Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 492 The Kingdom Alliance’s hesitation! Belief in the beast god is too slow!

"Then it's decided! We've already arrived, and we will definitely not withdraw until the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons is destroyed!"

Finally, it was the king of the Lion Kingdom who made the final decision, his voice like muffled thunder, which lasted throughout the camp.

To put it bluntly, these local kingdom forces can only fight against the fairy and demon kingdoms if they unite together and gather together.

Once they withdraw their troops like this, the Fairy and Demonic Kingdom will definitely be able to defeat them one by one easily.

By then, it will be almost impossible for them to unite such a powerful force!

Therefore, the alliance of forces of the local kingdoms is now in a difficult position and is completely at odds with the fairy and demon kingdoms.

There is only one option now.

Only when one camp is completely destroyed can this war be declared over.

Of course, for the alliance of local kingdom forces, they believe that it will be the fairy and demon kingdom that will be destroyed in the end.

Because they thought they had the key to victory in this war.

At this time, the national master of the Eagle Clan Kingdom said: "Then ask the gods to take action. As long as they can help break through the walls of the capital of the Fairy and Demon King and the protective magic circle, the rest will be left to us. We’re gone!”

What's blocking the coalition's path now is the terrifying defense of the capital of the Fairy and Demon King.

In their understanding, as long as the capital of the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons is not defended by city walls and protective formations, then the army can march straight in.

When the time comes, they will directly enter the capital of the Fairy and Demon King and destroy the Kingdom Heart of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom. Then the Fairy and Demon Kingdom will be completely destroyed.

"Okay! I'll try to contact you right now!"

The king of the Lion Kingdom said after pondering for a moment.

Then, he took out a dark wooden sign-like thing and began to use his spiritual consciousness to communicate with a certain god.

In ancient times, through the power of faith, he could pray to the God of Faith of his own race and pray for the God of Faith's protection.

But things are different now. They no longer believe in those ancient beast gods, so they have no way to use the power of faith to contact the beast gods.

After a moment, the king of the Lion Kingdom showed a hint of joy on his face.

The national master of the Eagle Clan on the side quickly asked: "Your Majesty Shi Kedi, what did the gods of faith say? Do they agree?"

His Majesty Shi Kedi, King of the Lion Kingdom, said: "Don't worry, we have agreed! In ten minutes at most, they will arrive in person!"

Hearing such an answer, the king of the Snake Kingdom was a little confused: "Ten minutes, how can it take so long?"

Ten minutes is definitely not a long time for ordinary creatures, but it is already a long time for a strong person with powerful power.

A lot can be done and various situations can happen in ten minutes.

For those gods of faith, it only takes a moment to come here.

Ten minutes is indeed a long time

But this war has lasted for nearly seven hours from the beginning to now.

They destroyed ten branch cities of the Immortal Demon Kingdom, and now they have reached the city wall of the capital of the Immortal Demon Kingdom.

But those gods of faith haven't made any movement yet, and their affairs haven't been finished yet. It's really too slow!

"Actually, the snake-human beast god Mingguang has fallen!"

King Shi Kedi of the Lion Kingdom said: "In addition, the Lion Beast God Shi Biwu is also dead!"


Hearing Shi Kedi's words, all the high-ranking officials of the kingdom present were shocked.

Although they no longer believe in these beast gods, they still understand their situation relatively well.

If Mingguang, the snake-human beast god, is slightly weaker, Shi Biwu, the lion-human beast god, is a real mid-level god king!

Shi Biwu, the beast god of the lion tribe, was famous even in ancient times. He had killed countless powerful evil gods from other worlds.

However, such a powerful beast god of faith has actually fallen?

All the high-ranking officials of the kingdom present were stunned for a long time.

After a long time, the National Master of the Eagle Clan took a deep breath and said, "Does the death of the Lion Clan Beast God Shi Biwu have something to do with the Fairy and Demon Kingdom?"

His Majesty Shi Kedi, King of the Lion Clan, nodded and said in a low voice: "That may be the case, but I'm just not sure yet!"

"In order to avoid accidents, those who believe in beast gods are summoning more gods of faith to help them, so it may be a little late to arrive here!"

"That's it! It only takes ten minutes to reach the sky. This amount of time can still be waited for!"

At this time, a senior official from another kingdom said: "As long as it is certain that they will definitely come here, it is enough. But if they come a little later..."

The high-ranking member of the kingdom's forces did not say any more, but everyone knew what he wanted to say.

If those who believe in beast gods change their minds and no longer participate in this war, then their situation will be really embarrassing.

Attacking but not being able to break through, retreating but not daring to retreat. Isn't this a dilemma?

"Continue the attack!"

King Shi Kedi of the Lion Kingdom said: "Continuously bombard the walls of the capital of the Fairy and Demon Kingdom, don't give them a chance to breathe! Just wait for the gods of faith to come, and we will launch a general attack!"


All the top leaders of the local kingdom power alliance nodded in agreement.

The next moment, the coalition's spiritual cannons and giant trebuchets bombarded the city wall more violently, causing earth and rocks to fly from the city wall of the capital of the Fairy and Demon King.

On the city wall that is two thousand meters high, there are potholes of all sizes, which can almost be described as devastated.

But that's all. In fact, no matter how hard the coalition forces bombarded the walls of the capital of the Immortal Demon King, they could never be shaken.

After all, the walls of the [Advanced Main City] are hundreds of meters thick and two thousand meters high.

No matter how densely packed the pits are, so what?

the other side.

The lords of the territorial power alliance were immediately confused.

Everyone's scalp felt numb.

You know, there are millions of spiritual cannons and nearly ten thousand giant trebuchets bombarding them together. A small city-level city can be destroyed with only a few rounds of bombardment.

Facing the capital city wall of the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons, it can only scratch a few skins?

This kind of defense is simply terrifying!

"Fortunately, we have the help of the God of Faith. Otherwise, even if we have a larger army now, we would never be able to destroy the Kingdom of Immortals and Demons!"

"After all, it's still a high-end main city, and its defense is really abnormal!"

"It would be great if I had such a main city! Unfortunately, my main city is only at the level of a mid-level small city, and it is nothing compared to a high-level main city!"

"You shouldn't be envious, but feel lucky!"


"Think about it, if your main city is upgraded to the advanced junior level now, wouldn't you become the second Qian Mo? Do you think you can keep your status as a lord?"

"Well...it sounds like this is really the case!"


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