Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 812: Boss Xiao Mo, you won’t give up on us, will you?

Seeing how smoothly things were progressing, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, was about to cry with joy.

He originally had a heart that was considerate of everyone, but with his own strength, he simply could not convince the lords of these territories.

But now with Xiao Mo's token, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, is like a fish in water.

At this time, Shi Tianqi, the leader of the Kuangtie Territory,'s admiration for Xiao Mo suddenly reached its peak.

Their affairs were progressing very smoothly, and within half a day, they had gathered the territorial lords.

Therefore, after finishing these things, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, went to the Immortal Demon Empire without stopping.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the Immortal and Demonic Empire, I looked at the majestic castle and the territory stretching tens of thousands of kilometers.

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, felt a little cramped for a moment and was too embarrassed to step in.

Finally, a fairy and demon soldier discovered his traces, and then brought him into the fairy and demon castle.

Xiao Mo was a little surprised after hearing the news that Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, had arrived here.

So he immediately asked: "Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, are you all ready now?"

Seeing his idol, Shi Tianqi, the leader of the Mad Iron Territory, his face turned red with excitement and he didn't even know what to say.

"Yes...yes! Brother Xiao Mo, we are all ready, and we hope you can give the next order!"

After Xiao Mo heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He did not expect that Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, would not only react so quickly, but also leave all these matters to him.

It seems that the owners of these territories really trust him.

Xiao Mo lived up to expectations and said immediately:

"I just got news from the [Game Official]. This holy war of alien demons invading the Yuanchu Continent is also a test for us territorial lords."

"So, as the head of the territory lord, I can't help you directly!"

After hearing these words, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, felt extremely shocked in his heart.

Because, [Game Official] will only appear when rewards are awarded.

Under normal circumstances, [Game Official] is as aloof as a national spokesperson and is not willing to pay attention to them at all.

However, I didn't expect that [Game Official] would treat Xiao Mo like an official customer service person.

They will also tell Xiao Mo some news that they don't know.

As the first person among the lords of the territory, [Game Official] really cares about Xiao Mo.

At this time, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, could not be envious.

He asked nervously: "If this is the case, what should we do?"

The original idea of ​​Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, was to rely on the protection of the Immortal Demon Empire.

Nowadays, the Immortal Demon Empire is so huge and its territory is so wide that it almost covers 1/10 of the original continent.

However, their immortal and demon soldiers plus their subjects do not exceed two million.

Therefore, Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, thought that they, the territorial lords, could reach the territory of the Fairy Demon Empire.

Hide here and withstand the first wave of attacks from the alien demon clan.

However, what he didn't expect was that Xiao Mo now told him that he could not directly provide help to these territorial owners.

So for a moment, I felt very panicked.

Xiao Mode also felt very helpless at this time. He didn't know why the [game official] suddenly said such words to him at first.

But then he thought about it and realized that this race competition was originally an internal matter for the Lord of City Protection.

Therefore, there is a competitive relationship for funds among the lords of their territories.

However, after a month of development, they, the territorial lords, did not engage in very violent fighting.

Instead, an outlier like him appeared and developed very well.

Leaving the other territorial lords far behind.

So for a while, some of the remaining territorial lords chose to form an alliance.

Others chose to join the current local pantheon.

Therefore, the internal war among the territorial lords was suddenly and inexplicably resolved.

In addition, the alien demon clan wants to invade the Yuanchu Continent, but what they want most is to gather together again.

And it still relies on his very powerful power, so the [game official] may have sensed these thoughts of theirs.

Only then will such a decision be made.

Xiao Mo thinks this is nothing, because compared to other territorial lords or gods, you are very afraid that the alien evil spirits will come here.

He was more excited. He also wanted to see those powerful alien demons and subdue them all.

It was thrown to him that he had just led a different world to develop.

Because he always felt that as long as he got through this crisis, he would definitely receive an unexpected reward.

That reward might be...

At this time, Xiao Mo shook his head to get rid of the thought in his mind.

Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory on the side, saw Xiao Mo suddenly shaking his head and misunderstood for a moment.

He said with a trembling voice:

"Brother Xiao Mo, are you going to give up on us?"

Xiao Mo immediately realized that Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, had misunderstood him.

Then he explained: "Of course not, and I think the reason why [the game official] made such an arrangement is because..."

Xiao Mo told his conjecture to Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory.

After Shi Tianqi, the leader of Kuangtie Territory, heard these words, he suddenly realized.

"So that's it!"

Then he looked sad again, "Then what should we do now?"

"We cannot cooperate this time just because [the game official] wants to cultivate our wolf culture and make us kill each other."

Xiao Mo shook his head and said with a smile:

"Since [Game Official] didn't send you a message, but only warned me, then it must not be able to control you..."

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