"Xiao Mo dared to agree to this bet, so there must be preparations from outside, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"You also think it's your idea. Xiao Mo will only agree to such a bet if he is sure that he will win."

"Then it seems that Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, is the only villain."

Hearing these people talking about him like this, Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, turned red and red, and then gradually turned a little blue.

It looked like he was very angry.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, was indeed very angry, because as the leader of an empire, the gods could only respect him respectfully.

How could you scold him in front of him now?

What a shame!

And the person who caused all this was Xiao Mo, which made him even more angry!

But he couldn't be so silent now, but he certainly couldn't hand over the empire just like that, so he said:

"Dear Your Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire, I did not promise you that I would hand over the empire to you, so our agreement cannot stand."

Xiao Mo sneered coldly and glanced up and down at Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, with unremitting eyes.

That look was self-evident, it was obviously a denial of him.

The leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, was furious, but he was the one who was in the wrong, so he couldn't say anything.

All he can say is: "Your Majesty, the Lord of the Immortal and Demonic Empire, I hope you can understand everything."

Xiao Mo said: "So now you are going to break your agreement and then act like a coward?"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, froze, and then continued:

"Of course it's not like this. I want to give the empire to you, and I can do other things?"

"It will be all right?"

Xiao Mo asked back: "We made an agreement before, and you said the same thing. You were very confident at that time, but now..."

He didn't finish his words, but everyone present should understand what he meant.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, thought of what he said impulsively just now, and was afraid that Xiao Mo would say something that he could not do at all.

So he gritted his teeth and shamelessly changed his words:

"No, if the Lord of the Fairy and Demonic Empire needs my help in other ways, as long as I can achieve it, I will definitely be able to help you."

He blushed at these words.

What's more, the gods who came to watch the show found this thing even more funny.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, as the leader of a country, has changed his words repeatedly, which is really detrimental to his dignity.

So there were waves of low laughter.

Just make Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, laugh so hard that you want to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

Xiao Mo didn't want to waste too much time on these things, so he said:

"Okay, then you kowtow to me and let me see how sincere you are."

"What!? This is impossible!"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, immediately and resolutely rejected Xiao Mo’s conditions, and then said:

"Choose another one. This one is definitely not allowed. As the ruler of a country, I represent my country. How can I kowtow to you? This is absolutely not allowed."

Xiao Mo didn't expect that Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, would care about this, so he couldn't help but murmured:

"No, that's not right. When we were in the other world, those two demons knelt down easily. Why wouldn't Hess Adam, the leader of the glorious empire, not want to kneel down?"

Jin Liuer, who heard it from the side, immediately explained:

"The demon race has been living in other worlds. Maybe their race doesn't care much about kneeling down and worshiping."

"But our Yuanchu Continent is still a little concerned about this matter."

Xiao Mo nodded clearly, and then said impatiently:

"Hess Adam, Lord of the Glorious Empire, why do I feel that you are deliberately looking for trouble? No matter what conditions I say, it feels like they are unattainable in your mouth."

"You have the nerve to say that you are the ruler of a country and represent everything about the country, so why do you go back on your word over and over again and fail to keep your promises!"

"Is your glorious empire just like you, the ruler, a villain who doesn't keep his promises?"

"Of course it's not like that!" Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, retorted very angrily, but he couldn't explain why.

He could only babble and was speechless for a long time, then he stiffened his neck and said very firmly:

"Anyway, I can't kowtow. If you try another one, I will definitely help you reach the last one!"

Xiao Mo actually couldn't think of any good conditions for a while. Especially when he asked Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, to carve out the empire, it was just to scare him.

Because the conditions for giving up an empire are too fast and unbelievable.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, would definitely not agree.

Xiao Mo rolled his eyes and saw the evil camp on the side who were still staring at him eagerly.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed through my mind, and I had an idea.

"Okay, since I asked you to hand over the empire and you didn't, I asked you to kneel on the ground and kowtow to me, but you don't want to kneel."

"Then I will give you a good chance to make amends now, which is to make enemies of the evil camp, and then drive away all of them."

As he spoke, he stared closely at Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire.

"Your Majesty, Lord of the Glorious Empire, this request shouldn't be difficult for you. Now you shouldn't be able to find any reason to refute it, right?"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, is actually in a very difficult situation. Although he is very difficult to deal with the evil camp, they are still teammates after all.

We obviously said that we would attack the Immortal and Demonic Empire together, but why did things suddenly become like this?

It really felt like there had been too many changes, and for a while I didn't understand what was going on.

The leader of the Glorious Empire, Hess Adam, was very confused now. He thought it would be better to grit his teeth and agree to Xiao Mo's request to kneel down for him.

But if he really wanted to express this request, their glorious empire would really be unable to hold its head high in front of all the gods.

So at this time he could only agree to Xiao Mo's last request.

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, said in a very low voice:

"Yes, I agree to your request and will follow you to repel the evil camp."

The God of the End, Jesse Jones, and the Lord of Annihilation, Blood Massacre, had not arrived at all. Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, really agreed to Xiao Mo.

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