"Do you really like Brother Xiao Mo? Brother Xiao Mo is very busy, so he won't play with you!"

"But I will play with you~"

Dou Xiaodou was tempting, with a sincere look on his face. It could be seen that he really wanted Xiao Xiaoxiao to stay here.

Obviously Xiao Xiaoxiao also liked Dou Xiaodou very much, but thinking of Xiao Mo, she finally shook her head firmly.

"No, I have to go home! Xiao Mo is still thinking of me!"

Dou Xiaodou wanted to say something more, but Ila, the goddess of fate, patted him and signaled her not to say more.

The goddess of fate, Ila, looked at Xiao Xiaoxiao tenderly, and then asked:

"Why do you have to go back now?"

After Xiao Xiaoxiao heard this, he pressed his heart, then raised his cute little face and said:

"That's because I feel uneasy in my heart. He is calling me and I must go back to Xiao Mo."

"And there are bad scenes happening in front of me all the time, which makes me feel very uneasy."

Ila, the goddess of fate, smiled and said:

"Okay kid, since your heart is calling you, then follow your nature and go back to the person you want to return to."

It seems that this child is really what he thought, a perfect successor to the goddess of destiny.

Dou Xiaodou on the side looked at Xiao Xiaoxiao and pouted unhappily.

"Then Xiao Xiaoxiao, if you go back, will you come to me again?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao nodded immediately and said:

"Of course, if I go back, I will definitely come to play with you again, you have to believe me!"

These two little guys were so reluctant to leave. At this time, the goddess of fate, Ila, shook her head and said:

"You two, don't be so worried. Dou Xiaodou, you can go back with Xiao Xiaoxiao."

After Dou Xiaodou heard this, he immediately raised his head in surprise.

"Really, can I go back too? That would be great. I also want to go to the Fairy and Demon Empire to play."

The goddess of fate, Ila, nodded immediately.

"Of course, if you go there, you must listen to His Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire, and you must not cause any trouble to him."

But when he finished saying this, Dou Xiaodou became not so happy.

At this time, she keenly noticed something was wrong in the tone of the goddess of fate.

There seemed to be a trace of vicissitudes of life, which made him feel very uneasy.

Dou Xiaodou couldn't help but walked to the goddess of fate and said:

"Aunt Goddess, why did you let me go? Is there some other reason you didn't tell me?"

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the goddess sister was usually the most concerned about his magical power.

But this time after Xiao Xiaoxiao came, the goddess sister went to relax.

Just let him play happily on weekdays.

Something was wrong, and coupled with the goddess sister's current behavior, Dou Xiaodou knew that something must have happened.

However, when Dou Xiaodou asked this sentence.

There was a trace of sadness on the face of Ila, the goddess of fate.

But she immediately hid this time again, but she did not answer Dou Xiaodou's words.

Instead, he looked at Xiao Xiaoxiao, and then said with a smile:

"What about you? Do you know why I am?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao glanced at the goddess of fate strangely, and then her eyes showed confusion.

"Me? How do I know why? Of course I don't know?"

"However, I am also curious, what is the reason?"

After hearing what Xiao Xiaoxiao said, the goddess of fate was a little disappointed.

It seems that she no longer has enough time to support the growth of the two little girls under her hands.

That's why she felt a little regretful.

She shook her head, but ultimately did not tell the real reason.

However, the goddess of fate was unwilling to tell the real reason, and Dou Xiaodou was unwilling to leave.

But this time the attitude of the goddess of fate was particularly strong.

"No, you have to go, just say I asked you to go."

Although Dou Xiaodou was still very reluctant, under the insistence of the goddess of fate, she finally compromised.

Even when leaving, Dou Xiaodou was still very reluctant to leave, simply taking three steps and looking back.

Xiao Xiaoxiao was still very puzzled. She didn't understand why Dou Xiaodou was obviously very happy before, but now he became like this.

"Why are you so worried?"

Dou Xiaodou said:

"Because I always feel like something bad is going to happen, that's why I'm like this."

Xiao Xiaoxiao nodded, and at this moment her heart suddenly jumped.

Some scenes suddenly flashed before my eyes.

Ila, the goddess of fate, was kidnapped by a demon with big wings.

This scene was much more serious than the scene she had seen when she saw the Immortal and Demonic Empire, and she was instantly frightened.

Xiao Xiaoxiao was a little nervous, then grabbed Dou Xiaodou's hand and said:

"I just saw something bad. We can't leave now. Let's go back quickly!"

However, the moment she turned around, another person appeared in her mind.

I saw a man with a holy golden light all over his body rushing out, holding a scepter in his hand.

Save the goddess of destiny, Ila, before those evil spirits tear her apart.

Then with one person's power, he swept away countless evil demons, including the Ten Lords of Evil Demons and the Dark Emperor.

After seeing that scene, the panic in Xiao Xiaoxiao's heart disappeared and turned into peace.

She took Dou Xiaodou's hand and said happily:

"Let's go."

Dou Xiaodou scratched his head and looked at Xiao Xiaoxiao confused. He had no idea why Xiao Xiaoxiao was nervous for a while and not nervous for a while.

It's so baffling.

"What's wrong? Why don't you leave?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao couldn't help but asked strangely when she saw Dou Xiaodou frozen in place.

Dou Xiaodou asked dissatisfiedly:

"What did you just discover? Why were you so surprised?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao immediately showed a shallow smile, and then said:

"Something that ended well, but I can't tell you."

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