After the college entrance examination, all candidates were teleported back to their respective schools, except Zhang Yuan who was brought to the central trial tower in Kyoto by Chen Yun.

This central trial tower is different from the light tower in Donghai City. This one is twice the size, majestic and exquisite, and has extremely terrifying energy surging inside.

Every year during the college entrance examination, the Daxia Empire will bring the top scorers in the country to the Central Trial Tower. The Central Trial Tower will give corresponding rewards based on the points of the top scorers in the country.

"Zhang Yuan, don't be nervous. I brought you here just to let you draw the reward. There is nothing else."

Chen Yun stood next to Zhang Yuan and sighed: "Tsk, tsk, tsk... 1.1 million points, I don't even dare to think what your reward will be."

"Teacher Chen, are the rewards for No. 1 Scholar random?" Zhang Yuan was curious.

"You can say that." Chen Yun nodded, "This central trial tower is the body of the light tower you saw in Jiangnan Province. In fact, it itself is also one of the national artifacts of our Daxia Empire. The internal Countless treasures are nurtured in space.”

"Every year, the top pick in the country has the opportunity to obtain a treasure from the Central Trial Tower. The more points you get in the college entrance examination, the more precious the treasure you obtain, and this is the same as using the God's Stone to draw a treasure from the Destiny Star Array. The cards are different. The treasures you draw here are all epic-level equipment at best!”

"So rich?" Zhang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course! After all, you are the top pick in the country and you only get one every year. How can the reward be less?"

Chen Yun led Zhang Yuan to a golden vortex with a radius of one meter, and said to Zhang Yuan: "Put your hand in, and no matter what you grab from inside, it will be your reward."

"I see."

Zhang Yuan nodded and put his hand into the golden vortex.

boom! ! !

The moment Zhang Yuan put his hand in, the golden vortex instantly turned into a red vortex. Thunder and lightning flashed around the vortex, and terrifying energy continued to overflow outwards!

Zhang Yuan felt as if he had hit something strange, so he immediately grabbed it and tried to pull it out.

The next moment, the entire central trial tower began to shake violently, and the energy in the tower began to agitate.

"This is……"

Chen Yun behind him felt the ominous energy surging in the central trial tower. He seemed to realize something, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately said: "Zhang Yuan, don't take out the things in the vortex!"

Unfortunately, it was too late when Chen Yun said this. Zhang Yuan pulled out a dark, cracked short blade from the red vortex!

boom! ! !

The short blade suddenly burst out with terrifying curse power, knocking Chen Yun away and piercing Zhang Yuan's chest at the same time. The endless curse power directly swallowed Zhang Yuan!

"It's over!"

When Chen Yun saw Zhang Yuan being swallowed by the power of the curse, a look of despair appeared on his face, "Why? Can that kid pull out the Blade of the Cursed King suppressed by the artifact?"

[Blade of the Cursed King (Broken): The holder is cursed, and his physical and mental strength will continue to decrease until death. It is compulsorily equipped and cannot be discarded or destroyed. 】

[Artifact Quest: Use the Blade of the Cursed King to harvest the souls of the weak (0/100000)]

[Note: The weapon of the Cursed King contains the boundless resentment of the Cursed King. Only those who bear the wrath of the Cursed King can ascend to the throne of the Cursed King! 】

Amidst a large amount of curse power, Zhang Yuan looked at the Cursed King's Blade inserted into his chest and couldn't help but complain: "Why does this thing only have negative effects, attributes and skills? It actually has an artifact mission... shouldn't this be true? Will it be a piece of equipment above the legendary level?"

Because Zhang Yuan has a curse heart, the curse effect given by the Cursed King's Blade has turned into a positive effect. The Cursed King's Blade now piercing his chest not only did not cause any harm to him, but actually allowed him to continuously recover his physical and mental strength.

He didn't even feel any pain.

"Looking at the condition of this equipment, it seems that it is damaged. It is estimated that the artifact mission must be completed before this equipment can return to normal. But if there is no cursed heart, whoever gets this equipment will be dead, right?"

After Zhang Yuan saw the effect of the Cursed King's Blade, he smiled bitterly and complained, and then pulled out the Cursed King's Blade inserted in his chest, and the wound on his chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Successfully pulled out the Cursed King's Blade and temporarily gained the Cursed King's approval. 】

Zhang Yuan saw the prompt on the panel, and then the Blade of the Cursed King in his hand sucked in all the released curse power, and the restless central trial tower returned to calm.

Then, Zhang Yuan saw Chen Yun, Bai Zhengguo, Wan Changan, and a bunch of unknown but powerful men surrounding him.

"Is he still alive?"

"You haven't been drained by the Blade of the Cursed King?"

"Incredible, he actually conquered the Blade of the Cursed King?"

When a group of strong men saw that Zhang Yuan was safe and sound, they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

Bai Zhengguo and Wan Changan rushed to Zhang Yuan together and asked with concern: "My child, are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

"I am fine."

Zhang Yuan looked confused, "Lao Bai, God of War, can you tell me what's going on now? I'm just going to draw the top prize as a reward. As for such a big battle? Even you two are here."

At this time, Bai Zhengguo used elemental power to examine Zhang Yuan's body, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Wan Changan: "The examination is over, there is no curse effect on him."

Wan Changan looked at Zhang Yuan in shock, "Child, what on earth did you do? After taking the Blade of the Cursed King, you didn't suffer the curse!"

Zhang Yuan replied: "Maybe I have the intention to curse."

"What is that?" Bai Zhengguo and Wan Changan asked in unison.

"You two don't know?"

When Zhang Yuan saw what Bai Zhengguo and Wan Changan said, he immediately realized that the cursed heart he got from the Shadow Forest copy might not be a simple piece of equipment. He immediately closed his mouth and glanced at the strong men around him.

Bai Zhengguo instantly understood Zhang Yuan's worries and said, "Don't worry, kid, everyone here is a trustworthy senior, and no one will harm you."

Wan Changan also nodded slightly, "That's right, even if there is a spy in the Daxia Empire, they can't be. You can say it safely."

With the guarantees of Bai Zhengguo and Wan Changan, Zhang Yuan no longer hesitated and replied: "Heart of the Curse. I defeated Otis for the first time. The equipment obtained by clearing the Abyss dungeon has the effect of turning the curse effect imposed on myself into a positive one." Effect."

"There is such a treasure!"

Bai Zhengguo exclaimed in surprise, then looked at Zhang Yuan and said meaningfully: "It is God's will that you obtain the Blade of the Cursed King from the Central Trial Tower."

Zhang Yuan: "Old Bai, what's the story behind this Blade of the Cursed King?"

Bai Zhengguo fell into memories, "Thirty years ago, a demon king from the abyss led the abyss army to invade the Great Xia Empire. After our empire paid a heavy price, we finally killed the demon king and repelled the abyss army."

"This Cursed King's Blade is the artifact left behind by the Demon King after his death."

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