The levels of believers are divided into ordinary believers, devout believers, fanatical believers and die-hard believers. read

Those mercenaries are still just devout believers and cannot be directly reincarnated into immortal and demonic soldiers.

Now we can only reincarnate soldiers with fairy and demon attributes. As for what they are, this thing is random.

"Will reincarnation of these souls consume the energy of the immortal and demon reincarnation pool?"

Xiao Mo asked again.

[For non-reincarnated immortal and demon soldiers, the energy required can be directly replaced by immortal demon stones! 】

"So that's it!"

"Then accept the soul immediately and reincarnate after the beast tide passes!"

Although these mercenaries are not strong, they are indeed his followers, and they died heroically for him.

He was quite sorry at first, but now that he can consume the Immortal Demonic Stone to reincarnate their souls into soldiers, why not do it?

However, now is not the time to reincarnate the soul, so the soul can only be temporarily transferred to the [Fairy and Demon Temple] for storage.

After the beast tide ends and they are reincarnated together, he also wants to know what kind of soldiers these souls will be reincarnated into.

At this moment, Xiao Mo suddenly felt that the air temperature in the entire territory dropped suddenly.

Taking a closer look, Mo Jingjing, with a stern look on her face, flew high into the sky, surrounded by a familiar magic light.

"It's that AOE legion skill again!"

Xiao Mo curled his lips and muttered something softly in his heart.

Mo Jingjing's legion skills, which he had seen during the city defense battle, were absolutely ridiculously strong.

Mo Jingjing, wearing a black tight-fitting armor, stood in the air with her eyes closed.

A head of black hair sprung up without wind, and the whole body was surrounded by magic light, like a terrifying black hole.

The next moment, she suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and there seemed to be a wisp of fire dancing in her eyes.

"Devil's attack technique! Demonic flames start a prairie fire!"

As Mo Jingjing's cold voice fell, the temperature of the surrounding air within a radius of six kilometers dropped again.

The strange black flame instantly turned into millions of beating flames, falling like raindrops.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Tens of thousands of strange and cold black flames instantly fell on the densely packed monsters.

Suddenly, accompanied by bursts of miserable howls, countless monsters transformed into pitch-black ice sculptures while struggling.

With just this move [Devil Flame Starts a Prairie Fire], Mo Jingjing instantly killed nearly two thousand monsters rushing at the front.

There are a large number of elite-level monsters and commander-level monsters among them.

It was also at this time.

On the [Points Ranking List], the Immortal Demon Tribe’s points instantly increased by more than 10,000.

This wave directly passed the original second to tenth place, and instantly caught up with the [Dragon Blessed Land].

This momentary change directly caused an uproar in the [World Chat Channel].

【Holy shit! Am I hallucinating? Or is there something wrong with my eyes? ! 】

【Fuck! ruthless! What's going on with the Immortal Demon Tribe? The points actually jumped up so much at once! 】

【What the hell! Scared me! I was checking the standings. I just reached the Fairy and Demon Tribe, but it immediately disappeared. When I looked again, I was directly ranked second! The points instantly increased by more than 10,000! What the hell...]

[More than 10,000 points, which is equivalent to more than 2,000 first-order monsters and more than a thousand second-order monsters... This must be killed with mercy! 】

[The most important thing is this is a flash sale! It explodes instantly! What on earth did Mr. Qianmo do! 】

[I feel like this must be an awesome move used by the immortal and demon soldiers! 】

【Look! Let me just say that Mr. Qianmo will always be the invincible one! What kind of covenant among the gods, aren’t they all just younger brothers! I only recognize Mr. Qianmo as the strongest lord! 】

[ @Qianmo boss! I would like to ask if the Immortal Demon Tribe wants to be a solo traveler! I don’t charge a fee, just let me see what the fairies and witches look like! 】

【What’s going on upstairs! My integrity is shattered! 】

[Looking at the situation, Boss Qianmo will soon surpass Shenlong Blessed Land, return to the top, and aspire to be number one in the rankings! 】

[Needless to say! I have always firmly believed that the Immortal Demon Tribe of Qian Mo is the most powerful lord force! The other lord forces are all scum! 】

[To put it bluntly, just one sentence! Everyone here is rubbish! It's just that Mr. Qianmo is keeping a low profile! 】

【cut! Are you licking dogs in Qianmo too happy too early? I don't believe he can unleash this ultimate move a second time! I still want to surpass the Divine Dragon Blessed Land! He is so beautiful! I want to eat shit! 】

【Yes! I, the Gods Covenant Alliance, have nothing to say, just four words, I am invincible! You are free! 】

[Where did that rubbish escape from! Was your math teacher taught by your teacher’s wife or your physical education teacher? That big head must be filled with fat! 】

【that is! Your covenant of gods is nothing! Our Lone Traveler Alliance is invincible! 】

【Lone travelers are shit! piss off! 】

[Same as above +1]

The huge jump in the points of the Fairy and Demon Tribe caused a huge sensation.

Many lords were stunned and couldn't believe it.

Especially the lords in the [Covenant of Gods] alliance were shocked.

They also thought that this was probably a big move used by the immortal and demon soldiers.

But what kind of terrifying ultimate move is needed to kill so many monsters at once and directly gain more than 10,000 points?

[What the hell is this? It’s so scary! 】

[I don’t know if this ridiculously powerful ultimate move is a skill drawing or a skill of the immortal and demon arms. If it is the latter, it would be too abnormal! 】

[The three ninth-level mid-level divine dragons in Divine Dragon Paradise release their dragon breath together, and their power is quite different. 】

[I think it should be a skill drawing! That kid from Qianmo has always been very lucky! 】

【okay! Don't panic! Isn’t Shenlong Blessed Land still at the top of the list? I hope I can get the only special benefit. As for Qian Mo, I'm sure he will never be able to use this level of ultimate move again! 】

[This kind of ultimate move can be regarded as a forbidden technique! It’s impossible for Qian Mo to get all the skill drawings! If he wants to catch up with Shenlong Blessed Land, it will definitely be impossible! 】

[I also think that the fairy and demon tribe will definitely not be able to catch up! 】

[Since everyone sees it this way, it seems that our Gods Covenant will definitely get the only special benefit! Hahaha……】

【of course! The only special benefits must be those belonging to the covenant of our gods! 】

[As long as you get special benefits, even if Qianmo’s immortal and demon soldiers are powerful, they will never be enemies of our Gods Alliance again! The future of Yuanchu Continent will definitely be in our hands! 】

【Yes! We are the rulers of Yuanchu Continent! He is the true god of this world! 】

As their self-confidence skyrocketed, each of them boasted louder and louder.

However, what they never imagined was that the wave just now was just the beginning.

The next climax of the points jump will definitely become a nightmare for them in this life.

The lords of [Covenant of Gods] are too happy too early...

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