Although they were driven out by those bitches of the nature goddess hundreds of thousands of years ago, their reputation has always remained here.

Then everyone who is targeted by him will be very afraid of him.

But I didn't expect that His Majesty, the damn Immortal and Demonic Empire's leader, wasn't afraid at all.

That's why he felt extremely angry!

But the next second, he calmed down again.

This time they came prepared and would not be defeated casually like last time.

So no matter how much this damn god offended him.

Soon this god will die at his hands!

At the same time that the alien demon appeared, the [World Chat Channel] went crazy.

[Their strength is simply too powerful! 】

[Oh my god, it came so fast! 】

[The power of the eleven demon thrones in the sky is really terrifying! 】

[Every throne looks bigger than the blood moon! 】

[Oh my God! Each of those projections in the outer starry sky looks bigger than the Blood Moon, and there are twelve of them. It’s simply too terrifying!]

[Those eleven demon thrones should be the legendary Ten Demon Lords and the Dark Emperor!]

[It is said that among the Ten Lords of Evil and the Emperor of Darkness, the weakest ones are all high-grade God Lords, and generally they are lower-grade God Lords. Among them, the top three, the first demon lord, the second demon lord and the third demon lord, are the divine masters at the peak level!]

【This strength is too strong!】

[Thanks to the holy war that lasted hundreds of thousands of years, the goddess of nature is no match for the evil spirits from other worlds! 】

[Just these ten evil masters and the Dark Emperor can sweep everything! 】

[Fortunately, that was hundreds of thousands of years ago, and today’s Yuanchu Continent is no longer the same! 】

[In the Immortal and Demonic Empire alone, there are two peak gods!]

【No! There are three! 】

[Helenatis, the goddess of nature and earth goddess, was also resurrected and joined the fairy and demon empire! 】

[Coupled with the god-lords from the evil camp and the extinct god system, the total number of god-lords in the Endless Continent has far exceeded the alien evil demon clan! 】

[So, I can guarantee that the Ten Lords of Evil and the Emperor of Darkness will never be as arrogant as last time! 】

[But I don’t feel so optimistic! 】

[Don’t you see it? This time they appeared and did not actively attack! 】

[Instead, we chose to go to the Glorious Empire that was in conflict with us as soon as possible! 】

[It’s just that the distance is too far, and I don’t know what they are going to do? 】

【That's right!】

[After the last failure, the alien demon clan must have learned a lesson, so this time they must be more prepared than the last time. 】

[We should be more prepared! 】


[However, you think, if we kill these evil spirits, will we gain a certain amount of experience like the last time we did in the [Alien World Evil Killing Activity]? 】

[Definitely, as long as I can kill them! Our strength will be able to reach a higher level again! 】

[I always feel like there was something wrong with the last [Alien World Evil Exorcism Event], it ended too quickly. 】

[His reward does not seem to be very rich, and it seems that it is not finished yet. 】

[Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the alien demon clan is coming here this time. 】

[I think so too, after all, I was too hasty last time. 】

[Isn’t the reason why you were so sloppy last time because the boss is too powerful? 】

[We lie flat all the time, so we have nothing to do. 】

[No, no, no, I have already received the news. The rewards from the boss are probably not very large. 】

[So I think if we can really kill these evil spirits, then our strength will definitely be able to reach a higher level! 】

[Please, brother, look at the facts before you. The evil spirits here are much more powerful than those in other worlds. 】

[We can’t even defeat the demons from another world, so how can we possibly defeat these? 】

[If you can’t beat me, then there’s someone who can beat me. The boss can definitely do it! 】


The noise inside the [World Chat Channel] continued for a while, but soon calmed down again.

Because the holy war is so close!

Everyone wants to improve their strength as quickly as possible.

No territory lord or ranger would want to become cannon fodder on the battlefield and be wantonly massacred by those alien demons.

They all cherish their lives.

Under the pressure of the Blood Moon, the Ten Lords of Demons, and the Dark Emperor's Throne.

Both the castle forces and the indigenous gods became very nervous.

In the other corner of the southwest, the nature goddess who was originally planning to launch an attack as soon as the alien demon clan appeared suddenly stopped.

Their leader, the Elf Goddess, looked at the evil demon standing above the head of the Glorious Empire. Her originally loving eyes were full of indifference.

The forest goddess on the side couldn't help feeling a little strange when she saw the elf goddess suddenly stopped.

"Your Majesty the Elf Goddess Temple, why don't you move? Don't we need to save them?"

The elf goddess shook her head and said, "Didn't you hear what the god-king-level evil demon said?"

"Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, actually made a wish to let evil spirits land in the Fairy and Demon Empire immediately. This is simply too much!"

"No matter how much he targeted the Xianma Empire, the Immortal and Demon Empire did not anger them, but because they were worried about the Holy War, they did not take action against them!"

"But these people actually do such things, they are not worthy of my help at all."

"To me, they are just a bunch of traitors!"

If Xiao Mo hadn't saved the Earth Goddess Helena Tis before, the Elf Goddess might still be partial because of the holy war.

But now that the earth goddess Helena Disi whom she admired most has been revived by Xiao Mo, her heart has completely turned towards the Fairy and Demon Empire.

So this time, no matter what she says, she will not aid the Glorious Empire!

On the other side, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, looked at the extremely powerful evil demon king in front of him.

Asked: "What are you going to do? Why are you stopping me here! Leave quickly! Otherwise I will be rude to you!"

The god-king-level evil demon was very calm when facing Hess Adam, the god-lord-level leader of the Glorious Empire.

Hearing what Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, said, he even sneered.

"You're welcome? Isn't it because of your summons that we are here?"

"Now I give you two choices!"

"1. Resist us, so that the Glorious Empire will become our first occupation! I will kill you all!"

"Two, obey us and become our ally in occupying the Yuanchu Continent. I will give you supreme treatment, and then I will help you kill the damn Immortal Demon Empire leader!"

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