It can be seen from this that Xiao Mo's godhead is so unparalleled that no matter whether it is a low-level god or a top-level god, their godhead is far less powerful than Xiao Mo's godhead.

They are not even qualified to be compared at all. In front of Xiao Mo's godhead, their godhead is simply not worthy of being called godhead. There is no way, the gap is too huge.

After all, Xiao Mo's divine personality can absorb various divine laws without restriction, and there will be no conflicts between divine laws and harming the divine personality.

"The value of my godhead is probably very terrifying. Even a god master would be very eager for this kind of thing. Even a god master weapon would be far from possible to compare with it."

Xiao Mo whispered, feeling a sense of divine superiority.

For him who has this kind of godhead, it is very reasonable to have this sense of superiority. Other people's godhead is like garbage, but his godhead is more precious than gems.

"I don't know how terrifying the combat power I will have after I am promoted to God Lord and my godhead accommodates so much regular divine power."

Xiao Mo whispered with anticipation. His current state was just that of a God King. If he could reach the God Lord, it would be another world.

And he put his hope of being promoted to God Lord in this [Alien World Evil Exorcism Event]. The official announcement said that the alien world chosen for this event is the site of the ancient divine war, and there must be countless precious things in it. materials exist.

For example, divine objects, etc., can strengthen the power of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom. And if a large number of evil demons can be killed inside, then the army of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom will usher in a new round of promotion. These benefits cannot be ignored. .

The silent night disappeared, the sun rose, and time came to the next day.

Xiao Mo felt the power of the sixty rules in the godhead, and felt slightly satisfied in his heart.

Also, just now, the vague feeling of being spied on disappeared. Apparently the creature that was spying on him had left.

Xiao Mo knew that there must be a creature in a distant place secretly observing him, and the other party must have an unpredictable purpose.

"My instinct seems to sense something."

Xiao Mo whispered, his instinct gave him a feeling that the origins of the people spying on him were not simple. They were probably the gods in the central area?

But, what is the purpose of the other party coming here?

Xiao Mo thought about it, and then he started to think about the opponent's strength again.

He felt that the other party was very likely to be a god-lord level existence.

Because if the other party is a God-King, then he will be locked in immediately by himself as the God-King.

Therefore, he judged that the other party was a strong man at the level of a god.

Moreover, you must know that Xiao Mo himself has the enhancement of the Immortal Demon Sword. With its blessing, his perception must be even more amazing. It is not difficult to find any god king of the same level.

Therefore, the fact that the peeper is the God King can be completely overturned.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Jinxuan came over at this time, and seeing Xiao Mo frowning, she asked.

What happened to His Majesty? Could it be that he would also have some very difficult problems?

Xiao Mo said: "I feel like there is a god secretly watching me from outside the Fairy and Demon Kingdom."

"What? Then his intentions must be very bad."

Jinxuan raised her eyebrows and said, "So that's it."

"Your Majesty, what level of deity is the other party?"

Hearing this, Xiao Mo smiled and expressed his speculation.

"That god is most likely at the level of a god."

"Because if he is the God King, I will target him whether he is the lower level God King or the peak God King."

"It's actually the realm of the God Lord?"

Jinxuan was stunned.

The majestic God Lord peeks into the kingdom of immortals and demons?

"Your Majesty, what is the other party's purpose?"

"Isn't he trying to hurt you or the Fairy and Demon Kingdom?"

"It's very possible. I think the other party's purpose must be unfriendly. Otherwise, we could just visit him directly."

"And I speculate that he should come from the central area."

"Your Majesty, are you saying that the other party is most likely the god of the central area and an empire ruler?"

"Not bad." Xiao Mo nodded and agreed with this statement.

He did think so. The other party must be a king who ruled an empire. After sensing that Xian'er was promoted to the Lord of God, he became vigilant, so he came over to quietly spy on the Fairy and Demon Kingdom. I don't know if he wanted to judge the Fairy and Demon Kingdom. The strength is still something.

But what is certain is that the other party must be a god at the level of a god. If it is not a creature of this realm or a creature that holds the master weapon of this realm to protect itself, then there is no way to escape the lock of Xiao Mo's powerful divine consciousness.

Xiao Mo spoke out his speculation: "Perhaps the opponent may be the first opponent from the Immortal Demon Kingdom to attack the central area - the Glorious Empire."

Jinxuan said doubtfully: "Your Majesty, why is this?"

After saying this, she suddenly showed a look of enlightenment and added: "Is it because the Glorious Empire is closer to the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons than other empires?"

"Yes, and if the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons wants to attack the central area, it will be the first one, so its leader is likely to be wary."

Xiao Mo nodded and said.

If he is the leader of the Glorious Empire, then it is impossible not to plan ahead and observe the opponent's combat strength as much as possible, so that he can make some arrangements and be prepared.

"Moreover, the border of the Glorious Empire is located at the end of several major regions. Originally, the border was to guard against attacks by local forces in the Dark Forest, the Far North Icefield and other regions."

"Now that the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons that I rule has conquered the Far North Icefield and the Dark Forest, it is only a matter of time before I completely dominate the four major regions in the future."

"This means that the four major areas defended by the Glorious Empire have been transformed into our Fairy and Demonic Kingdom. This is a direct antagonistic relationship!"

"Also, the ruler of the Glorious Empire must have noticed that Xian'er was promoted to God Lord, so he cast his eyes on her."

"Although this is just speculation, it is the most likely possibility anyway."

"If he continues to think along this line of thinking, he already understands that the Fairy and Demon Kingdom has grown up and can even compete with the empire slightly, so the king is now extremely defensive and even wants to directly attack our Fairy and Demon Kingdom."

"But due to the laws of the world, local forces like them cannot attack our territorial forces, so he can only cast his gaze."

Jinxuan also nodded in agreement when she heard this.

She also felt that His Majesty Xiao Mo was right, because this was the most likely answer.

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