Under the huge number, only such a rare number of God Lords can be born. One can imagine how precious and special the God Lords are.

It takes almost hundreds of millions of gods for a god-level existence to appear.

It has explained the problem to a great extent and explained the difficult things that you have to face if you want to become a god. You can quickly become a god king if you are talented, but you may not be able to become a god master. In the history of the Yuanchu Continent, it is not uncommon for those very talented god kings or god kings with very powerful combat power, but in the end they did not Take that step, no matter how hard they try.

After all, he was stuck in the realm of God Lord and could not find any chance to break through.

Almost all the top-level god kings have been stagnant in this realm for more than 100,000 years, as if they have reached the end of their own divine path and can no longer make progress.

However, in this situation where everyone is stuck by the ceiling, if you tell them that there is an ultimate God King who breaks through and becomes the God Lord, you can imagine that they have complicated emotions, including envy, jealousy or hatred. All the emotions are there.

They were very dissatisfied. Why can even the final God King become a God Lord?

And their own conditions are so good, even much better than the God King of the End, and their talents and combat effectiveness are better than the God King Zhongmu. However, he still couldn't break through, but he escaped.

It has to be said that those beings at the peak of the God King are very envious of the God King of the End, who is now the God Lord of the End.

Now he has soared directly into the sky, becoming the leader of the camp of the dying camp, and he is worthy of the name and has the realm of the god lord level to occupy, and has mastered the great victory that is far more terrifying than the powerful victory.

The more they thought about it, the more jealous they became, and the more envious they became, and they almost wanted to fine Yan Hong extremely.

How did the God Lord become the God Lord in the end? They really want to know how great it would be if they could become a God Lord through that method, so that they no longer have to look at the faces of other God Lords and can only be a God King.

Although the God-Kings are already considered powerful in the Yuanchu Continent, they are still not the top existences. In front of the real God-Lord, these God-Kings are nothing. They can only write more than they can compare with others.

And becoming a god lord is the initial dream and obsession of many of them!

"Why did you suddenly hear this kind of news today? The God King in the End has become the God Lord. The evil camp has another God Lord-level combat power, and their power has greatly increased."

"That is my lifelong dream. I didn't expect that the God King of the End, Lexi Jones, would achieve it first. Why is this?"

"Haha, now it's time to call him His Majesty Lacey Jones. After all, he is already at the level of a God Lord and is no longer someone we can slack off on."

"Yes, it is indeed like this. He has become a powerful man at the level of a superior god, mastering great victory. He is not just someone who only controls powerful divine power. We call him exempt at will."

"I really didn't expect that someone could be promoted to the Lord of God. He is probably the first person in a hundred thousand years."

"Yes, we cannot deny his achievements. He is indeed very powerful."

"I'm afraid he is the only one who can become the God Lord in recent times."

"Yes, no god wants to know more than us, top-level god-kings, how huge difficulties we have to face if we want to become a god-lord. It is like a shackle from God that is difficult to break."

"However. At present, it seems that only the Last God King can become the God Lord. Such cases are very rare. As for other people, there should be no more gods."

"I don't know if it's good or bad. After all, the God War is coming, but there is only one new God Lord on our side. I don't know if there are a few more evil God Lords among the ten masters of the alien world."

"Is the divine war really coming? Why is everyone talking about the divine war?"

"Yes, there are many divine masters who have fulfilled prophecies, and we divine kings can also sense that the divine war is about to come."

"I see, then we must prepare well."

"Yes, but no matter how prepared we are, our distant continent should not be able to add new God Lords."

"It's time to become God Lords. All of them have already become God Lords, and the remaining ones who have not become God Lords should have no hope of becoming God Kings."

"Looking at it objectively, this is indeed the case."

While chatting, everyone talked about the God War, and then the God Kings from all sides began to prove that they had sensed the God War, and asked everyone to be prepared and not to underestimate the future God War.

However, at this time, some people began to want to explore how the God King of the End was called the God Lord. If they could know this secret, then they might also have the opportunity to become the God Lord.

Many people were interested in this topic, started to join in the topic, and expressed their opinions one after another.

"So how did the God Lord of the End become the God Lord? He is obviously just a high-grade peak god king. He didn't show anything special a long time ago. The only special thing is that he is afraid of death."

"Hahaha, now we can't say that he is afraid of death. We can say that his instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil is very strong."

At this time, someone thought of the ancient sage and couldn't help but ask him: "Your Excellency, ancient sage, do you know how someone in the name of the God of the End can be promoted to become the God of God?"

The ancient sage was watching the battle and listening to the discussion. When he heard someone asking him about something, he answered slightly: "I happen to know this question. The reason why the God Lord of the End can become the God Lord is In his final law.”

"In my early years, I met a god who also possessed the Law of the End. His method of improving his strength surprised me."

Unexpectedly, the ancient sage actually knew the secret of the God of the End. Everyone was immediately attentive. No one continued to discuss, not wanting to miss any detail of the ancient sage's words.

The ancient sage continued. His voice, mixed with divine power and divine consciousness, spread across the starry sky and was heard by the gods.

"The way a god who controls the final divine power improves his strength is so special that I can't believe it."

"That is, he continues to destroy civilizations one by one, bringing those civilizations to their end, which means the end of the world."

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