Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 200 Skeleton Warrior Lair Information! Conquer the mass graves!

From Muya, no information was obtained about the lair of the undead race. Read 520 official website

It's also not on the Lingyun map.

However, since there is an undead race appearing, there cannot be an undead race nest nearby.

Therefore, Xiao Mo was certain that this lair was probably deep underground.

After all the troops returned, Xiao Mo convened an iron guard of immortals and demons.

He was once an elder of the underground dwarf tribe, and he still knew a lot about the underground world.

Through this immortal and demon iron guard, Xiao Mo finally confirmed that there was indeed a mass grave not far from the underground dwarf tribe that had been abandoned for countless years.

That mass grave is the nest of the skeleton warrior, one of the undead races.

And in this lair of skeleton warriors, the strongest one is their leader, a skeleton warrior at the peak of his spiritual level.

After learning all this, Xiao Mo fell into deep thought, and then Mu Ya walked to Xiao Mo again.

"Lord, the information about the strength of the skeleton warrior leader may not be at the peak of the spiritual level."

"Because, only after the undead race reaches the monarch level in strength can they use the soul fire to condense the mark of the undead!"

Hearing Mu Ya's words, Xiao Mo was slightly startled, then nodded.

I have to say that Muya’s reminder was very accurate and timely.

Otherwise, if he just sends it to deal with a team with peak spiritual level strength, it is very likely that he will suffer heavy losses.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mo directly called Xian Qing'er, Mo Wuxin and several special immortal and demon soldiers, as well as those immortal and demon soldiers who had been promoted to the spiritual level, to his side.

Then he called the wooden priests Mu Ling and Muke to his side.

Soon, the summoned immortal and demon soldiers and natural wooden figures gathered in front of Xiao Mo and saluted Xiao Mo neatly.

"Today I met a group of skeleton warriors who were killed by me. They were probably exploring the territory. Through understanding, I have now basically determined that their lair is in a mass grave in the underground world, and their leader should be a The skeleton monarch who has just stepped into the rank of king."

"I need you to go to the underground world now, let the underground dwarves lead the way for you, find the nest! Completely destroy them! If you encounter any situation during the process, just handle it yourself!"

Xiao Mo said loudly and expressionlessly.

"As you command! Master (Lord)!"

The immortal and demon soldiers and the two natural wooden figures responded respectfully in unison.

Afterwards, Mo Qingqing briefly sensed the location of the underground dwarf tribe, and then casually drew a circle on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a space channel filled with mysterious power appeared, and the immortal and demon soldiers and natural wooden people swarmed in.

The next moment, the space passage disappeared, and the immortal and demon soldiers and natural wooden people also disappeared.

When they reached the end of the passage, they suddenly found themselves in a dark underground world.

They were already on a high platform, which was a tall statue.

Below the high platform, thousands of underground dwarves were kneeling to worship the statue.

Every morning and before night falls, the underground dwarves will worship the omnipotent Holy Lord and pray for His protection.

At these two times every day, you can see Xiao Mo's statue, exuding a crystal milky white halo, looking extremely sacred.

This is the unique light of the power of faith, which comes from thousands of devout believers in this underground dwarf tribe.

The wood spirit priest was really shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"This...this underground dwarf tribe actually surrendered to the lord and became his disciples?"

Xian Qing'er on the side heard this and smiled lightly, looking very proud.

"It is their honor to become the master's believers and receive the master's protection! This shows that they have pursued the right path!"

Upon hearing this, Mu Ling nodded thoughtfully, and looked at each other with Muke. Both of them saw a hint of expectation in the other's eyes.

They expected to believe in the Lord and become his followers, but they were unwilling to have their faith forcibly instilled.

Naturally, the wooden people have to go step by step and rely on their own abilities to obtain the Lord's blessing.

A short while later, after communicating with the dwarf elder, Mo Wuxin came back with a few dwarves.

Then, the team of the Immortal Demon Tribe, led by a few dwarves with fanatical expressions, marched toward the underground mass grave.

In the tribe of immortals and demons.

Xiao Mo was not idle and counted the harvest of today's military hunting.

Including his own day out, he harvested a total of 1,430 fairy and magic stones, 12 soul crystals and two unknown drawings.

After putting away the Immortal Demon Stone and Soul Crystal, he directly appraised the drawings.

It's a pity that they are just two ordinary drawings, and there is nothing worth surprising.

An [Intermediate Residential Building Drawing - Thatched House] can be used a hundred times, which means that one hundred huts can be built at once.

The other one is [Intermediate Defense Building Drawing—Defensive Wall], which can build a defensive wall surrounding the entire territory's sphere of influence.

Xiao Mo didn't even think about it and used the [residential drawings] directly on the open space.

After a while, one hundred brand-new thatched huts neatly arranged together appeared in front of Xiao Mo.

As for the [Defensive Wall Construction Drawing], Xiao Mo directly put it on the trading platform for sale at the price of 400 fairy magic stones.

The Immortal Demon Tribe already has a defensive wall, so this blueprint is of little use.

Rather than keeping it in your hand, it is of course better to hang it on the trading platform and exchange it for some fairy magic stones.

His price is already very fair, not shady at all.

You know, although as the scale and strength of the lord's troops increase, the probability of getting the blueprints also increases, and the lords have more and more blueprints in their hands.

However, not all lords are so lucky to have the blueprints revealed. Many lords have not yet seen what the blueprints look like.

So up to now, the value of the drawings is still relatively precious and relatively easy to sell.

With Xiao Mo's current price, a lord will soon buy the [Defensive Wall Blueprint].

As for the food obtained, Xiao Mo kept a small part and put the rest on the trading platform.

When there were only immortal and demon teams, those immortal and demon soldiers did not need food, but it is different now.

Now, there are still the Immortal Demon Death Soldier Group, Immortal Demon Iron Guard Group, Chong Tianque and Black Blood Dragon Python to feed.

Xiao Mo now has more than 200,000 units of food listed on the trading platform, and until now, no lord has made a large-scale redemption.

However, Xiao Mo was not in a hurry.

Anyway, these foods will not go bad if they are hung on the platform. If they cannot be sold now, it does not mean that they will not be sold in the future.

Just when he was about to close the trading platform, Xiao Mo suddenly remembered something.

So, I directly used the stored wood and stone to buy some flowers, fruits, honey, etc. on the trading platform.

These are naturally the food stored for the natural wooden soldiers.

These natural wood people are vegetarians, and although they can get their own food, it's always good to stock up on some for emergencies.

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