Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 229 Level 5 natural ancient wood! Advantages of low-level arms! Blackie is back!

As Xiao Mo whispered, the huge natural ancient trees began to tremble violently at random.

A green beam of light descended from the sky, covering the entire natural ancient tree.

next moment.

Natural ancient trees grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The trunks begin to become thicker and taller, and the crowns gradually become larger.

Even the natural spiritual power in the air has become more intense at this time, almost comparable to the spiritual power of immortals and demons in the territory.

In fact, this situation is normal. After all, the upgraded [Natural Ancient Wood] and [Immortal Demon Reincarnation Pond] are both fifth-level military buildings.

"Dear Lord!"

Seeing the changes in the natural ancient trees, the wood spirit priest shouted in surprise: "Are you upgrading Mother's body now?"


Xiao Mo nodded and said: "The Fairy Demon Stones and Soul Crystals brought by the Natural Wood Man Army are quite abundant. Plus some of the ones I had reserved before, it is enough to upgrade the Ancient Natural Wood to the fifth level."

The wood spirit nodded after hearing this, and then asked: "After mother's body reaches level five, how many little natural wooden figures can she give birth to every day?"

Xiao Mo thought for a while and replied with a smile: "I don't know the specific number. I won't know until the upgrade is completed, but I think it will definitely be more than thirty-two!"

The fifth-level unique troop building [Immortal and Demon Reincarnation Pool] can reincarnate thirty-two immortal and demon troops every day.

Then, the next-level top-level military building [Natural Ancient Wood] can produce at least more than thirty-two wooden figures every day.

"More than thirty-two? There are actually that many!"

Mu Ling and Muke exclaimed in unison, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

As for the disappointment that no special wooden people and ancient wooden people were born today, they have been directly thrown out of the sky.

You must know that their tribe of natural wooden people has been inherited and multiplied for nearly a thousand years, and they only have less than 7,000 natural wooden people.

However, it now seems that if you want to give birth to another 7,000 natural wooden figures, it will only take more than half a year at most.

This is extremely beneficial news for the development of the Natural Wood Tribe, which is enough to make them feel ecstatic.

The other adult wooden people nearby were also shocked and excited after hearing Xiao Mo's words. There were even many natural wooden people who started cheering to vent their excitement and joy.

After more than ten minutes, the upgrade of [Natural Ancient Wood] was completed.

The green beam of light slowly dispersed, and everything finally became calm again.

At this time, the natural ancient trees have grown to about 160 meters.

Although it is not the tallest ancient tree in the vast forest, it is still amazing enough.

The dense tree canopy directly covered the entire territorial city, and even extended some outside the city.

[Natural ancient wood: top military building]

[Faction: Justice, Kindness, Order]

[Current level: Level 5]

[Fifty natural elves can be born every day]

[Required for upgrade: 100,000 immortal magic stones, 1,000 soul crystals]

[Special reminder: There is a 10% probability that the top five military units building natural ancient trees can breed super top military units such as special wooden men and ancient wooden people]

Looking at the number of natural wooden humans that could be conceived every day, Xiao Mo twitched the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Fifty natural wooden figures every day, one thousand in one month, and more than six thousand in half a year.

Sure enough, the lower the strength of a unit, the more units it can summon.

According to this rule, we can roughly know how terrifying the number of troops summoned every day will be for other levels of military buildings once they reach level five.

After the advanced military building reaches level five, the number of troops that can be summoned every day is about 80 to 100.

The number of intermediate military units buildings will be doubled, which is about two hundred.

As for the low-level military buildings, there are probably three to four hundred buildings a day, and there may be even more than that.

However, this can be regarded as a powerful advantage of mid- to low-level military structures.

Once those middle and low-level lords stand up, the number and scale of the troops under their command will probably make even the top lords feel numb.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mo suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He felt that if one could only achieve the status of god by obtaining the power of faith, this would seem to be more powerful for the middle and low-level lords.

After all, the speed and strength of the power of faith, as well as the number of followers and believers under his command, play a crucial and decisive role.

"It seems that from this perspective, this so-called competition is still very fair!"

Xiao Mo curled up the corners of his mouth and murmured to himself.

Then, he turned around and said to the Wood Spirit Priest: "From now on, assemble the Natural Wooden Army and enter a state of combat readiness! If it goes as expected, the battle with the Allied Forces of the Immortal Killing Demon Slaying Alliance will begin soon. So naturally the wooden army is waiting for orders and is ready to enter the battlefield at any time!"

"As you command, Lord Lord!"

The wood spirit bowed slightly and saluted, and responded respectfully.

At the same time, the morale of everyone in the Natural Wood Army was also high, and they shouted in unison: "We swear to be loyal to the lord to the death! We will never let any enemy step into the territory!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Mo nodded with satisfaction.

This is the benefit of having a high loyalty value. If it is low, the fighting desire and morale of loyal units will plummet accordingly, which will directly affect the combat effectiveness of the units themselves.

At this time, several high-pitched roars sounded, and several huge figures fell into the city.

It was the seven black-blooded dragon pythons that returned with Xiao Hei, whose strength had been greatly improved.

The roar of the black blood dragon python, accompanied by Xiao Hei's somewhat immature dragon roar, lingered over the fairy and demon tribe.

The next moment, eight figures swooped down from the sky and landed directly in front of the Immortal Demon Ancestor Hall.

The seven black-blooded dragon pythons were naturally crawling in the light of the immortals and demons emanating from the [Immortal Demon Ancestral Palace].

Since being purified by Xian Qing'er, the black-blooded dragon python can quickly increase its loyalty value as long as it is bathed in the light of the fairy and demon.

Nowadays, the loyalty points of the black-blooded dragon python have almost all reached ninety-eight points, not far from the one hundred points of die-hard loyalty.

I believe that it won't be long before the loyalty points of these black blood dragon pythons will reach one hundred points, and they will be completely loyal to Xiao Mo and become Xiao Mo's loyal believers and followers.


As soon as Xiao Hei returned to the city, the first thing he did was to ask Xiao Mo for credit.

With a joyful and excited cry coming out of his mouth, his huge body rushed towards Xiao Mo, bringing up billows of smoke and dust behind him.

This guy has been a die-hard loyalist since he was born, with a loyalty value of 100 points, and he is like a newborn naughty child, very dependent on Xiao Mo.

Although Xiao Mo felt quite helpless, when Xiao Hei got closer, he still raised his hand to touch its huge head.

However, this "naughty kid" avoided Xiao Mo's outstretched hand and lay on the ground gently rubbing his head on Xiao Mo's trouser legs, appearing to enjoy it very much.

Seeing this, Xiao Mo could only smile bitterly, and then checked Xiao Hei's strength before entering.

In one day, the strength of this little thing soared directly to the eighth-level peak commander level, and the aura of his body became more solid.

The biggest change is of course the appearance.

As his strength level increases, the two forked dragon horns on Xiao Hei's dark forehead have begun to appear.

The body size has grown to nearly seven meters long, and the width of its wings is almost fifteen meters.

For a human race like Xiao Mo, this is definitely a giant.

With the return of the seven black blood dragon pythons and Xiao Hei, it seems to be a sign that the war between the Immortal Demon Tribe and the Immortal Killing Demon Killing Alliance is about to begin...

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