Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 530: Xiao Mo’s confidence and strength are the last word

Xiao Mo explained with a smile: "My immortal and demon arms have different growth potential limits. Some are as high as demigods, while others are real gods."

"There are also some who are at the peak of the God King."

"The complete version of immortals and demons is that they grow to the limit of their growth potential as soon as they are born."

After listening, Jinxuan felt completely confused.

Why are the immortal and demon soldiers so scary? You must know that her own soldiers are all larvae when they are recruited, and they have to be slowly cultivated into adults.

As a result, the person in front of me was actually able to directly reincarnate into a complete adult body, and even directly breed a soldier with a maximum growth potential.

Jinxuan felt that her outlook on life was about to be shattered.

It's so perverted, no wonder the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons is so powerful.

It was at this moment that Jinxuan finally understood why Xiao Mo was so awesome and why the immortal and demon soldiers were growing so fast.

There were even a bunch of god-level immortals and demons.

Because Xiao Mo doesn’t have to cultivate them slowly at all, but can directly cultivate the complete version!

She finally understood what Xiao Mo's confidence was. With such a strong foundation, she must also have strong self-confidence.

Xiao Mo, as expected, never told lies and said he didn't care about other territorial forces, so he really had that strength!

Xiao Mo continued: "It actually takes a lot of time to give birth to a complete version of the immortal demon, even as long as dozens of days."

"And the reason why I can give birth to new immortals and demons so quickly is because I have enough divine power."

"Otherwise, I would not directly choose to give birth to a complete version of the immortal demon."

Jinxuan nodded, she knew what Xiao Mo meant.

That is, for the masters of their territorial power, time is money and materials.

If there is no divine power condensation and you still choose to breed a complete version of the fairy demon instead of choosing to breed a young fairy demon, it would be really stupid.

However, fortunately Xiao Mo is an extremely wise person.

Jinxuan's expression gradually became complicated as she thought about it. Xiao Mo was the only one who could act like this and dared to play like this.

If it were her or other territorial lords, even if they had the ability to recruit full-scale soldiers, they would not have the capital to recruit them.

Not everyone is as rich as Xiao Mo.

The amount of divine power that Xiao Mo consumed just now was an astronomical sum for the master of the top territory.

Those territorial power owners who know how to do business have no such skills at all!

As time goes by.

A thousand light balls filled with the aura of immortals and demons began to change.

Under Jin Xuan's shocked eyes, they gradually collapsed, and the aura of immortals and demons surged out, covering the sky and the earth.

The next moment, a thousand complete versions of the immortal and demon arms appeared!

Xiao Mo chose to check their information directly.

Among the thousand immortals and demons, there are more than forty real gods, and the rest are all demigods.

Xiao Mo whispered: "This wave is pretty good, but not enough to satisfy me."

"I just hope that the next immortal and demon reincarnation pool can bring me some surprises."

With that said, he walked towards another immortal and demon reincarnation pool.

After skillfully adding enough divine power condensate, this round of complete fairy-demon gestation began again.

For Xiao Mo today, the amount of divine power condensation he consumed might be enough to make the local gods feel painful and make the territorial power owners jealous and eager for the divine power condensation, but to him, it is really not a lot.

This is the confidence of the rich.

Even if Xiao Mo is asked to consume ten times the amount of divine power, Xiao Mo will not feel physical pain and will even be happy to accept it.

After all, there is nothing you can do if you are rich.

He currently has too much divine power condensation, which can sustain the consumption of being reincarnated into full versions of immortals and demons many times.

Just two times, really pitiful.

In front of Xiao Mo, as he poured enough divine power into it, it began to release the light of immortality and demon again.

Xiao Mo was used to seeing it, and as for Jinxuan, it was the second time he saw it, so he wouldn't be too surprised.

"The light of the fairy and demon seems to be more powerful this time?"

Jinxuan looked at Xiao Mo and said in surprise.

Xiao Mo hummed and said: "If everything goes well, then this time we will be able to give birth to a more powerful and complete version of the immortal demon."

"I consumed a lot more divine power liquid this time."

Jinxuan was a little stunned.

She didn't know how much more Xiao Mo meant, but she still felt suffocated.

Xiao Mo is really too wealthy.

In front of him, Jinxuan instantly felt like a poor man with nothing.

Except for herself, who is pretty good at it, the rest, whether they are military units or others, are really nothing.

Perhaps Jinxuan was rich compared to other lords.

But in front of Xiao Mo, she really felt like a beggar seeing a king.

But Jinxuan also knows that this is not because she is too bad. She is also one of the richest among billions of lords!

It was really because Xiao Mo was so outrageous that she seemed so clumsy.

Under this mentality, Jinxuan couldn't help but sigh: "This kind of skill is something that many local gods and territorial lords cannot do, especially among the territorial lords, none of them can be as rich as your majesty. .”

Xiao Mo smiled and said nothing more.

Materials are for use after all, and only turning them into strength is the top priority.

It's like you live in the mountains. Although you have a pile of gold, you may be very happy.

You are not happy because you have so much gold, but you are happy that you can sell it and turn it into money, and then you can live a rich life, live a life that is envied by millions of people, and drive cars and beautiful women every day.

Although the Origin Continent is different from the mortal realm, the principles are the same. Wealth or materials can only be used if they are used.

In the mortal kingdom, if people have money, they have to hire bodyguards and security guards. In the Origin Continent, they have to turn wealth into strength!

No matter where you are, strength is the last word!

As time passed by, the extremely destructive ball of light rose again from the immortal and demon reincarnation pool, exuding the aura of immortals and demons.

The number is still a full thousand.

Not long after, they shattered, and new immortal and demon soldiers were born.

Among them, the aura of two immortals and demons is so special.

The auras on their bodies are extremely powerful, their divine status is as high as that of God Kings, and they possess powerful divine power!

Xiao Mo couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

There are two more angels at the level of God Kings, which is very comfortable.

This wave can be said to be profitable.

Also, the number of other god-level angels is more than 20 more than the more than 40 who were reincarnated today, up to more than 60! "

Although Xiao Mo was already prepared, he was still shocked.

The Kingdom of Immortals and Demons has over a hundred god-level angels growing every day. Who would believe it?

I'm afraid that the entire Yuanchu Continent will be shocked by this.

(There were only two updates yesterday, which wasted a lot of time for readers. Today I will add another chapter. I hope readers can support me more!)

ps: I recommend a new book by a big guy.

That fish in the sky - "I Want to Become an Immortal"

The cauldron refines the universe, the energy controls the mountains and rivers, and the young man kills the python in the wilderness...

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