Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 202 Qian Mo is the younger brother! The old ghost’s plan! Guaranteed profit without loss!

In the internal chat group of the Covenant of Gods Alliance. Read 520 official website

[Hahaha... It's developed, it's developed, I don't know what to buy...]

【WTF? Is this guy crazy? 】

【Old ghost! What are you talking about? Did you dig out the shit and find out the dog shit? 】

【piss off! What the hell are you doing? A dog cannot spit out ivory! 】

[Could this old ghost have captured the dark elf? He has been craving for the dark elves for a long time! 】

[Dark elves... tsk tsk! Amazing! 】

[Old ghost, do you want to emulate Qian Mo? Among all the territorial forces, only Qianmo has local racial forces! 】

[What’s good about dark elves? They are creatures of the evil, dark and chaotic alignment, and their aura is extremely disgusting. What's so good about them? 】

【yes! If you want to catch it, you also need to catch the natural spirits! Or, like Mr. Qianmo, it would be nice to make some natural wooden figures! 】

[Speaking of natural elves, I met a few yesterday, but they all looked very arrogant and should only be viewed from a distance without blasphemy! 】

[I also saw a natural elf a few days ago. She was as beautiful as a fairy. Unfortunately, she was so powerful that I didn’t even dare to talk to her! 】

[Look at you cowards, you really embarrass men! 】

【proceed if you can! 】

【no! Where is the old ghost man? Did you dive? 】

【Here it is! Here it is! You are overthinking, I didn’t catch the dark elf! 】

[Then why are you laughing? Smiling like a fool! 】

【roll! You know your grandma’s legs! I didn't catch the Dark Elf, but I got a Bone Dragon! I joined forces with a skeleton monarch from the local forces to kill a dark dragon at the peak of spiritual level! I directly transformed the body of the dark dragon into an undead bone dragon! 】

[It won’t take long, after devouring a large amount of soul fire, my bone dragon will be promoted to the rank of king! Hum! By then, what will Qianmo be? 】

[Tell you the truth! I have reached an agreement with the Skeleton Lord! Soon the Skeleton Lord and his army of tens of thousands of skeleton warriors will be able to overthrow the tribe of immortals and demons in no time! Qian Mo, haha...he is just a younger brother! 】


In an instant, there was silence in the alliance chat group for a while.

For a time, the top lords in the Covenant Alliance of Gods were shocked.

The skeleton monarch of the Jun rank, the army of tens of thousands of skeleton warriors, and the old ghost's own bone dragon that will soon enter the Jun rank...

Are these powerful forces besieging the fairy and demon tribe together?

This news shocked them even more than the thousands of lords of the Immortal-Slaying Demon-Slaying Alliance who gathered tens of thousands of flying troops to expedition against the Immortal and Demon Tribes.

Can the Fairy and Demon Tribe resist such a large-scale and powerful undead race force from the evil camp?

It seems impossible!

Even if there were Jun-level natural wooden figures in the Immortal Demon Tribe, it would be difficult to withstand such a huge skeleton army.

【Old ghost! Are you really lying? It’s such a big deal! 】

[Is it necessary to fool you? Just wait and watch the excitement! 】

[Two or three days at most! My undead army will also join the battle! I finally found the fast passage to the underground world, of course I have to take advantage of it! 】

【Just wait and see! The fairy and demon tribe will soon turn into ruins! As for those idiots from the Immortal Killing Demon Killing Alliance, forget it! They are just a mob! You still want to watch my performance! 】

【Fuck! Damn it, is Bone Dragon really that awesome? 】

【certainly! The Bone Dragon is a top-level unit with the potential to grow to the top of the monarch level. Moreover, I have negotiated with the Skeleton Lord, and it will provide my bone dragon with a steady stream of soul fire, and soon my bone dragon will be promoted to the rank of monarch. 】

[When the time comes, two monarch-level undead will join forces! Even if the immortal and demon tribe in Qianmo is guarded by a powerful monarch, what will happen? He must die too! 】

I saw the messages sent by the guy called "Old Ghost".

Members of the alliance were truly shocked.

Of course, many top lords are more excited.

Because they were finally about to see Qian Mo fall!

Although they don't have any deep grudge against Qian Mo, to put it bluntly, Qian Mo's strength is the original sin!

If Qian Mo is not eliminated, then the tribe of immortals and demons will not be destroyed.

In this case, there is always a mountain pressing above their heads, and a sharp sword hanging there.

Only by destroying Qian Mo and destroying the tribe of immortals and demons can they have a chance to stand up.

There is no need to worry about being attacked by Qian Mo’s army of immortals and demons in the future.

[Damn... Brother Gui, how did you become so awesome in the blink of an eye? By the way, how did you get involved with the Skeleton Lord, and how were you able to transform into a bone dragon? 】

[I definitely can’t tell you how I got involved! This is my brother’s secret! As for transforming the bone dragon, it’s because I got a special blueprint and a scepter after the Beast Tide War! 】

[The special drawings taught me how to make corpse water, and the scepter can ignite the soul fire of the corpse skeleton! 】

【Holy shit! Is there such a drawing? terrible! 】

[There are so many types of drawings, especially special drawings, there are all kinds of them! 】

[Ghost brother! You are really going to be prosperous this time! This kind of awesome skill, coupled with your undead race military force, is simply tailor-made for you! 】

[Ghost brother! Don’t forget your brothers when you get rich! Hug your thighs early! 】

【Don’t be happy too early! Old ghost, have you ever thought about what you would do if you failed? Qian Mo is not that easy to mess with! 】

At this time, someone started to pour cold water on the old ghost.

Although the current strength of the old ghost is enough to suppress any top lord.

After all, he has a skeleton monarch as an ally, with a skeleton warrior army under his command, a bone dragon that is about to be promoted to the rank of monarch, plus his own undead troops.

Under this kind of strength, who is his opponent?

As long as he takes advantage of this, Lao Gui's territorial power will be able to expand rapidly, and it may not be impossible to surpass Qian Mo in the future.

However, it is very irrational to provoke Qian Mo now.

After all, no one can figure out Qian Mo's true strength.

If it really succeeds, of course everyone will be happy, but if it fails...

The consequences would be unimaginable, and even the entire Covenant Alliance of Gods would be implicated!

[You know a hammer! I'm not stupid! I will definitely not confront Qian Mo, I will play tricks with him! 】

[I want to use that skeleton monarch and let him and Qian Mo fight so that both sides will lose! If Qian Mo loses, I will naturally get a lot of benefits from Qian Mo’s territory! If the Skeleton Lord loses...hehe! 】

[I’ll look at Qianmo’s losses again! If the losses are heavy, I can continue the attack! If the loss is small, I will definitely withdraw immediately, and directly conquer the Skeleton Monarch's forces and include the mass graves in my territory! 】

[So, no matter what, I will definitely win! As for Qian Mo’s revenge, I’m not worried at all! 】

[After all, my territory is far away from the endless abyss area! I found the mass grave through the express passage of the underground world, and Qian Mo would never have thought that I was behind it. Even if he knew, he would not be able to find the location of my territory at all! So, I was invincible from the start! 】

【Yohe! With that said, it can really work! Old ghost, you have a good mind! It’s a business that’s sure to make money! 】

【of course! Don't even look at who I am! 】

[Ghost brother! When you get rich, don’t forget your brothers! Brothers are your strongest backing! 】

[Haha... Of course I won’t forget it! Do not worry! 】

【I'm going to get busy! It’s been a busy couple of days! gone! 】

As the old ghost went offline, the chat group gradually became silent.

It was also from this moment on that the Covenant Alliance of Gods really began to have undercurrents...

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