"God-level awakening stone?"

Zhang Yuan thought he heard wrongly, "Lao Bai, are you kidding me? How is it possible that no one has ever taken such a good thing?"

Bai Zhengguo smiled and said: "Perhaps I made a mistake in my statement. It's not that no one wants to get it, but that no one can get it, including me, Wan Changan... and the top experts from all the major families in the country."

Zhang Yuan's heart suddenly became cold: "You can't even get it, I'm afraid I can't get it, right?"

"No, on the contrary, I'm afraid only you can get it."


"The dungeon where the God-level Awakening Stone is located was created after the death of the Cursed King. It is limited to levels below 30. There is no difficulty selection, and only one person is allowed to enter."

"It does sound difficult, but the Daxia Empire is so big, there must be someone who can clear this kind of dungeon alone, right?"

Bai Zhengguo: "You are right. Powerful legendary professions, as well as very few god-level professions, can all have the ability to clear the dungeon alone, but that dungeon is different... As long as you enter that dungeon, you will be cursed throughout the process and cannot Be purified."

"The four-dimensional attributes are reduced by 90%, the movement speed is reduced by 90%, the skill cooldown is increased by 100%, and the physical strength and mental energy are continuously reduced until death by the curse. Even if the human shield with the highest physical strength is put in, the health will be bottomed out in less than ten seconds. , and finally had to quit.”

Zhang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up: "It sounds like this is a copy specially tailored for me!"

Bai Zhengguo: "Yes, when you said that your cursed heart can turn the curse effect into a positive effect, I knew... only you can obtain the god-level awakening stone."

"Zhang Yuan, currently in our Daxia Empire, there are only professionals who have used the legendary awakening stone, and there has never been anyone who has been awakened to the god level. If you succeed, the intensity will be unimaginable!"

Zhang Yuan suddenly became excited, "It sounds awesome, I can't wait for that copy!"

"I knew you'd be excited, come with me."

Bai Zhengguo smiled kindly, put his hand on Zhang Yuan's shoulder, and then the space around the two of them distorted slightly, and finally turned into light and dissipated.

The cursed copy is located on the outskirts of the Abyss battlefield, thousands of kilometers away from Kyoto. Even the space mage Bai Zhengguo will take a while to transmit it.

Zhang Yuan is in a magical space, with light flowing continuously around him, and a large number of pictures that are pulled into lines form a bizarre tunnel.

Ten seconds later, Zhang Yuan stepped on a piece of black land.

"Is this your first long-distance teleportation? How does it feel?"

"It's okay...just a little disgusting."

"Haha, this is normal, just get used to it."

Bai Zhengguo smiled and nodded, then pointed forward, "Look, that's the cursed copy."

Zhang Yuan looked in the direction Bai Zhengguo pointed. Under the moonlight, on the charred land, a huge skeleton hundreds of meters high was lying on the ground.

On the head of the skeleton, there was a black vortex with a radius of ten meters, and the terrifying aura emanating from it was intimidating.

"Is that skeleton the Cursed King?"

"That's right... In order to kill the Cursed King, our Daxia Empire buried the bones of millions of soldiers here. The tragic war that year severely damaged the vitality of our Daxia Empire, and it has not fully recovered yet."

"That god-level awakening stone is the essence of the Cursed King, and it is hidden deep in the copy."

Listening to Bai Zhengguo's words, Zhang Yuan used the Eye of the Abyss on the copy.

[Copy of King's Boneyard]

【Level: 30】

[Difficulty: Unable to choose]

A level 30 hidden dungeon with no choice of difficulty. It looks like a place to die.

Bai Zhengguo: "It stands to reason that we should wait until you reach level 30 before bringing you here. However, the abyss has been restless recently. More and more copies are becoming abyssal. Our frontline is retreating steadily and we have to close the battle line."

"In a month, I'm afraid this place will be taken back by the abyss, so I can only let you come now."

Zhang Yuan: "Don't worry, Mr. Bai, I'm confident that I can pass this dungeon."

"Yes." Bai Zhengguo nodded and gave Zhang Yuan another scroll for forced return to the city. "However, if you really can't do it, don't force it. You can forcefully leave the dungeon and come back after you have gained some levels."

"Everything is life first."


Zhang Yuan walked to the copy and put his hand in.

[Please confirm whether you want to challenge the King's Buried Bones copy? 】

[Warning, this copy is extremely dangerous! 】


Zhang Yuan entered the dungeon and appeared in a black swamp.

This swamp is very large, and the air is filled with the smell of decaying animals and plants. Deep in the swamp, there is a corpse that is larger than a mountain, constantly exuding a foul smell, and has not yet completely decomposed.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan discovered that a cold and strange breath poured out from the corpse deep in the swamp and entered his body.

[Suffering a curse, the four-dimensional attributes will be reduced by 90%, the movement speed will be reduced by 90%, the skill cooling time will be increased by 100%, and the physical strength and spirit will continue to be reduced until death due to the curse. 】

Zhang Yuan saw the panel indicating that he was cursed, and immediately felt that he had received a huge improvement.

Check out the 4D Properties panel now.

[Name: Zhang Yuan]

[Occupation: Sword Formation Master]

[Level: 21 (5%)]

【Power: 3277】

[Agility: 3287]

【Spirit: 6175】

【Physique: 3277】

The four-dimensional attributes have increased by 90%, and the attributes are already stronger than those of a level 30 awakened professional. It looks like a humanoid boss.

Zhang Yuan couldn't even imagine how painful it would be if he stabbed the monster with his sword!

After Zhang Yuan's attributes were improved in all aspects, even this depressing and weird swamp became beautiful in his eyes.

"I don't know how strong the monsters here are."

Zhang Yuan advanced some distance to the center of the swamp and encountered three giant frogs that were taller than humans, with hard coral on their skin, horns on their heads, and fangs in their mouths.

When the three big frogs saw Zhang Yuan, they immediately jumped to a height of more than ten meters and hit Zhang Yuan like missiles.

Be the first to use the Eye of the Abyss.

[Curse Demon Frog (Elite)]

【Level: 30】

【Power: 15000】

[Agility: 10000]

[Spirit: 10000]

[Physique: 10000]

[Skill: Meteor Bombardment]

The four-dimensional attributes of the ordinary monsters in this dungeon are actually higher than the level 30 hidden boss king.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but gasp when he saw the attributes.

The fact that this minion is comparable to a hidden boss is not the key. The key point is that this is a single-player dungeon with a level limit of 30, and those who challenge the dungeon will suffer a 90% attribute reduction curse throughout the process, and their mental and physical strength will continue to decrease.

Let alone challenge it alone, if a level 30 professional enters this dungeon, as many as he comes will die!

"No wonder no one has gotten the god-level awakening stone so far. This copy is not for people at all."

Zhang Yuan sighed with emotion and sent the three big frogs away with one sword, "Of course, except me."

[Successfully kill the cursed demon frog, experience +50000]

[Successfully kill the cursed demon snake, experience +50000]

[Successfully kill the Cursed Demon Crab, experience +50000]

[Get Devil Frog Skin*10, Devil Snake Scale*3, Devil Crab Roe*3]

[Blade Artifact Quest of the Cursed King (22/100000)]

A series of kill prompts sounded, and a golden light rushed out of Zhang Yuan's body, rising to level 22 on the spot.

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