In the office, Ning Qin smiled like an auntie, and her eyes kept switching between Zhang Yuan and Li Xueer, as if she was admiring two incredible treasures.

Li Xueer was a little scared by Ning Qin's stare, and couldn't help saying: "Principal, if you have something to say, just say it directly. I'm a little scared when you do this."

Ning Qin came back to his senses and said quickly: "Yes, yes, yes! I lost my composure a little. I called you two here this time to ask you which university you want to apply for?"

Li Xueer replied without thinking: "I want to go to Kyoto University."

"Not bad, you have ambition." Ning Qin nodded, and looked at Zhang Yuan again, saying: "Zhang Yuan, what about you?"

"I'm fine..."

When Zhang Yuan said this, he noticed Li Xueer's threatening eyes, and said: "Then I'll go to Kyoto University too."

Hearing Zhang Yuan's answer, Ning Qin nodded with satisfaction.

Kyoto University is the top-ranked higher education institution in Daxia. Last year, only three people in the entire West Lake City were admitted, and none of them were from West Lake No. 1 Middle School.

If two students from their school are admitted to Kyoto University this year, it will be a great honor for Ning Qin.

Ning Qin continued: "This year, only you two have the opportunity to be admitted to Kyoto University, so today I plan to give you two a special lesson."

"Although Kyoto University did not say it explicitly, they actually have a hidden hard requirement. If you two want to be admitted to Kyoto University, you must at least reach level 19 within one month. This is a hard foundation."

"Li Xueer doesn't need to say much. Her Elf Saint is also considered advanced among rare professions. With the help of her family, she has a great chance of reaching level 19 if she tries hard within this month."

"I'm worried about you, Zhang Yuan."

Zhang Yuan: "Me?"

Ning Qin: "Yes... Although you drew a hidden profession, the hidden profession only represents rare Less does not necessarily mean stronger. In history, there are many hidden professions whose strength is not as good as ordinary professions. "

Li Xueer: "Principal, but Dai Gua's profession has been fully drawn!"

Ning Qin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's not that simple. Although the constellation has improved the profession, the improvement is still relatively limited. Generally speaking, six constellations can improve the strength of the profession by 50%, and the stronger professions can only improve by 70%. "

"If Zhang Yuan's profession is relatively weak, even if the full constellation can improve him, it can at most be on par with some strong professions. "

Zhang Yuan silently glanced at his constellation panel, and then he realized... It turned out that not everyone is abnormal, but he is the only one who is more abnormal.

Zhang Yuan did not speak, Ning Qin continued: "I think Zhang Yuan's profession should be inclined to the formation master. This profession is more auxiliary, and there is a disadvantage in the early leveling, so I am very worried that you, Zhang Yuan, will not be able to reach level 19 within a month." Li Xueer, who was originally full of confidence in Zhang Yuan, could not help but get anxious after hearing what Ning Qin said, and said: "Principal, do you have any ideas?" "Of course I have ways, otherwise why would I call you two here?" Ning Qin smiled mysteriously and said: "This year, the West Lake Municipal Government discovered a hidden copy in the western suburbs. The high-level professionals in our city have already gone in to investigate. The highest level of monsters in it is 12, the difficulty is also low, and the experience is 50% higher than that of ordinary copies, which is very suitable for novice leveling." "The most important thing is that after clearing the hidden copy, you will get " Leveling, the probability of being able to rise to level 19 within a month! "Li Xueer said joyfully:" Thank you! "Zhang Yuan:" Thank you. " In front of the school, Li Xuezhang stopped Zhang Yuan: "Dharma, if you are worried that the level of leveling is not enough, I can spend money to ask a few high -level professional to take you to level up to ensure that you will rise to level 19 within a month." Zhang Yuan laughed: "Little rich, don't waste this money, I will find a way to upgrade."

"Hmph! Idiots are idiots, I will ignore you!"

Li Xueer didn't expect Zhang Yuan to reject her, so she stamped her feet angrily, walked around Zhang Yuan, and walked towards a luxury car parked on the roadside.

The butler wearing a tuxedo and white gloves personally opened the door for Li Xueer.

Li Xueer got on the car, glared at Zhang Yuan angrily, and then said: "Butler Xu, go home!"


Butler Xu seemed to have been used to this kind of thing for a long time. He smiled apologetically at Zhang Yuan and then drove away.

Zhang Yuan watched the car go away, but he had nothing to worry about. Li Xueer often acted like a young lady, and generally speaking, she could adjust herself the next day.

The reason why Zhang Yuan rejected Li Xueer's kindness was that, on the one hand, he was not worried about his leveling speed, and on the other hand, he also wanted more practical experience.

Kyoto University is the number one institution of higher learning in Daxia. It accepts less than 300 candidates out of millions of candidates every year. It is not that difficult to get into one of tens of thousands.

If you just have grades and are useless in other aspects, you will never be admitted to Kyoto University.

After parting with Li Xueer, Zhang Yuan did not go home directly. Instead, he went to the weapons store in Xihu City. He reluctantly spent the New Year's money he had saved over the past three years to buy nine iron swords of average quality and stuffed the iron sword cases. Full.

After that, Zhang Yuan bought another damage test wooden man and found an open space to test his skills.

When he raised his hand to summon the flying sword, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[It has been detected that the host has changed his job to a sword formation master, and the achievement system has been activated. 】

【Ding! It is detected that the host has achieved the god-level achievement of "Full Life in One Draw", and will be rewarded with awakening the only god-level talent. 】

[Congratulations to the host for awakening the only god-level talent: Absolute Luck (Level 1)]

【Ding! It is detected that the host has achieved the god-level achievement ‘Sword Immortal’, and will be rewarded with awakening the only god-level talent. 】

[Congratulations to the host for awakening the only god-level talent: I am the Sword Immortal (Level 1)]

Zhang Yuan was shocked on the spot and immediately checked his talent attributes.

[Absolutely lucky (level 1): Lucky MAX when drawing cards, limited to 10 times per month. 】

[I am the Sword Immortal (Level 1): All damage is increased by 10 times. 】

"I am Cao!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but curse when he saw these two talents of his.

"I am a swordsman." Needless to say, he has pure aesthetics of violence. With this talent, it is estimated that even a person 10 levels higher than him will not be able to withstand his sword.

"Absolutely lucky" is even more embarrassing.

The most important thing in this world is card drawing. Basically all precious things in the world, whether it is money, skills or equipment, can be obtained from drawing cards.

He has 10 chances to draw lucky MAX cards every month. Doesn't it mean that as long as he gets the God Stone, he can get his own red legendary weapon right away?

Draw cards five times, and the legendary weapon is fully refined!

Although the God's Stone is rare, it is still possible to get one a month.

When drawing cards in this world, except for the occupation that must be drawn for the first time, there is no guarantee after that. The probability of drawing an item of gold or higher quality is frighteningly low.

Zhang Yuanyi thought that he would be able to achieve 6+5 in five months, while some non-chiefs would have difficulty even 0+1 in their lifetime. This kind of thing... is simply too beastly!

Unheard of!

So shameless!

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