As the righteous camp, it is great for them that the evil camp has been damaged, but they don't have to think about it now and get involved in this matter.

And what the other party said is very reasonable. Let’s find out the mastermind first.

If the mastermind behind this is the Kingdom of Fairies and Demons, then the matter is very serious.

That shows that the strength of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom has reached a very strong level, and it can even assassinate the God King quietly.

This is really scary, and even for god-kings from the righteous camp like them, they cannot ignore it.

Imagine that someone as powerful as you died quietly, and you can imagine how you feel.

The unknown comes from fear, so the righteous God King also wants to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

In fact, if the deaths were just some ordinary magical beings, then none of the major camps would actually care. Even if the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom took action, the same would be the case.

Because whether it is the justice camp or the evil camp, they are all huge camps, including various small camps. Each small camp has hundreds of gods in the small camp, and thousands and tens of thousands of gods in the large camp. It can be imagined that How terrifying are the number of their gods.

But it's in units of ten thousand, so they don't care much about their love for magic. At most, they just look for it symbolically to avenge them. But if the dead god is the God King, it will be different.

This has seriously affected the safety of their divine bodies as rulers at the level of god kings. When they reach the level of god kings, they are basically the rulers of one force or the absolute top. They naturally cherish their lives very much.

As for the gods who have been secretly assassinated by the evil camp in the past few days, their realms are not simple, at least they are all at the level of god kings. For example, the grandfather of the evil god who spoke just now is a very famous god king.

This kind of god-king of the same level is difficult for most god-kings to defeat, let alone kill. However, listening to the words of the gods from the evil camp, it seems that they have died a lot of god-kings recently, and they are all, Died in obscurity, without news.

The problems inherent in this are simply too great to allow them to be untrue and wary of it.

Therefore, under the vigilance of the gods from all major camps, they naturally wanted to find out who did it.

"Hehehe, I think you are really scared of being beaten by the Fairy and Demon Kingdom."

At this time, someone from the justice camp came out and fished in troubled waters.

His words were very disdainful and directly named the current fear of the evil camp, and ruthlessly carried out the behavior of adding insult to injury.

"Maybe it's a good show put on by your evil camp to blame the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom."

This god-king from the justice camp should have said again.

Hearing this, many gods looked over, and it seemed that this might indeed be the case.

After all, the evil camp has always had a bad reputation, so it's not surprising that they would do something like this.

The evil camp god king: "?????????"

Are they risking their lives to frame the fairy and demon kingdom?

Then this is too stupid.

Moreover, their evil camp has already killed many god-kings from the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons. Isn’t this evidence enough?

It really made them angry.

"How do you sanctimonious hypocrites from the righteous camp talk?"

"That's so disgusting you guys."

"It is true that some god-kings from our evil camp have mysteriously disappeared."

"At this moment, I don't have to hide it from you anymore."

"Today I am going to reveal to you the true face of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom."

"They are actually not as simple as we seem, but they hide more powerful power."

Hearing this, people from other camps were unhappy.

After all, they were also happy to see everyone targeting the evil camp, and were very happy about it, so they directly joined in the quarrel.

"I think this is the method of your evil camp. When your lineup is so strong, how come there is still a God King assassinated?"

"The last time I sent people to hunt you down, you hid very well. Now you are saying that a bunch of god kings have been assassinated. How can we believe it?"

"Yes, that's how it is. The god-kings of the evil camp are all proficient in evasion and hiding. They are simply more rats than rats."

"And don't you have any capable people in your evil camp? You have killed so many god kings and only found out now? I feel very disapproval of this matter. It is clear that this is a way to frame the blame. You god kings are just hiding Just get up."

The more we talked about it, the more reasonable it seemed to everyone. Yes, is the evil camp just an empty shell?

There are countless powerful god-kings in their camp. Not only are their hiding abilities amazing, they also have extremely strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

They don't believe that the Fairy and Demon Kingdom has such a powerful force that can directly prevent their counter-reconnaissance and accurately capture the hiding places.

Because the power currently displayed by the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom is already outrageous, how could it continue to be even more outrageous?

Unless decent evidence is presented to convince them, they will continue to target the evil camp, even if they are the apparent victims.

However, the gods of the major camps present here really hate the evil camp. Even in this situation, they cannot restrain themselves from adding insult to injury. After all, such situations are rare.

Is there a god king who can disgust the gods from the evil camp? It's so cool.

This is the price of doing too many bad things.

"Why don't you believe us?"

"We swear by our godhood that many god-kings have really disappeared, probably in assassinations."

"Hehehehehe, don't wait until the Fairy and Demon Kingdom assassinates you and you will regret it."

The god kings of the evil camp had different expressions.

They are really speechless to these troublemakers from the major camps.

However, I also understand that the other party is deliberately targeting me as their enemy, and there is nothing they can do about it now, except to find a way to deal with it in the future.

The top priority now is to prove that the Fairy and Demon Kingdom is the assassin.

Otherwise, their evil camp would really become a complete joke.

As the person involved in the matter, Xiao Mo really wanted to laugh in his heart.

Not only was someone from the evil camp assassinated by Xian'er, but he was also being questioned by the expectation camp. It was really joyous to be outside.

I really want to let people know how exciting the expressions of the people in the major camps were when Xian'er showed off his divine mastery.

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