Suddenly, noisy sounds echoed throughout the entire Glorious Empire.

Everyone was extremely surprised that the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, actually agreed to the request of a god-king level demon!

Hearing their conversation, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, suddenly turned red in his originally fair face.

"You! Shut up, all of you! Who allowed you to say this!?"

"Shut up, everyone!"

This sentence contained divine power, and it immediately resounded throughout the sky.

Every soldier was shocked by the sound and fell into silence.

No one dares to speak anymore.

Only the owner of the territory opened the [World Chat Channel] with a look of despair.

【Ruined! Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, rebelled! ! 】

Originally, everyone was paying attention to the conversation between the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, and the alien demon clan. Now, when they saw the leader of the territory who was originally in the Glorious Empire, he actually said such a sentence.

Suddenly, the [World Chat Channel] that had been silent began to become lively again.

【WTF? 】

【Is it true or false? 】

[Has Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, really rebelled? 】

[What benefits did the alien demon clan promise him? After just this little time, this person actually rebelled? 】

[This is too outrageous, I didn’t expect that old guy to actually rebel! 】

【What is the reason? Let’s talk about what benefits he gave Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire? 】

[Yes, yes, tell me quickly! 】

After hearing this, the owner of the territory immediately recovered while the god-king-level evil demon was not paying attention.

[The alien demon clan said that they will kill the boss Xiao Mo, and then give supreme glory to Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire...]

【anything else? Is that all there is to it? Then this is really too hasty, right? 】

[Yes, yes, if that’s all you have, it doesn’t feel like anything. 】

[What exactly is the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, trying to do? Will he agree to the request of that god-king-level demon? 】

[He now has the supreme glory. As for killing the boss Xiao Mo, I don’t think even the alien demon clan has the ability to do this, right? 】

[That means that the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, really wants to kill Mr. Xiao Mo! 】

[It seems that last time after Boss Xiao Mo defeated Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, became completely crazy! 】

[Since Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, has rebelled, he is now our enemy! 】

[We will also hurt him and divide his resources! 】

[Wait a minute, I remember you! 】

[Aren’t you the particularly arrogant man that day? Do you say that you have joined the Glorious Empire and then look down on our alliance? 】

【What's the matter? Now it has fallen to this point? 】

[I want to interview you. How are you feeling? 】

However, after the leader of the territory finished speaking these words, the leader of the territory who joined the Glorious Empire suddenly fell silent and stopped saying a word.

【Ha ha ha ha! It made me laugh so hard, this guy must be regretting it! That’s why it’s like this! 】

[The leader of the Glorious Empire is just a fool, how can he really agree to the alien demon clan? 】

[Oh, yes, the owner of this territory is really miserable. It is not easy to join a relatively powerful empire. 】

[However, we are encountering such a situation now! 】

【How pitiful! 】

[Tch, what's so pitiful? If he hadn't deliberately joined the Glorious Empire and joined our hostility, then he wouldn't have ended up in such a situation! 】

[So if anyone wants to blame him for all this, he can only blame himself! 】


Although the lords of these territories are afraid of these powerful demons, they are also very greedy.

There is no one who is not an ambitious person among the territorial lords selected by [Game Official].

Even if they have fears and bad thoughts, their desires will definitely dominate them and move closer to farther places.

If there was no desire for fame, these territorial lords would not be selected by [Game Official].

So for their rebellion against Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, his idea was to divide his resources.

While the territorial lords were having a heated discussion, Xiao Mo also received the news.

He was neither surprised nor surprised by the choice of Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire.

Because he felt that when he first saw Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, he was a very arrogant person.

There should be no such thing as rebellion.

But after all, he was defeated by him, so his mentality will definitely change.

You will definitely make some unreasonable choices.

All this is human nature.

At this time, Jin Liuer said:

"Your Highness, the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, has now rebelled, and the alien demon clan has also arrived in this world. We should be able to take action now."

Xiao Mo nodded. Ever since the alien demon clan came, the fighting spirit in his blood had never disappeared.

Therefore, what he wants to do very much now is to defeat all the alien demons.

Then taking away the territory of the alien demon clan and going to the world of another god clan, that is his ultimate goal.

"Let's go and defeat those abominable demons! Let's fight for our honor!"

Finally Xiao Mo gave the order, and all the immortal and demon soldiers were very excited.

"Charge! Kill them!"

"Fight for our honor!"

"Kill them all! Improve our strength and contribute to His Majesty the King!"

The immortal and demon soldiers, like their territorial lords, are a group of soldiers who are not afraid of difficulties and are born for fighting.

Xiao Mo kept giving orders in front of the immortal and demon soldiers, and he also sent them in the [World Chat Channel].

[Which of you is willing to go with me to attack the evil spirits, kill them, and drive them away? 】

Once Xiao Mo's words were spoken, the [World Chat Channel] was instantly immersed in it!

No one spoke, as they were all surprised by Xiao Mo's words.

They all knew that Xiao Mo was very powerful, but they didn't know that he would be so bold and dare to attack the evil demon.

[Are the evil spirits here completely different from those in the secret world? 】

【They are very powerful! Even if they are demons of the same level, they are still more than one level higher than those demons from another world. 】

[It should be difficult for us to defeat them, right? 】

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