Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 819: Work together to resist the invasion of evil spirits

They also saw Xiao Mo wearing golden armor, and then silently made a wish in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, the great Holy Lord, you must come back in triumph and defend our country!"

"I hope these warriors can win, and I'm willing to pay the price with my truest soul."

"If these warriors can really avoid being harmed, I can dedicate my life."

"Soldiers! I hope you will return victoriously!"

The voices of these people making wishes reached Xiao Mo's ears.

At the same time, he felt the power of faith in his body.

The feeling of power pouring into his body made him very comfortable.

But in order not to frighten these people, he did not respond to their prayers.

Instead, he silently made a decision in his mind to protect these people!

At this time, Xiao Mo was making urgent preparations.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and suddenly the blood moon suddenly expanded and gradually transformed into eleven gorgeous and huge thrones!

The throne in the middle is the most eye-catching and huge.

At the same time, powerful and frightening aura enveloped the entire Yuanchu Continent.

In an instant, eleven demons appeared on the throne, each one extremely tall.

There is a pair of huge black wings behind him and a pair of horns on his head.

He looked coldly at the people below with his purple-black eyes.

There was no emotion in his eyes, only killing and indifference.

It is as if the countless gods and people on the ground are just a bunch of ants.

Everyone who came into contact with his gaze felt as if their heart was being pinched.

Even breathing stopped.

If there is any race that loves to invade other planes, it must be the warlike and ferocious race of alien demons.

These are simply a group of beasts, they advocate blood and killing, and have no humanity.

As soon as they appeared, the entire space became condensed.

These demons are so powerful that others cannot see clearly how powerful they are now.

Anyway, Adrasthea, the highest level god of dawn on this plane, does not have as strong a power as them.

At this time, countless demons passed through the blood moon one after another.

It was so dense that I couldn’t even count them.

"They...they're coming!"

A scream broke the silence, and everyone looked at the countless evil spirits in the sky in horror.

"What should I do? Their strength seems to be getting stronger!"

"It is simply not comparable to the evil spirits in the [Alien World Evil Exorcism Activity]!"

"That's right! The aura on their bodies is much stronger. Even if I just look at them, I will feel frightened!"

"Then what should we do now, run away?"

"If we want to escape, where can we escape? We are simply not strong enough to go to the next plane."

"Even if we can escape, where can we escape?"

"Why not go to another world? Aren't all the evil spirits in other worlds almost wiped out? We can definitely take refuge there!"

"No! You can't!"

"Because the other world is still controlled by the laws of the world. Even if we can go there, we can't open the seal there."

"Our only retreat now is to defend ourselves! Resist them!"


Now that everyone sees such a powerful alien demon clan, they feel frightened and unable to think of any resistance at all.

Now they can only stay calm, and defense is the best they can do.

"Wait a minute, look!"

Another scream came, and everyone looked in the direction that the man was pointing.

But he saw that huge blood moon still hanging in the sky over the Glorious Empire.

And the ten evil masters and the Dark Emperor are naturally located on top of the Glorious Empire.

After seeing that scene, a group of people all screamed in surprise.

"Oh my God! They are all in the sky above the Glorious Empire. This time, the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor appeared first in the territory of the Glorious Empire."

"In other words, the first pantheon we killed was the Glorious Empire!"

"This is absolutely terrifying! And so lucky!"

"Fortunately, I wasn't the first one. If it landed in our divine realm, we would be doomed!"

"But this Glorious Empire is also quite unlucky. A clan of alien demons that have been lurking for hundreds of thousands of years appeared in the Glorious Empire for the first time."

"Then they can endure it better this time. Maybe the whole empire will be destroyed!"

"They are so unlucky! Maybe they have done a lot of bad things! Otherwise, why would those evil spirits keep landing here!"


While everyone was arguing about why the evil demon had landed in the Glorious Empire, the leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, also looked surprised.

He couldn't help but tremble all over his body, and his eyes looked at the ten demon masters and the dark emperor of the alien demon clan in the sky with fear.

"How...how could this happen?"

"Obviously my wish was for this clan of alien demons to land in the Immortal and Demonic Empire first, but why did it land in the sky above my domain? Why did it happen like this!"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, could not bear the occurrence of this scene and murmured these words.

Once the alien demon clan appeared, they quickly rushed towards the Glorious Empire.

Don't give them a chance to prepare!

The eyes of Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, were full of horror. He knew that so many demons that were at the peak level of the God Lord were attacking him, and he didn't even have a chance to survive.

The current head of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, is in a state of confusion. He has only one thought, and that is to survive here!

"No! I must not die! I am the representative of glory in this world, and I am a man who wants to become the God of Glory. How can I die here?"

Although he was thinking this, the figure of Xiao Mo filled with golden light appeared most in his mind.

At this moment, he felt vaguely in his heart, I think he is the man who can best become the God of Glory!

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, realized that he was thinking that, and immediately threw out all the thoughts in his mind.

Then a trembling voice said:

"All armies, stand ready! Launch the strongest defense and we will surely protect the Glorious Empire!"

Although the leader of the Glorious Empire is sometimes a little confused about the situation, the soldiers he sits on are very loyal.

As soon as they heard what the leader of the Glorious Empire said, they prepared everything.

Just waiting for the arrival of the alien demon clan, and then the need to defend their country.

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