The current purpose of the God King Leerna of Annihilation is to suppress the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons and let the leader of the Kingdom of Evil Demons hand over the soul of the God King Shattered. In this way, their reputation as the Destruction Camp will be established.

The other gods from the evil camp felt extremely happy when they heard that King Annihilation was threatening the kingdom of immortals and demons.

They started to use their eyes at the same time, then finished their work first, and came back hoping that they would hand over the soul of the Broken God King quickly.

Otherwise, the consequences can be imagined.

Although this time it was the death camp that took the lead this time, their evil camp would not sit idly by.

Although they prefer to engage in three-view tiger-fighting, this incident does have something to do with them, and the person who died was more directly the God-King of their camp.

Naturally, they cannot stay out of it.

Xiao Mo said calmly at this time: "What else do you need to consider? You think you are very powerful and can cause a lot of danger to me. I tell you that is not the case. I am not afraid of you at all."

"As for whether you want to challenge me? I'm not afraid anymore. I just want to see how powerful your death camp is and how dare you be so arrogant."

"It has been hidden for tens of thousands of years. It has become a coward. Isn't it good to continue to do so?"

"Why do you have to seek death by yourself? It's just confusing."


Hearing these words, the God of Annihilation looked very ugly. The other party dared to humiliate their Destruction Camp like this. The key is that the other party also spoke Chinese. Their Destruction Camp had indeed been hidden for tens of thousands of years.

If you say it's a coward, then it's pretty much the same. The other party really touched their sore spot, and it's simply unreasonable.

The God of Annihilation was completely angry.

The other party must be too courageous.

"First finish the work of the ruler of the country. You are insulting our entire destruction camp. If you don't apologize now, then you will pay a price that will make you regret it."

Xiao Mo smiled slightly when he heard this and apologized. How could he apologize for what he said?

What kind of thing in the death camp is worthy of his apology?

"I didn't expect that fairy and demon have played before, but he is so stubborn. It's really too six."

"That's the death camp. Although they can't demonstrate it, it's hard to deny how powerful they are. If it were an ordinary camp, they wouldn't dare to speak so loudly to them."

"Yes, yes, among the camps without a divine master, the selling camp is the most powerful camp."

"This fairy and demon kingdom is beyond my expectations. I originally thought they would just stay there and stay there."

"Yes, if it were me, I'm afraid I would have knelt down and called daddy."

"That's right, don't talk about us gods. Even the God King must behave well when meeting a strong man like the God King of Annihilation."

In the starry sky, the gods were discussing this scene enthusiastically.

They never expected that the territorial power of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom would be so tough on the ancient camp. It was really beyond their expectations.

However, some people think it's normal. They don't even go to the evil camp and directly kill the Broken God King. How can they be afraid of the demise of the camp?

What? Do you have any confidence that the territorial power of the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom is so lucky?

At this time, the God of Annihilation was a little confused as to why the other party was so confident and not afraid of him.

Their Death Camp is a huge camp. It not only has countless magics, but also has a large number of God Kings. It also has an invincible existence like him in the God King Realm. How dare they challenge the Death Camp?

This is often the case. The more stubborn you are, the lonelier others will be. And once you are weak, the more they will bully you.

The Kingdom of Immortals and Demons is so tough that even the God of Annihilation, the powerful God-King, begins to doubt it.

Does the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons really have the strength to be unafraid of itself? But in his eyes, these gods from the Immortal and Demonic Kingdoms do not have the existence of the peak of high-grade god kings.

Not to mention, who can compete with him.

However, the God of Annihilation is not too afraid, because his boss has become the God Lord, and with the God Group's camp, it is too easy to suppress small territorial forces like the Inner Demon Kingdom.

Therefore, the God of Annihilation has no interest in any trump card of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom. In other words, no matter what their trump card is, whether they can be invincible in the field of God King, their Destruction Camp will not be competed by them.

This is the self-confidence of the camp that has the God Lord.

As the younger brother of the boss of the God Lord, the God of Annihilation is so arrogant.

"Our dying camp is indeed hidden from the world. It has been tens of thousands of years, but it is not your turn to judge us."

"Anyone who dared to speak to me like this a long time ago is already dead. Whether they are the God of Faith or the God of Origin on the Origin Continent, or the evil demons from another world, I have all slaughtered them to death."

"Now you will end up like this too."

"You dare to be disrespectful to me, are you worthy of it?"

After the God of Annihilation finished speaking, his divine power became more intense, and he mobilized his great victory. In this way, the divine power aura on his body was extremely violent.

At this time, everyone was on alert, because they understood that their partner was likely to explode, and countless gods stayed away from the starry sky not wanting to be affected.

At this time, the magic of the nearby evil camp also entered the battle state, or inspired its own divine power laws, or took out its own artifacts.

Naturally, they will not ignore this matter. After all, they are also one of the parties involved.

Seeing the opponent struggling like this, the immortals and demons in the Immortal Demon Kingdom also entered a state of fighting.

However, they don't have much fear of the enemy, because they themselves are also very powerful, not to mention that the Holy Lord is right next to them.

Under the leadership of the Holy Lord, everyone on the other side will be wiped out.

Moreover, they are already good at war by honing their arms. Not only do they have magical skills that are unique to immortals and demons, but they also carry their natal artifacts from birth.

It can be said that their advantages over the gods of the evil camp are too many.

The expressions of the gods were changing as they watched this scene. Although they had been expecting the war to break out, they did not expect it to come so quickly, and when it really came to this, they felt depressed in their hearts.

Because the impact of the God War is very huge.

A lot of forests will be affected if they are not careful, so they must be careful.

"Hehehe, the good show we have been waiting for is finally coming. They are ready to fight. Fight, fight, fight, the more passionate the better."

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