immortal and demon soldiers that are firing arrows close to the edge of the protective shield.

The highest point of the fairy and demon empire.

Xiao Mo looked down at the battle below.

He was imagining the plan in his mind. After deducing it in his mind for a moment, he frowned and said:

“Although this plan can cause a lot of damage to the demons in a short period of time, it is too risky.

His plan was to let the owner of the territory act as a bait, and then lure the demon clan, who would then have a mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind.

But I didn't expect that these evil demons were so densely packed and there were so many of them.

Xian'er looked at Xiao Mo, nodded, and said seriously:

"It doesn't matter, Lord Holy Lord, we will obey your arrangements in everything."

"But if you follow this process, they have a high mortality rate."

Xiao Mo frowned.

It seems that the plan is too radical. Although the income after the plan is successful is definitely not low, more than half of the territory owners may die in battle!

Unlike the soldiers, the leader of the territory can be resurrected by the immortal and demon reincarnation pool.

Xiao Mo just finished speaking.

The roar in the sky became louder and louder, and the vibrating sound of the demon's wings also sounded like a dense drumbeat.

Not long after, the roar of all the beasts galloping was like thunder!

Everyone's eyes passed through the gap between the alien demon clan, and they saw the huge demons coming like an endless wave.

Although their goal is not just the Immortal and Demonic Empire, most of the otherworldly evil demons under the control of the Mother Goddess Mirsilina still come towards the Immortal and Demonic Empire.

Xiao Mo raised his head and looked at the army of evil spirits who were attacking the imperial defense shield but were repelled by the attack released by the imperial defense shield.

"This plan...maybe no longer needed to be implemented!"

After the large army of evil spirits leaves, the remaining evil spirits wandering around the territory must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Although sacrifice is necessary, it is not necessary to make such a big sacrifice.

At the same time as the demon clan attacked the empire's defense shield.

The elf mother Shuya also assembled the elf team.

She looked at the army of demons spreading wantonly and shouted:

"Fire the arrow!"

The elves released arrows instantly, and the number was like raindrops.

The arrows they released were not ordinary arrows, but arrows specially enchanted and strengthened by Xiao Xiaoxiao.

It has unexpected effects on evil spirits.

As the dense rain of arrows continued to fly high into the sky, news about hunting evil spirits kept refreshing on the system panel.

Experience points are skyrocketing!

The [World Chat Channel] interface is also constantly refreshing with the number of demons Xiao Mo has hunted.

In just one minute, nearly 10,000 demons were hunted.

This speed is simply incredible.

If the territorial lords were not nervously fighting against the evil spirits now, otherwise, they would definitely make a noise again when they saw this scene!

Looking at the boundless demons in the distance, Xiao Mo gently stroked the divine sword in his hand, his slender sword eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

He is now considering whether he should take action at this moment.

The number of demons was beyond his imagination.

But in the end, he saw the Mother Goddess Myrsrina standing outside, and then glanced at the overwhelming elf team.

Suddenly I felt like I could wait a little longer.

After all, his immortal and demon soldiers also need to upgrade their levels. If he has to do everything, then he will be too busy...

Mother Goddess Mirsilina looked at the scene in front of her and also felt very incredible.

Because she didn't expect Xiao Mo to have such a powerful imperial defense shield to stop them here.

Looking at the demons that were losing more and more, the gentle face of the Mother Goddess Mirsilina grew colder and colder.

In fact, before attacking the Immortal Demon Empire, she had already inquired with His Highness God King Dildenima who came to the Yuanchu Continent first.

It is clear from the mouth of His Highness God King Dildenima that although the Fairy and Demon Empire has an imperial defense shield, it has been broken by Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire.

And now there is another one!

Mother Goddess Myrsrina clenched her fists angrily, and then shouted:

"God King Deildenima! Get here!"

Her voice was actually not loud, but His Royal Highness God King Dildenima who was far away heard her instantly.

Hearing the angry voice of the Mother Goddess Myrsrina, His Highness God King Dildenima was completely confused and had no idea what was going on.

But he was still very nervous and immediately rushed to the side of the Mother Goddess Mirsilina.

At the same time, he also brought Zhao Tiancheng and Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire.

Zhao Tiancheng was forced to capture him, but Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, followed him deliberately.

Because the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, had heard the news that the alien demon clan was attacking the Immortal Demon Empire, and he was immediately overjoyed.

I want to come over and watch a show.

Because in his memory, the alien demon clan is very powerful.

No matter how powerful Xiao Mo's fairy and demon empire is, it will definitely not be able to withstand the attack of the alien demon clan.

However, what he didn't expect was when he arrived at the location.

However, I saw countless evil demons crawling on the imperial defense cover of the Fairy and Demon Empire, making it difficult to move forward at all!

"how so?!"

"Didn't I break the imperial defense barrier? Why is it still here?"

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