Everyone Invades Another World: Starting with the Immortal-Demon Reincarnation Pool

Chapter 144 Ling Yun Map! Underground river fast track! Mysterious sound!

Xiao Mo frowned because things were a little beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that Xian Qing'er was already at the lower level of the spiritual level, and as long as Mo Wuxin was promoted to the spiritual level, the immortal and demon team would be able to sweep the entire dwarf kingdom.

After all, to build a kingdom, it is enough to have the strength of the tenth level king.

The strength of a king of a kingdom cannot exceed the spiritual level at most.

However, he did not expect that there would be such a "sea-fixing needle" in the dwarf kingdom.

This old national master of the middle rank is the most powerful supporter of the entire dwarf kingdom.

Want to sweep and conquer the dwarf kingdom.

Then we must first get rid of this dwarf old master.

"Where is the specific location of the dwarf kingdom? How far is it from my fairy and demon tribe?"

Xiao Mo asked the dwarf leader again.

After hearing Xiao Mo's question, the dwarf leader took out a piece of parchment that shone with light golden light from his arms.

"The Omnipotent Holy Lord! I have a spiritual map of the endless abyss area here."

The dwarf leader stood up, walked quickly and respectfully to Mo Jingjing, and handed over the map in his hand.

Mo Jingjing handed the map to Xiao Mo, and then heard the dwarf leader say:

"This map details the locations of all the forces in the Endless Abyss area, including the Dwarf Kingdom."

"The royal city of the Dwarf Kingdom is about 700 kilometers away from your territory!"

Xiao Mo took the map from Mo Jingjing's hand and opened it. What was shown was the entire situation of the Endless Abyss area.

The entire map is drawn in great detail, with mountains, lakes, forests, minerals, and the distribution of various forces marked...

Soon, Xiao Mo found the location of the dwarf kingdom on the map.

After some calculations, as the dwarf leader said, the distance is almost seven hundred kilometers.

However, this made Xiao Mo even more puzzled.

It had only been a few days since he attacked the dwarf tribe.

Even if these dwarf warriors set out immediately, they would not be able to run that far in just a few days just by running on their legs.

If his team of immortals and demons could fly at extremely high speeds in the air, they could cover such a long distance in a shorter time.

But these dwarves have no flying skills.

"How did you arrive at such a long distance so quickly?"

"Report to the Holy Lord! When the Dwarf Kingdom was first established, it opened up fast underground river passages connecting all the dwarf tribes in the Endless Abyss. At the same time, each passage is equipped with a spiritual speedboat, which can quickly reach any area through the underground rivers!"

"We arrived in this area in just two days via the spiritual speedboat, and then started investigating the news about the dwarf tribe in this area."

The dwarf leader's answer made Xiao Mo slightly stunned.

This dwarf kingdom is actually a local force engaged in technology.

There is no doubt that there are almost all waterways deep underground, but the Dwarf Kingdom is probably the first to use these waterways as transportation tools.

In the past, there was a subway underground, but here it has become an "Earth Aviation"!

It seems that in this unknown world full of spiritual power, anything is possible.

After all, the forging skills of the dwarves are there. Maybe there are not only ground voyages, but also airships and other things.

"Does your dwarf old master have any plans?"

Since there is such a convenient strategic passage, the old Imperial Master must not only use it to facilitate travel.

"The old master just sent me to lead people to gather information, and did not tell me any plans. But according to my guess, the arrogant and greedy dwarf kingdom will definitely invade the fairy and demon tribe!"

After being purified by Xian Qing'er and becoming Xiao Mo's believers, these dwarf warriors naturally thought of the interests of the fairy and demon tribes, and instead became extremely disgusted with the dwarf kingdom.

After hearing the words of the dwarf leader, Xiao Mo felt the surrounding air suddenly become colder before he could speak.

Mo Jingjing's face was full of murderous intent, and a cold demonic mist was looming on her body.

"If the rebellious dwarf kingdom dares to invade my lord's territory, the fairy and demon team will kill them all!"

Seeing Mo Jingjing's appearance, the dwarf leader trembled and lowered his head.

There is only one year in my heart. Lord Holy Lord's guards are really terrifying!

"What's the point of taking those loners back? Why don't you just kill them?"

Xiao Mo asked another question in his mind.

"Report to the Holy Lord! The reason for taking them back is to investigate information about another world!"

"Huh? How do you know about another world?"

Xiao Mo was even more confused.

Logically speaking, although these lords and loners appeared suddenly, there was no evidence that they came from another world.

But why do all these local forces believe that they are from another world?

"About ten days ago, a row of big characters suddenly appeared in the sky. At the same time, everyone heard a mysterious voice, saying that there were creatures from another world coming to the mainland! As long as we kill the creatures from another world and destroy their territory, we You’ll get a mysterious reward!”

Hearing this, Xiao Mo's brows furrowed deeper and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although he didn't know where the words in the sky and the mysterious voice came from, he could guess that this must be an extremely terrifying existence.

Just like the vision before the beast tide comes, how powerful would a being with this kind of ability be?

However, Xiao Mo now also understood the reason why those monsters and local forces hated the territorial forces and tried every means to destroy them.

Mysterious reward!

To put it bluntly, it is similar to the welfare of their lords.

The only difference is that one side is a local force and the other is a foreign territorial force.

Xiao Mo did not ask who the owner of this mysterious voice was, because he was sure that even people from local forces would not know.

Without thinking about it again, Xiao Mo changed the subject and asked about the situation in the dwarf kingdom.

I learned from the dwarf leader that the dwarf kingdom is still very powerful.

There are probably more than a million dwarves in the entire Endless Abyss area.

The dwarf kingdom has a core population of approximately 200,000.

At the same time, the dwarf kingdom has a total of four legions, each consisting of five thousand dwarf warriors.

The king of the dwarf kingdom is at the peak of the spiritual level, and the four legion commanders under his command are all at the lower level of the spiritual level.

There are also eight tenth-level king-level deputy commanders, and there are eighteen ninth-level lords.

This dwarf commander is the biological son of the commander of the First Legion and the captain of the Second Palace Guard.

His duty is to guard the palace, so he is the person closest to the center of power in the dwarf kingdom.

Therefore, I know very clearly the detailed information of the dwarf kingdom, such as the number of strong men, the size of the legion, and the kingdom's defense deployment.

After understanding this, Xiao Mo fell into deep thought.

Since there is the dwarf old master, a powerful man at the peak of the monarch level, naturally he cannot take the initiative to attack the dwarf kingdom.

Therefore, it is necessary to seduce the dwarf kingdom to send an army to attack his fairy and demon tribe.

Thinking of this, a flash of light flashed in Xiao Mo's eyes, and he immediately arranged a task for the dwarf commander...

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