Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 28 Head Of The Military Department, Wan Changan

Zhang Yuan saw that his newly drawn special weapon also had the note of the top ten swords, and suddenly he had a terrible suspicion.

He has ten special weapons!

"Other professions only have one specialized weapon. I have never heard of anyone possessing multiple specialized weapons, but I have ten."

"Then in the later stage, when all ten of my special weapons are fully refined, wouldn't it mean that I can have ten artifacts at the same time?"

When Zhang Yuan thought about this possibility, his breathing became rapid.

As long as it is a divine weapon, it has the power to destroy the world. Even those professionals who have reached the divine level and possess divine weapons are very few.

"This hidden profession, coupled with absolute luck, has great potential."

Boom, boom, boom!

At this time, someone knocked on the door. Zhang Yuan immediately put Zhan Lu into the sword formation space and went to open the door. He saw Xia Chaoyang standing at the door with a smile.

"I remember you, you were the captain of the guard at that time."

Zhang Yuan recognized Xia Chaoyang at a glance and said immediately, "Sorry, I have decided to take the exam to Kyoto University."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to stop you from going to Kyoto University." Xia Chaoyang smiled at Zhang Yuan, "After I went back that day, I reported your situation to the high command. The chiefs attach great importance to you. After three consecutive days of meetings, we decided to make an exception and let you join the Qianlong detachment as a non-staff member, so that you can continue to enter college. "

"Qianlong detachment?"

"That is a secret special force of our country. Those who can join the Qianlong Detachment are the elites among the elites."

Zhang Yuan: "What are the benefits of joining the Qianlong detachment?"

Xia Chaoyang: "As long as you join the Qianlong Detachment, the military will be your biggest background. Looking at the entire Daxia, no one will dare to bully you."

"In addition, various resources of the military will be tilted towards you. In the future, you will not only be able to enjoy the resources of Kyoto University, but also our military's unique copy resources, equipment and various intelligence."

"You are the first person who can enjoy the resources of the university and the military at the same time."

Zhang Yuan: "Then what do I need to do?"

There is no free lunch in the world. Since the military has given him corresponding benefits, he also needs to bear corresponding responsibilities.

After all, the Daxia National Defense Force is not a private force, its duty is to defend the country.

Xia Chaoyang: "I won't hide this from you. After you join the Qianlong Detachment, you will need to perform military tasks. Of course...after all, you are still a novice. The military still focuses on training. The early stage is basically training tasks. No. It will affect your status as a Kyoto University student.”

"Even in the later stages, as a special force, the military will not assign you ordinary tasks. You will become a sharp knife of the empire."

Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment, and then remembered his grandma's special merit badge.

If it is grandma, she must hope that he can serve the country.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan nodded slightly, "Okay, I agree to join the Qianlong detachment."

"Good boy, I knew you would agree!"

Xia Chaoyang suddenly became excited, patted Zhang Yuan's shoulder heavily, and said: "By the way, in order to join the Qianlong Detachment, in addition to being recommended by the headquarters, you also need to pass the Qianlong Detachment's trial."

"You should practice hard these days. When you reach level 15, I will take you to participate in the Qianlong Trial. With your strength, you will definitely pass. After that, you will officially join the Qianlong Detachment with the rank of major."

Zhang Yuan: "Then I can already participate in the trial."

"Have you reached level 15?"

Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but be stunned, "Weren't you only at level 12 the day before yesterday?"

Then, Xia Chaoyang threw a detection technique at Zhang Yuan.

[Zhang Yuan, sword formation master, level 18. 】

"Level 10 or 18?"

Xia Chaoyang's eyes almost popped out of his head, "H-how did you do it?"

You know, even Kyoto University, which ranks first in Daxia, requires students to reach level 19 within a month, but Zhang Yuan rose to level 18 in three days!

This is simply unprecedented.

Zhang Yuan calmly replied: "I cleared another Abyss dungeon and gained a lot of experience. Then I cleared the Rakshasa River dungeon in nightmare difficulty and reached level 18."

"Were you the one who conquered the Shadow Forest Abyss dungeon?"

Xia Chaoyang seemed to have heard something terrible, and his eyes almost popped out of his head, "I heard that the level 70 abyss boss Otis didn't appear in that dungeon and was defeated. Could it be that you did that too?" ?”

Zhang Yuan was surprised: "I have reported this matter to the Adventurers Association, don't you know?"

"The Adventurers Association and the National Defense Force are two different units, and we do not share all information."

Xia Chaoyang explained to Zhang Yuan, then put his hand on his forehead, "No, I have to slow down, your news is too exciting."

Xia Chaoyang walked back and forth at the door for a few steps, and then said to Zhang Yuan: "I have to report this to the headquarters. Please wait for a while. Sorry!"

After that, Xia Chaoyang left in a hurry.

After a while, Xia Chaoyang hurried back and said to Zhang Yuan with excitement: "Zhang Yuan, this is a great thing. The God of War wants to see you in person. You and I go to the military area."

"God of War?" Zhang Yuan was stunned, "Who?"

"You don't know the God of War Wan Chang'an?"

Xia Chaoyang was stunned, and then replied: "He is a legendary figure in our Daxia Empire. He is not only the top leader of our national defense force, but also a god-level warrior. There are no more than ten people in the Daxia Empire who have a higher status than him. That’s quite a big shot.”

"Even I have only seen him on the news broadcast, but he is the idol of all our soldiers!"

"Oh, let's go then." Zhang Yuan nodded slightly, without much emotion.

With the profession of Sword Formation Master, he is confident that he can climb to the top of the world in the near future.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan's expression did not change, Xia Chaoyang could not help but admire Zhang Yuan even more, and then drove Zhang Yuan to the city defense army station in West Lake City.

Wan Changan has been teleported from Kyoto to West Lake City through the teleportation array, and is currently waiting at the West Lake City Defense Force Headquarters.

At this time, the city defense army was extremely heavily guarded. Xia Chaoyang led Zhang Yuan through many sentries and arrived outside the headquarters. They saw two tall soldiers standing outside the door.

Zhang Yuan used the Eye of the Abyss to investigate and found that the two soldiers at the door were both level 60 elite professionals.

‘What a grand display. ’

Zhang Yuan sighed in his heart. At this time, Xia Chaoyang stepped forward to perform a military salute and reported loudly: "Report to the chief, Zhang Yuan has been brought."

"Bring him in."

An energetic voice came from the headquarters. Xia Chaoyang suppressed the excitement in his heart and whispered to Zhang Yuan: "Boy, let's go in. This is your big opportunity, so you must seize it."


Zhang Yuan nodded calmly and walked into the headquarters. He saw several soldiers wearing dark green military uniforms standing inside. One of them was a middle-aged man, exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura.

The first time Zhang Yuan saw the middle-aged man, he knew that he was Wan Changan, and his strength was not inferior to that of Bai Zhengguo.

I'm afraid the abyss boss Otis is here and can't take a slap from Wan Changan!

Wan Changan just turned around, and his sharp gaze made Xia Chaoyang beside him feel weak in his legs.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan remained motionless, Wan Changan nodded slightly, "Not bad."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Changan suddenly raised his hand, and a sharp long sword appeared out of thin air, turning into a golden light and stabbing Zhang Yuan, and the terrifying power swept away in all directions!


Zhang Yuan let out a sigh, and Chi Xiao appeared out of thin air.

Skill: Block Intuition!

clang! ! !

Wan Changan's sword was deflected by Chi Xiao.

The headquarters suddenly fell into deathly silence.

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