Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 56 The Limits Of What Humans Can Reach

Chi Xiao and Zhan Lu attacked the Cursed King at the same time, with 3280 mental power, the combined attack power of the two specialized weapons was 4000, plus a 1152% explosion damage bonus, and a 21 times damage bonus. The two specialized weapons exploded directly. Sixty million injuries!


The terrifying damage directly stunned the Cursed King. At the same time, eight iron swords that received the two major bonuses of Chi Xiao and Zhan Lu's critical hit damage and damage increase followed closely, hitting the Cursed King again. .


Another string of damage numbers of 1.27 million exploded from the Cursed King's head.

The Cursed King was attacked by two nuclear explosions in succession. He was so frightened that he surrendered his body-receiving skills on the spot. He distanced himself from Zhang Yuan and said in surprise: "Boy, what kind of harm are you doing?"

"I told you, it will hurt!"

Zhang Yuan chuckled, and once again used his sword to attack the Cursed King. Eight iron swords disrupted the Cursed King's sight, while Chi Xiao and Zhan Lu attacked with the main force.

The Curse King cannot use any offensive skills other than the curse system in this trial copy. In addition, he is a remnant soul and his strength is less than one thousandth of his peak strength. It is quite difficult to avoid Zhang Yuan's attack at this moment.

Chi Xiao hits, -47988158!

Zhan Lu hit, -15996052!

The iron sword hit, -159960!

Damage figures of various sizes kept popping up from the Cursed King's head, making the Cursed King sweat-drop.

"Impossible...impossible! You just ignore my king's defense. Why is there such high damage?"

The Cursed King was completely frightened by Zhang Yuan's damage. He originally thought that even if Zhang Yuan's weapon durability was exhausted, his blood skin would not be able to be worn away. But from now on, before Zhang Yuan's weapon durability is exhausted, his physical strength will be reduced. You have to use them all up first!

When the Cursed King was shocked, he was stabbed twice more with swords, and his breath became rapid!

"You kid, don't get too carried away!"

The Curse King roared, and he directly applied various curses to himself, and all attributes were fully improved.

Boss second stage!

Soon, Zhang Yuan's sword could not catch up with the Curse King.

The Curse King stood in mid-air, looking down at Zhang Yuan below, "Haha, boy... I have to admit that your damage is indeed very high. If you keep attacking me, I may be beaten to death by you, but unfortunately... …The speed of your flying sword is too slow. As long as I am fast enough, you will not be able to hit me!”

Zhang Yuan's eyes condensed, he put the flying swords into the sword formation space, and opened them around the Cursed King. However, before the ten flying swords could hit the Cursed King, the Cursed King teleported to another place.

The Curse King continued to impose various curses on himself, and his physical strength and spirit began to recover rapidly.

Zhang Yuan looked at the smiling Curse King and realized for the first time the shortcomings of his attack methods.

The speed of his flying sword is more than enough to deal with low-level monsters, and no monster can escape... But once the enemy speeds up and his flying sword cannot catch up, he will not be able to do any damage.

It's a pity that Zhang Yuan doesn't have the skill to make the flying sword hit. Even if he realizes his shortcomings, he can't change the situation now.

"Boy, are you exhausted?"

The cursed king sneered, "Although you are immune to my curse, if you don't defeat me, you won't be able to leave this place... At most, you will starve to death in half a month!"

"Human beings...are such fragile things."

Faced with the cursed king's ridicule, Zhang Yuan fell silent.

Indeed, he now has no other means to deal with the Cursed King.

Although after equipping Chi Xiao and Zhan Lu, he could use Spiritual Storm to deal tens of millions of damage to a single target, but without the bonus of Cursed Heart, he could not rely on curses to restore his mental power, and he could not use Spiritual Storm much. This time, it was obvious that the Cursed King could not be killed.

"As expected, it still can't be done..."

Zhang Yuan was a little reluctant, but this was the case, and his abilities had their upper limit.

After all, he is only level 22, and his opponent is the king of the abyss. Even if he has fallen, he is still the king.

This is definitely something Zhang Yuan can't defeat at this stage!

Mythical Trial...

It’s extremely dangerous with an exclamation mark.

Zhang Yuan laughed out loud when he thought of this...

In this situation now, we can only have fun in the midst of suffering.

"You can still laugh in this desperate situation. I have to say... you are quite optimistic."

The Curse King smiled at Zhang Yuan, "I still say the same thing, if you are willing to do things for me, I will let you out. Not only that, I will also give you the power of the abyss, allowing you to rise to 70 class."

"With your talent, at level 70 you are enough to conquer all mankind."

Zhang Yuan sneered: "Even if I starve to death here, I won't take a bite of your abyss!"

"Haha... Then I will wait for you to starve to death!"

The Curse King sneered and stopped trying to persuade him to surrender. He just kept his distance from Zhang Yuan.

During this period, Zhang Yuan also tried to sneak attack the Cursed King, but the Cursed King remained vigilant, and Zhang Yuan's sneak attacks all ended in failure.

Just like that, five days passed.

Zhang Yuan was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back, and he lay on the ground unable to move.

Hunger and thirst were consuming Zhang Yuan's will bit by bit.

“Boy, it’s only been five days and you can’t hold it anymore?”

The Cursed King not far away looked at Zhang Yuan lying on the ground mockingly, "You think, what's the use of having such a good talent? Aren't you going to starve to death in the end?"

"Human beings are flawed creatures. Your lifespan is short. If you don't eat, you will die. If you don't drink water, you will die. You are also extremely easy to die young. But it is you, a group of fragile creatures, that occupy all the sunshine in this world. This is a great threat to the abyss. How unfair is that?”

"Zhang Yuan, there are limits to human abilities. How about you stop being a human being?"

Zhang Yuan still sneered and said weakly: "It doesn't matter if I die here. I have brought the Blade of the Cursed King and the God-level Awakening Stone in. No one will step into this dungeon in the future. Your plan is shattered." , you will be trapped in this place forever, with my bones."

"King of Curse...I lost, but you didn't win either."

Cursed King: "..."

The Cursed King fell silent. It was obvious that Zhang Yuan had touched his sore spot.

In fact, when the Cursed King used the power of the curse to strengthen himself, he had already thought of a hundred ways to exploit loopholes in the copy and solve Zhang Yuan's problem.

All he had to do was wrap the power of the curse around his fist and then fight Zhang Yuan hand-to-hand. This was also considered a curse attack.

Although the curse is ineffective against Zhang Yuan, with his attributes and basic attacks, Zhang Yuan can be beaten to death.

However, he did not take action.

Because he also thought of the consequences Zhang Yuan said at that time.

Now that the Cursed Heart, the Cursed King's Blade and the God-level Awakening Stone have all been brought into the trial dungeon by Zhang Yuan, even if someone can clear the King's Boneyard dungeon in the future, he will not get the God-level Awakening Stone. Will be stuck here forever.

Seeing the Curse King's silence, Zhang Yuan laughed again and said weakly: "Cursed King, you said that people are fragile... I admit this."

"But, how about we compare our will and courage?"

"You... a king of the abyss, do you have the courage to die with an unknown person like me?"

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