The Lord of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, briefly introduced the Lord of the Territory to His Royal Highness God King Dildenima.

After hearing this, His Highness the God King Diildenima showed curiosity on his face.

"It's interesting, it turns out to be like this!"

"The laws of the world actually allow the arrival of foreign objects. So what is the reason?"

Having said this, His Royal Highness God King Diildenima suddenly changed the subject and looked coldly at Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire.

"But you accepted the owner of the territory so easily, but you drove us away so cruelly back then!"

"Then why do you have such double standards! It's really abominable!"

Faced with the sudden attack by His Highness the God-King Deildenima, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, panicked for a moment.

I don’t know why His Highness God King Diildenima is so angry.

Because, when the lord of the territory first arrived, they indeed had no intention of resisting.

Because for local gods like them, the lord of the territory is too weak and not worthy of their attention at all.

Later, when Xiao Mo, the leader of the territory, appeared, they gradually paid attention to the leader of the territory.

Otherwise, if it weren't for Xiao Mo, they wouldn't have taken the owner of the territory seriously.

Moreover, after the territorial lords arrived on the original continent, they were very peaceful, not to mention that they had usurped their resources to a certain extent.

Still compared to the cruel alien demon clan, they were so gentle that it was unbelievable.

Therefore, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, felt very baffled by the anger of His Highness God-King Dildenima.

But he didn't dare to say anything, so he just said:

"I don't like those territorial lords either. I very much welcome the arrival of the alien demon clan, but I can't control other people's thoughts!"

"Those territorial lords are really annoying, especially Xiao Mo! They are the most hateful!"

Nowadays, a god who is a low-level god is so humble in front of a demon who is at the peak of the god king.

The soldiers of the Glorious Empire felt very sad when they saw the scene in front of them.

It's really a pity that their proud leader has turned into this!

They had now completely lost confidence in Hess Adam, the leader of the glorious empire, and began to curse him silently in their hearts.

And where others can't see it, the dim golden light on the body of Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, is now even dimmer, almost invisible.

His Royal Highness the God-King Deildenima also looked down upon the flattering Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, with great disdain.

But he did not show it, but said:

"I don't care what you think, tell me now what kind of person Xiao Mo is!"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, nodded obediently, and then told His Highness God King Dildenima everything about Xiao Mo.

Then he described Xiao Mo as a very unforgivable person, as if the original world would become like this, not because of the evil devil, but because of Xiao Mo.

Even the leader of the territory who hated Xiao Mo couldn't stand hearing what he said.

"This idiot!"

At this time, the owner of the territory felt very regretful.

Now I just hope that the question will forget that there is still a territorial lord staying here.

After hearing these words from Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, His Highness God King Dildenima's eyes flickered slightly.

Then he said:

"It seems that this Xiao Mo is indeed a very annoying person!"

"As evil spirits sent down by God, we will definitely kill him and bring light back to this world!"

After saying that, His Royal Highness God-King Dildenima suddenly stood up from the throne, almost startling Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire beside him.

His Royal Highness God King Diildenima summoned the demon army, then commanded them and said:

"All the evil demons obeyed the order, half of the evil demons went to harass other gods and kingdoms, and the other half of the evil demons all attacked the fairy and demon empire!"

It seems that this clan of alien demons really takes a fancy to the Immortal and Demonic Empire, and they actually sent half of their troops to attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire.

After hearing what His Royal Highness God-King Deildenima said, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, was not so happy.

Because, in his memory, the alien demon clan is a group of beasts with no brains and can only kill.

However, now, only hundreds of thousands of years have passed, these alien demons have gained such powerful wisdom and learned to form troops and formations.

This is simply something he could never imagine!

Now the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, feels gloomy in his heart, because he knows that the current Yuanchu Continent is definitely doomed.

The alien demon clan is so powerful that they will definitely take the original continent into their pocket.

But at this time, he was still a little lucky in his heart. After all, he had fallen to the alien demon clan.

The moment His Highness God-King Diildenima finished speaking, all the demons that had been doing nothing rushed out with bared teeth and claws.

The ferocious gesture made everyone feel very frightened.

In an instant, a battle is about to begin!

Facing the sudden attack from the evil spirits, all the gods and territorial lords in the Yuanchu Continent were prepared.

【World Chat Channel】

[The evil spirits have begun to attack us! 】

[What should we do now! 】

[Should we still do what Mr. Xiao Mo said? 】

【Wow! These evil spirits are really powerful! I just saw him destroy a medium-sized city with my own eyes! 】

[But on the surface he just looks like a god-level demon. 】

[I don’t think even a god-level god can do it! 】

[These evil spirits are at least ten times more powerful than those from another world! 】

【I feel a little scared! What will happen if we can't beat it? 】

[What do we have to be afraid of? Didn’t Mr. Xiao Mo already provide us with ideas? 】

[As long as we follow Mr. Xiao Mo, there will be nothing wrong! 】


Just as the alliance formed by the territorial lords was discussing this matter eagerly.

Mo Youyou fell from the sky and suddenly landed in the middle of everyone.

That extraordinary momentum made all the territory owners shut up and look at her in surprise!

Looking at Mo Youyou who was at the level of God King, the owners of all the territories didn't know that reinforcements sent by Xiao Mo must have arrived!

For a moment everyone was dancing with joy!

"Goddess Mo Youyou! You are here!"

"Goddess Mo Youyou! Are you here to help us?"

"What should we do now? Are we going to go out and fight against the evil spirits?"

"Let's set off quickly! We need to improve our strength as soon as possible!"


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