"Skill Scroll! Two more!"

In this world, skill scrolls are quite valuable treasures. Even elementary skill scrolls can be sold for 100,000 yuan in a trading house.

As for the profession-specific skill scroll, Zhang Yuan had never heard of it, but there was no need to think about it, the value must be extremely high!

Without hesitation, Zhang Yuan directly used the primary skill scroll.

The skill scroll turned into a ball of light and enveloped Zhang Yuan.

[Skill acquired: Poison resistance (level 1)]

[Toxin Resistance (Level 1): Gain 10% poison resistance. 】

"Toxin resistance, not bad."

Zhang Yuan nodded with satisfaction. The skills obtained from this skill scroll are random, and there is a probability of failure to obtain the skill. Using the primary skill scroll to obtain a passive skill is quite good.

Later, Zhang Yuan couldn't wait to use the profession-specific skill scroll.

[Skill acquired: Sword Array Space (Passive)]

[Sword array space (passive): The sword box and flying sword can be placed in the sword array space, and the sword array can be accessed at any time. 】

"Sword array space? What is this?"

When Zhang Yuan saw this unknown skill, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he immediately tried this passive skill.

Then, Zhang Yuan found that the sword box and flying sword he was carrying disappeared together and were stored in the sword array space.

"That's it..."

Zhang Yuan was a little disappointed. Although it was indeed convenient to put the heavy sword box into the sword formation space, with his current strength, carrying the sword box on his back was not too much of a hindrance.

If this skill only provides convenience, then the cost-effectiveness of this career-specific skill is too low.


But soon, Zhang Yuan discovered something was wrong with this skill. There was another part of this skill that could be used at any time within the sword formation.

Zhang Yuan immediately deployed the sword formation, and then those flying swords appeared out of thin air in the sword formation, and then quickly disappeared again!

"Damn it! Space-based methods!"

Zhang Yuan found out that he could release and collect flying swords at will within the sword formation, and he suddenly became excited!

This means that when he is fighting the enemy, as long as the opponent is in his sword formation, he can release the flying sword behind the enemy and act like a fool!

"Not bad, not bad! It is indeed a professional-specific skill. This is simply my trump card!"

Zhang Yuan changed his previously disgusted face and was very satisfied with his new skills.

"This trip has been fruitful."

Zhang Yuan stuffed the God's Stone into his pocket with satisfaction and began to sweep away the remaining monsters in the cave.

The Stone of God must be used in the Destiny Star Array. Currently, Zhang Yuan does not have the money to buy the portable Destiny Compass made by the Grand Array Master, so he can only go to the Adventurers Association to pay a certain commission and use the public Destiny Star Array. Draw cards.

After Zhang Yuan killed the Corrupted Cyclops Queen, no more monsters were spawned in the cave. It took Zhang Yuan half an hour to wipe out the monsters, which was worthy of being upgraded to level 12.

Before leaving the dungeon, Zhang Yuan checked his current attributes.

[Name: Zhang Yuan]

[Occupation: Sword Formation Master (only)]

[Level: 12 (8.00%)]

【Power: 220】

[Agility: 160]

【Spirit: 460】

[Physique: 160]

[Special attributes of the profession: critical hit rate (21%), critical hit damage (210%)]

[Talent: Absolute Luck (Level 1), I am the Sword Immortal (Level 1), Eye of the Abyss]

[Equipment: Iron Sword Box (10/10), Imperial Merit Badge]

[Skills: Sword Array (Level 3), Sword Control (Level 3), Sword Array Space (Passive), Poison Resistance (Level 1)]

[zodiac sign: six lives]

"Perfect! So perfect!"

Zhang Yuan looked at his current attribute panel and couldn't help but sigh. Now he only needs to go to the Adventurers Association to draw cards and get exclusive weapons, and then he will soar into the sky!

Zhang Yuan laughed and walked into the dungeon transfer exit that appeared behind the treasure box.

A moment later, from the empty treasure chest deep in the cave, a wisp of purple smoke flew out, gradually condensing into a black shadow, staring coldly at the gradually closing dungeon transmission exit.

"Level 10 and level 12 Corrupted Boss alone. Humans actually have such a genius. We must find a way to nip him in the cradle!"

The shadow said darkly, before dissipating into smoke.

But Zhang Yuan, who was targeted by Abyss, had no idea at this time.

Outside the dungeon, Xia Chaoyang led the city defense team to stand ready, but the abyss monster still did not come out of the dungeon.

"It has been 3 hours since the dungeon started to turn into the abyss, and the child is still alive..."

Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw that the monster from the abyss was still not coming out.

A novice can survive in the Abyss dungeon for 3 hours, which is enough to prove that he is the elite of the elite. If he is well trained, he will definitely become the empire's high-level combat force.

Unfortunately, as the copy completely transformed into the abyss, the child was bound to die.

"Captain, someone is out!"

"The entire army is on alert!"

Xia Chaoyang shouted loudly, and the soldiers aimed their guns. As long as Xia Chaoyang gave the order, they would launch the most violent attack on the abyss monster!

Zhang Yuan walked out of the light and was startled when he saw a large number of black muzzles in front of him.

"Wait! Don't do it!!!"

Ning Qin quickly rushed out of the crowd, "He is my student!"


Xia Chaoyang was stunned, then quickly stepped forward and asked Zhang Yuan, "How did you get out?"

Zhang Yuan simply replied: "If you kill the boss, won't you come out?"

After killing the boss, won't he come out?

These words made Xia Chaoyang and Ning Qin stop thinking for a while.

The next second, Ning Qin immediately cast a detection technique on Zhang Yuan.

[Zhang Yuan, sword formation master, level 12. 】

Ning Qin's heart skipped a beat, and his face was full of disbelief: "You...are you at level 12?"

Ning Qin thought he had made a mistake and threw another detection technique at Zhang Yuan.

[Zhang Yuan, sword formation master, level 12. 】

Now, Ning Qin was completely confused!

Generally speaking, those who can reach level 12 on their own within a week have a high probability of being admitted to Kyoto University. But Ning Qin has never heard of someone who can reach level 12 on his own in one day!

"It's a pity that after killing the boss, the monsters inside will not be refreshed, otherwise the level could be higher."

Zhang Yuan sighed regretfully, not feeling that he had done anything extraordinary.

However, both Ning Qin and Xia Chaoyang turned green.

Xia Chaoyang put his hands on Zhang Yuan's shoulders and asked excitedly: "Classmate, did you conquer the Abyss boss alone?"

Zhang Yuan was surprised: "Isn't this dungeon boss meant for people to conquer? As for being so excited?"

Xia Chaoyang: "..."

Ning Qin: "..."

Only then did the two of them realize that Zhang Yuan had no idea that the dungeon had been transformed into the abyss, and thought he was conquering an ordinary hidden dungeon!

Xia Chaoyang turned to look at Ning Qin and asked, "Principal Ning, did you not teach the students about the Abyss dungeon?"

Ning Qin scratched his head: "Isn't that a university course? Who would have thought that a high school student would conquer an abyssal dungeon?"

After all, students only start drawing cards to change jobs when they are about to graduate from high school. They have low levels, few skills, and weak combat power. Not to mention corrupted bosses with more than ten times enhanced strategy attributes, even ordinary bosses need to be leveled up at least. It will be possible to conquer it after this week.

And that must be under the premise that the team configuration is reasonable and the team members cooperate tacitly!

As for the level 12 abyss corruption boss, you need a level 20 elite team to defeat it!

It is unheard of for a novice to defeat the corrupted boss of the abyss alone!


Xia Chaoyang and Ning Qin were both numb!

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