Zhang Yuan saw that Wang Hu did not forget to threaten him with his eyes before leaving. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous intention in his heart became stronger and stronger.

If Wang Hu is allowed to live any longer, a stronger killer will probably come, and even his grandmother and aunt will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan said to Li Xueer: "I'm going to the toilet."

"Then hurry up, the rewards will be distributed immediately after the results are announced."


Zhang Yuan quickly ran to the toilet and saw no one around, so he took out the Rakshasa King mask.

"I hope it's of some use to you."

Zhang Yuan used the Rakshasa King mask, and then the mask lit up with red light. The Rakshasa King flew out of the mask and knelt down facing Zhang Yuan.

Unlike the Rakshasa King in the dungeon, the Rakshasa King summoned by the mask has the same body shape as a human being. Without the use of detection techniques, it is difficult to tell whether the Rakshasa King is a human or a summoned object.

Zhang Yuan took the opportunity to check the attributes of the Rakshasa King.

[Rakshasa King (summon)]

【Level: 30】

【Power: 10000】

[Agility: 10000]

[Spirit: 10000]

[Physique: 10000]

[Skills: Sword Flash, King's Pressure, Immortal Will]

"There is no attenuation in the attributes. It is truly an epic piece of equipment."

Zhang Yuan thought that the Rakshasa King summoned by this mask was a classic white-washed weak three-pointer and would be much weaker than the original boss, but he didn't expect this mask to be so effective!

It’s stable now!

Zhang Yuan immediately gave an order to King Rakshasa: "Go follow Wang Hu and be careful not to be discovered."

King Rakshasa nodded slightly, turned into an afterimage and rushed out of the toilet, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"It is worthy of the agility of ten thousand, the speed is too fast."

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw the Rakshasa King disappearing, and then looked at the Rakshasa King mask in his hand.

After the Rakshasa King leaves, he can establish a special connection with the Rakshasa King through the Rakshasa King Mask, gain the Rakshasa King's vision, and even control the Rakshasa King's movements!

Soon, Zhang Yuan saw Wang Hu from the perspective of the Rakshasa King getting into a luxury car and driving down the mountain with a curse!

"I didn't expect this mask to be so useful. If I want to explore dangerous places in the future, I can let the Rakshasa King step on thunder."

Zhang Yuan put away the Rakshasa King mask and allowed the Rakshasa King to act independently before returning to the courtyard.

At this time, a level 70 instructor was standing in front of the entrance to the secret realm, and all the trialists in the courtyard who had not received an A grade had left.

The formerly lively courtyard was now only bustling with seven or eight people.

"Zhang Yuan, come here quickly!"

When Li Xueer saw Zhang Yuan, she immediately waved to Zhang Yuan, "The instructor has already started giving out rewards!"

Zhang Yuan pretended to be nonchalant and walked to Li Xueer and Miao Shulan, "So fast?"

Li Xueer said excitedly: "The rewards this time are quite rich, even A-level trialists can get an upgrade pill!"

"Upgrade Pill?" Zhang Yuan was stunned, "What is that?"

Li Xueer explained: "It is a particularly valuable elixir that allows professionals below level 20 to directly advance to level one. I will be promoted to level 18 soon. After taking the elixir after level 18, I can directly If you reach level 19, then Kyoto University will be stable!”

Zhang Yuan was surprised: "There is such a thing?"

Li Xueer: "I heard that this upgrade pill is a medicine refined by the great alchemist of the military. It is a unique resource of the military. It is said that there are more advanced upgrade pills, but those are strategic-level resources, and ordinary people can't. Can’t see it.”

"Even the upgrade pills distributed today are said to have fetched five million each on the black market. Even so, they are priceless and have no market."

"So expensive?"

Zhang Yuan was slightly shocked, but he quickly understood the value of the upgrade pill.

If the army suffers serious losses during war, the upgrade pill can build a combat-effective army for Daxia in a short period of time.

Spies from the enemy country must have dreamed of getting this kind of treasure!

After the instructor distributed the upgrade pills to the A-level students, he reminded: "Each upgrade pill distributed to you has a unique code. Please take it as soon as possible after you get it. Once your upgrade pills are Appear in the hands of others, no matter what the reason, you will be court-martialed, and the consequences will be extremely serious. "

As soon as the instructor said these words, everyone was in an uproar. Immediately, a 16th-level student swallowed the upgrade pill in one gulp. A golden light rushed out of his body and directly promoted him to level 17!

Seeing this, the instructor smiled and said: "Actually, you don't need to be in such a hurry. It is most cost-effective to take it at level 19. Before that, you can put it in the storage space and no one can steal it. What I just said , I just remind you not to buy or sell upgrade pills.”

The student who took the upgrade pill immediately regretted it and beat his chest, while other students also put the upgrade pill into their storage spaces, secretly glad that they were not so impulsive.

"Okay, those who have received the reward can leave."

The instructor dispersed the A-level students and then walked up to Zhang Yuan and the others.

When Li Xueer and Miao Shulan saw the instructor approaching, they both became nervous and stood up straight.

The instructor smiled and said: "Congratulations, you have achieved S level and are qualified to join the Qianlong detachment. Before I give you special rewards, I still have to ask, are you willing to join the Qianlong detachment?"

Miao Shulan said without hesitation: "I do."

Li Xueer also nodded, "I am willing too."

The instructor nodded with satisfaction, "Very good! My name is Ning Wuwei. From now on, I will be the instructor of the three of you."

Seeing that Ning Wuwei didn't wait for Zhang Yuan's answer, Li Xueer couldn't help but said: "Instructor Ning, hasn't Zhang Yuan not answered yet?"

Ning Wuwei glanced at Zhang Yuan, then smiled and said: "The reason why our military department has a policy of recruiting non-staff members is because of this kid. He has already joined the Qianlong detachment."

"Ah? He has already joined the Qianlong detachment?"

Li Xueer was a little confused, and then looked at Zhang Yuan with a shocked face: "Idiot, why didn't you tell me?"

Zhang Yuan smiled bitterly: "You encouraged me so much at that time, wasn't I afraid of hurting you..."

Li Xueer remembered her words of encouragement to Zhang Yuan before, her pretty face turned red immediately, and she punched her chest with a pink fist, "You idiot! Bastard!"

"Hehehe...it's good to be young."

Ning Wuwei watched the two of them flirting with a smile, and then clapped his hands, "Okay kids...it's time to distribute the rewards."

Hearing Ning Wuwei's words, Li Xueer immediately gave up pestering Zhang Yuan and looked at Ning Wuwei expectantly, "Instructor, what is our reward?"

"I won't let you down."

Ning Wuwei smiled slightly and took out three upgrade pills and three gold-plated black cards from the storage space.

Li Xueer recognized the gilt black card at a glance and said in surprise: "Sky Tower admission ticket?"

When Ning Wuwei saw that Li Xueer recognized the Sky Tower ticket at a glance, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Yes, this is the Sky Tower ticket. You can challenge the Sky Tower once with this card."

Zhang Yuan and Miao Shulan asked in unison: "What is the Sky Tower?"

Before Ning Wuwei could answer, Li Xueer introduced: "That is the most precious dungeon of our Daxia Empire. Only a thousand people can enter this dungeon every year, and the admission qualification is very precious."

"Little girl, you know quite a lot!"

Ning Wuwei praised Li Xueer, and then added: "There are extremely precious treasures in the Sky Tower, and there may even be artifacts, and there will be additional rewards for challenging the Sky Tower for the first time. You must cherish this opportunity. "


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