Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 26 1 year later! The 2 college entrance examination!

Chapter 26 One year later! The second college entrance examination!

Su Chen casually threw the 710,000 on the floor.

The 710,000 is clean.

You can spend yourself without any responsibility.

500,000 is a provincial reward,

200,000 is the school reward, the school has won this wave, and 200,000 is not much.

10,000 from the old king......

It's even more debatable!

This old king is really an old sixth,

This summer vacation, he started a live broadcast under the name of Su Chen,

Said to be Su Chen's three-year head teacher, the teacher with the best relationship, in the live broadcast room, he talked about his experience with Su Chen's teachers and students, and implied that Su Chen could get full marks in the test, and he took half of the credit.

Now he has more than 10 million fans,

A live broadcast is more than 10,000.

Countless parents begged grandpa to tell grandma and wanted Teacher Wang to give some advice.

He was almost conferred a god directly in the teaching session,

He gave ten thousand,

Su Chen still feels less!

However, Su Chen didn't plan to bother with them either.

Again, compared to the future,

It's the little things.

Whether it's Principal Ma or Teacher Wang, they are actually normal people, good people, and they haven't done anything too immoral.


In addition to many educational institutions looking for Su Chen,

There are still many colleges and universities who are still not giving up, but they were all rejected by Su Chen.

When the application deadline has passed, it will be over.

"Han Haoyang, let's go, I'll treat you tonight, the money has arrived, I'll give it to you two!"

Su Chen called Han Haoyang,

The two made an appointment, and then went to Gu Xiaoxi's house,

Gu Xiaoxi's home is in the Hangcheng villa area.

At this time, Gu Xiaoxi,

Lying on the sofa with netizens.

"I'm so pissed, how can this person say that Su Chen?"

Gu Xiaoxi has messy hair and wears casual pajamas.

"Su Chen?"

"Is that the student god from your school?"

Dad Gu also paid attention to this matter.

"You know him? Is he a classmate?"

Dad Gu rarely sees his daughter so angry, and she doesn't even have a meal to meet people online.

Gu Xiaoxi's face turned red,

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Hello, I'm Han Haoyang. I'm Gu Xiaoxi's classmate. I asked her to come to the class reunion."

"It's your classmate Xiaoxi."

Mother Gu opened the door and said.

"Han Haoyang, why is he looking for me?"

Gu Xiaoxi rubbed her hair,

When I got to the door, I found that Su Chen was also there!


He closed the door directly, exclaimed, and quickly ran to the bedroom......

Hurry up and dress up!

when it reappears,

The appearance of the pajamas has disappeared,

She already looks like a pure girl!

Han Haoyang was startled:

"Huh? Just dress casually when you see me, and dress up when you see Su Chen coming, right?"

"Do I look so much like a supporting character?"

. . . . . . .

Gu's parents look at each other... .

Adults can see the difference.

To test whether a girl really likes a boy,

Depends on how the girl treats her.

For example, treat ordinary boys, treat them as usual, eat the same as before, and dress as casually as usual.


When you see the boy you like, you will dress up the best, and when you eat and talk, you have to pay attention to the image and carry it!

"Su Chen?"

The Gu family's parents looked at each other in dismay.

"Yes...is that the top scorer?"

The two were surprised!

. . . . . . .

The Gu family were stunned. …

"You are......"

Gu Xiaoxi's father looked at Su Chen in shock. He had heard this name more than once this summer!

Not only from the news media,

more importantly,

From my own daughter's mouth!

My daughter has been quarreling with netizens on the Internet this summer.

It seems that it is because of this Su Chen!

. . . . . . .

Before, Gu Xiaoxi's father thought that Su Chen was the idol Gu Xiaoxi worshipped.

after all,

A perfect score in the college entrance examination is too far away from them.

Like a child living in the news!


It turned out to be my daughter's classmate!

"Come in first!"

Gu Xiaoxi's mother reacted quickly at this time and grabbed Su Chen......

"What are you going to eat, you're home..."

Gu Xiaoxi's mother said enthusiastically.

Mother Gu is well-maintained, and in her forties, she looks like her early thirties.

They are like two sisters with Gu Xiaoxi, very similar.

Surprisingly passionate about Su Chen!

Father Gu also looked at Su Chen,

After all, this kid has been very famous recently.

This time, it really is a talent!

It's just that he doesn't understand,

Why do you have to repeat the full score?

However, Su Chen, Gu Xiaoxi and others finally decided not to eat at her house.

Too inconvenient.

Su Chen invited him to dinner at night and practiced it for the two of them.

In a few days they will have to go to college.

Han Haoyang was admitted to the Aeronautical University in Beijing, specializing in aerospace materials.

It is also promising.

Gu Xiaoxi successfully entered Zhejiang University, chemical and materials engineering, which is the ace major of Zhejiang University,

But she wasn't too worried.

After all, they are all in Hangzhou!

respectively before September.

The class organized a party,

Then they each went to their own universities and their own different lives.

. . . . . .

"Wait until I settle down at Zhejiang University."

"Are you taking time to visit me at school?"

Gu Xiaoxi asked Su Chen.

"OK, no problem."

Su Chen agreed.

Until school starts in September,

Su Chen entered the repeat class directly.

Forget about visiting Gu Xiaoxi.

. . . . . . .

Time flies fast,

A month has passed in a hurry,

Su Chen became a god at school,

Lao Wang became the head teacher of the repeating class,

Teacher Wang doesn't care about Su Chen either.

Su Chen is basically a monk hitting the clock for a day.

He rented a new high-end house in the nearest high-end community outside the school.

The high-end two-bedroom and one-hall, 120 square meters, is only 300 meters away from the school, and the annual rent is 60,000.

The old house in the past is really too dilapidated.

But this time, he rented it directly for three years!


Su Chen knows,

It's a protracted battle,

Before the plans surfaced and the first harvest was made,

Fighting alone!

This year,

He didn't study well, but he didn't relax,

This year,

He read a lot of books,

Including economics, warfare, bottlenecks in human technology, unsolved problems in mathematics, basic physics development, psychology, popular psychology, social psychology, etc...


He also spent hundreds of thousands on an astronomical telescope.

Often staring into the uninhabited deep space.

these books,

Fill your own study room!

He is relying on this knowledge,

Gradually cast a high barrier in my heart,

Add to that awesome plan!

Continuous improvement!

Besides reading these books,

Su Chen is all about playing games, watching TV, and resting!

This senior year of high school is better than vacation!

Time is like a flowing stream,

It doesn't look fast, but it doesn't stop.

Summer goes to autumn,

Autumn and Winter Solstice ......

Dead wood turns into new sprouts......

one year,

It goes by fast!

Su Chen is very low-key and reclusive.

Usually he is basically the two points and one line between the school and the rental house.

Not very social,

Occasionally, I would get in touch with friends like Gu Xiaoxi and Han Haoyang,

Gather when everyone is there.

He also does not have any speech on the Internet!

The society has almost forgotten about this former top student in the college entrance examination.

That's what public opinion is.

one thing fire,

But it can only be a burst of fire!

Soon Su Chen's popularity passed, and the attention gradually declined within a year!

this day!

It's time for the second year of college entrance examination!


Fire in June!

It's another hot summer!

"One year, it's finally here!"

Su Chen was wearing a white shirt,

Standing outside the exam room...

The admit card and the like are ready, and even more strange,

This year, Su Chen has two pens, a regular carbon pen and a 0.5mm answering pen!

The other one is the thinnest carbon pen, 0.25mm!

"This second year..."

"It's a very critical node in my plan!"

"Death or living, the proof is today!"

As the test center door opened,

The students are rushing in! *

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