Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 807: The God of Annihilation Leerna was resurrected by Xiao Mo

Tang Weiwei, who had been fishing, was frightened to death after hearing these words.

"What? My dear Elf Goddess, did I do something bad? Why did you send me away?"

Tang Weiwei, a little girl, used to like to read some palace fighting novels in the modern world, so now she likes to fill her head very much.

Now that the Elf Goddess said she was going to send her away, she was scared to death.

Thinking that the Elf Goddess was testing her sincerity, she said very sincerely:

"I don't want to be with the leader of the Immortal and Demonic Empire. My heart will always belong to the Elf Goddess. I hope the Elf Goddess will not drive me away."

She said these words very sincerely, fearing that she would be cut off if she said the wrong thing.

But if you really ask Tang Weiwei if she is willing to go to the Immortal and Demonic Empire.

She also felt a little entangled. On the one hand, she felt that she was living a good life with the Elf Goddess.

But it's just a bit boring and there's no passion at all.

But if she went to the Immortal and Demonic Empire, her most admired idol, Mr. Xiao Mo, would be there.

But it also means there's a lot of competition, because there are countless powerful goddesses out there.

I am not very outstanding to begin with, but if I go to the Immortal and Demonic Empire again, I will be even more incompetent than everyone else.

So Tang Weiwei made up her mind to stay here.

But the Elf Goddess seemed to really see what Tang Weiwei was thinking. She smiled slightly and said:

"Why are you so nervous? I'm going to send you to the Immortal and Demon Empire to do something, and I'm not sending you to some scary place."

"Why are you so scared? Besides, didn't I see that the photos in your room are all photos of His Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire?"

"Shouldn't you like him very much? Why are you so scared? This shouldn't be the case, right?"

When Tang Weiwei heard that the Elf Goddess knew that all the photos in her room were photos of Xiao Mo, her whole face turned red for a moment.

I didn't expect that all my little thoughts would be revealed by the Elf Goddess.

She said a little shyly: "His Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire, is handsome, has a good character, and has high abilities. Who can not like him?"

The Elf Goddess nodded clearly, her pointed ears turned red involuntarily, and she muttered softly.

"You're right, I quite like him too."

Tang Weiwei didn't hear clearly and asked doubtfully: "Your Majesty the Elf Goddess Temple, did you say something just now?"

At this time, the Elf Goddess Temple had returned to normal, and she said seriously:

"No, you just heard it wrong, but I didn't say anything?"

Tang Weiwei frowned strangely, thinking silently in her heart.

"Did I just see it wrong? I actually saw a shy expression on the face of the Elf Goddess?"

In order to stop Tang Weiwei from thinking too much and restore her image.

The Elf Goddess immediately said: "Aren't you curious about what I want you to do when I ask you to go to the Fairy and Demonic Empire?"

Sure enough, after the Elf Goddess said these words, Tang Weiwei's attention was suddenly focused on this.

She asked strangely: "Yes, my divine power is so weak, what do you want me to do in the Fairy and Demon Empire?"

Her ability is extremely special, and she is particularly affectionate towards things like flowers and plants.

Not only the Elf Goddess, but also the Elf God Tree here, she is the most intimate with it. She can urge it to grow and make it bear fruit quickly.

This is also the reason why the Elf Goddess takes in a weakling like her.

But although she has this ability, at the same time, her divine power grows very slowly.

Even if you have completely participated in the [Extermination of Evil in Another World Activity], you still have a good ranking on the [Execution of Evil Ranking List].

But her strength had only reached the low level of god level, and she was nothing compared to the sky-rocketing territorial lords.

So she was very surprised why the Elf Goddess wanted a weakling like her to hold events.

The Elf Goddess said at this time:

"Because your ability is very special, and the Fairy and Demon Empire has a special unit, that is the elf mother Shuya. She is also very powerful. When you go there, she will definitely like you."

The smart Tang Weiwei immediately felt that this was definitely not the real reason.

So she asked: "Is this all there is? Are there no other reasons?"

"Of course not!" The Elf Goddess shook her head, "After you arrive in the Fairy and Demonic Empire, I have another favor that I need your help with."

"That is to take care of a beautiful goddess. Her name is Helena Tis, the goddess of the earth."

"Earth Goddess Helena Tis?" Tang Weiwei was a little strange. She didn't know who this goddess was, but she seemed to have heard of this goddess's name somewhere.

Then an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized:

"She is the sacrificed goddess, very beautiful and powerful!"

"But... didn't she sacrifice herself? Then she is already dead. Why should I be asked to take care of her?"

At this time, Tang Weiwei thought of the rumor keenly.

"Wait a minute, has that goddess been resurrected by His Majesty, the Lord of the Fairy and Demonic Empire?"

The Elf Goddess glanced at her appreciatively and said, "Yes, that's right, His Majesty, the Great Lord of the Fairy and Demonic Empire, has resurrected His Highness the Earth Goddess Helena Dis."

Tang Weiwei was very shocked. She didn't expect that the goddess who had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years could be resurrected.

"This...this is simply incredible..."

But at this time, she also understood why the Elf Goddess sent her to the Fairy and Demonic Empire.

It's definitely not because there is a special type of elf mother tree there.

The real purpose is that beautiful goddess - the earth goddess Helena Tis!

For this reason, Tang Weiwei was not so nervous anymore. She said very loyally:

"Your Majesty the Temple of the Elf Goddess, don't worry, I will definitely complete your mission and take good care of Her Highness the Earth Goddess Helenadis..."

The Elf Goddess looked at the well-behaved Tang Weiwei with satisfaction, and then asked her to go down to pack her luggage and go to the Fairy and Demon Empire.

As soon as Tang Weiwei left, the expression of the Elf Goddess gradually turned cold, and she said coldly:

"Those cats and dogs are doing things that are not on the table every day. Now the holy war is about to break out, and they are still plotting against each other!"

Even without asking, the Elf Goddess knew who had released the news about Xiao Mo.

Because only Jesse Jones, the God of the End, knew that his brother Lerna, the God of Annihilation, had been resurrected by Xiao Mo.

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