Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 193 Upgrade the natural moat! Intermediate troop expansion drawings! Thirty-two immortal and

After reading the information about [Immortal Demon Reincarnation Pool].

Xiao Mo turned his attention to the double-sided statue of immortal and demon beside him.

This statue has undergone tremendous changes compared to when it first arrived.

Xiao Mo was looking forward to it. What kind of surprise would this statue give him when it fully opened its eyes?

After one glance, Xiao Mo walked to the open space in the square.

[Immortal and Demon Reincarnation Pool] has been upgraded. All you have to do is wait for the new immortal and demon arms to be reincarnated tomorrow morning.

As for the need to upgrade the Immortal Demon Reincarnation Pool to the sixth level, Xiao Mo didn't even dare to think about it.

One hundred thousand immortal magic stones and one thousand soul crystals...

This number base is really exaggerated.

The demand has increased ten times compared to when it reached level five.

In the [Elf Queen's Bracelet], there are only more than 9,000 fairy and magic stones left, and there is only one solitary soul crystal.

This reserve is no different than starting from scratch.

At least for a short period of time, don't think about raising the reincarnation pool to level six.

Unless there is a huge explosion of luck, there will be another large-scale war.

For example, there will be another beast tide war, or a war with the dwarf kingdom, or to destroy and conquer the black blood dragon python nest, etc.

However, judging from the current situation, such a large-scale war is simply impossible.

However, Xiao Mo was not in a hurry.

He could predict that among all the territorial forces, his unit should have the highest building level.

Judging from the previous situation, most of the military buildings in most territories now generally only have level three.

There may also be people who upgrade military structures to level four, but only a very small number of top lords can do that.

At present, except for Xiao Mo himself, it is impossible for anyone else to upgrade the military building to level five.

This is not because he is conceited or self-willed.

But because of the upgrade of military structures, the demand for immortal magic stones and soul crystals is almost an insurmountable barrier for most lords at this stage.

To upgrade from level three to level four, five thousand immortal magic stones and fifty soul crystals are needed.

The Immortal Demon Stone is a bit easier to say, but the explosion rate of the Soul Crystal is really enough to give people a headache.

The stronger the overall strength of the territory, the more higher-level monsters need to be killed to have a chance of exploding soul crystals.

As for those small fish and shrimps, they can only see fairy magic stones at most.

Especially on the [Wanzu Trading Platform], soul crystals were sold for sky-high prices.

Among the billions of lords, only a handful can actually afford it.

This is why Xiao Mo believes that there are absolutely not many lords who can upgrade military structures to level four at this stage.

And his [Immortal and Demon Reincarnation Pool] has reached level five, and can reincarnate thirty-two immortal and demon soldiers every day.

So, what does he have to worry about?

The most urgent thing he needs to do now is to steadily develop the power of the Immortal Demon Tribe and expand the size of the Immortal Demon Team.

Then, find the right time to start attacking the local forces in the endless abyss area.

While annihilating local forces one by one, fairy magic stones and soul crystals will naturally be continuously received.

So, why worry about not being able to upgrade the [Immortal and Demon Reincarnation Pool] to level six?

Besides, with such a huge demand, even one or two large-scale wars will not be able to meet it, so there is no point in being anxious.

Walking to the open space in the square, Xiao Mo took out another pale golden blueprint.

Killed sixteen black-blooded dragon pythons and harvested a total of two blueprints.

One is the [territory building upgrade drawing] that just upgraded the [Immortal Demon Temple] to the [Immortal Demon Ancestral Temple].

The remaining one is naturally the [intermediate initial troop expansion drawing].

[Arm Expansion Drawing] Xiao Mo has used it twice in total, and both were low-level.

Even so, sixteen immortal and demon arms were expanded once, and eight immortal and demon arms were expanded the second time.

This is an intermediate blueprint now, so even if it is to expand the random number, as long as the luck is not so bad that it will choke your teeth to drink cold water, then the number of expanded troops will definitely be more than the previous two times.

Therefore, Xiao Mo is also very much looking forward to this [intermediate initial troop expansion drawing] bringing him a surprise.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mo didn't hesitate at all and chose to use it immediately.

The next moment, the drawing disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of dazzling golden and red light slowly rose, forming a Tai Chi pattern like a giant millstone in front of Xiao Mo.

After a while, bright balls of light flew out from the Tai Chi pattern.

Golden light balls and red light balls floated around Xiao Mo one after another.

This process continued for a long time, and it was not until the Tai Chi pattern gradually dissipated that it completely stopped.

At this time, four rows of light balls were neatly arranged around Xiao Mo, a total of thirty-two.

In other words, this drawing directly expanded the number of troops that Xiao Mo could reincarnate in at one time in the fifth-level [Immortal and Demon Reincarnation Pool].

However, Xiao Mo still curled his lips, seeming a little dissatisfied.

"It seems that my luck value is a bit low today!"

After all, the expansion blueprint for low-level arms expanded to sixteen units at once.

It stands to reason that the explosion rate of intermediate blueprints is much more difficult than that of low-level blueprints. This expanded function cannot just double it.

Therefore, Xiao Mo felt that his lucky points might have been used up today.

Now we can only hope that the level of these immortal and demon soldiers will not be too low, and that there will be more special immortal demons or high-level immortal demons.

Just as Xiao Mo was thinking about it, the thirty-two light balls floating around him shattered.

Then, sixteen immortals and sixteen demons appeared together in front of Xiao Mo.

Ignoring the salutes of these immortal and demon soldiers, Xiao Mo's first attention was naturally on the soldier information.

But after roughly checking it, Xiao Mo felt a chill in his heart.

He couldn't help but raise his hand and slap his right cheek.

"It makes you a bitch! It makes you unable to hide things! What kind of bullshit luck!"

"You regret it now! Mad! There are thirty-two immortal and demon arms! There is not even a single earth-level general!"

Xiao Mo felt really regretful.

If he knew this was the result, he would definitely put the drawing away for a while before using it. Maybe the effect would be much better than now.

He now very much doubts whether his journey has been a little too smooth, so God is unhappy with him and wants to tease him on purpose.

In Xiao Mo's original idea, with so many immortal and demon arms, the possibility of an earth-level general appearing was relatively high.

Not to mention too much, it wouldn't be a problem to have at least one or two, and he didn't ask for any special immortals or demons.

But reality directly dealt him a dimensionality reduction blow.

Thirty-two immortal and demon soldiers, thirteen Xuan-level immortal and demon warriors, and the remaining nineteen are all yellow-level immortal and demon warriors.


Xiao Mo sighed helplessly, and in the end he could only use the large number of immortal and demon warriors to comfort his injured heart.

Later, Xiao Mo arranged them all for Xian Qing'er and Mo Wuxin.

At this point, the total size of the Immortal Demon Team has reached one hundred and twenty-two.

There are approximately sixty soldiers in both squads.

From today on, the Immortal Demon Team has finally basically taken the prototype of the Immortal Demon Army.

The Immortal Demon Legion will eventually be the main force for the Immortal Demon Tribe to conquer all forces in the struggle for hegemony among all races.

Especially after the fairy and demon army has grown up, it will definitely make all enemies frightened!

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