Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 204 The little stick of fear! Please stop shooting!

Chapter 204 The little stick of fear! Please stop shooting!

(There are more than 200 chapters! Please support your automatic subscription!~)


A few days later,

The excitement of the people is bursting with excitement!

What's the point of being excited for days!?

The frenzy of excitement lasted for a few days, and people's excitement entered the CD,

But the artillery fire at sea is still shaking!

There is no stop!!!

Still bombarding!

People are all excited from the beginning to now numb!

That's right!

All numb!

Is it over yet!?

Shocked at first, then even more shocked.... Finally numb, and finally stupid...

After more than ten days, people went to work as usual, all went to work,

A lot of people don't pay attention to this thing!

Su Chen here,

Also rested for a long time on the aircraft carrier...

Ten days have passed,

31 The crew on board changed batch after batch,

There are many leaders, all came to watch, many technicians came to observe in turn,

But Su Chen, the chief engineer and chief designer, must always be there to supervise!

He was on the ship, eating and living with the officers and soldiers!

This made Captain Zhang Beihai very impressed with Su Chen!

after all,

This gun barrel, which he designed, simply subverted all his cognition!

and also,

During these ten days,

Su Chen has shown excellent military quality, even more like a soldier than a soldier. He is in a high position, but he strictly abides by the rules and regulations of the aircraft carrier. One, sets and the like always arrive on time!

Never complain!

His physical fitness is also very strong. During several training camps on the aircraft carrier deck, Su Chen also participated, and his physical fitness exploded!

Although it is just a simple morning run, the training of the soldiers on the aircraft carrier is of a high standard. A social worker can keep up with this high standard of training, and he can do it with ease, which shows that Su Chen is amazing!

Zhang Beihai is a typical soldier, and he appreciates this tough guy style very much!

He originally thought that the chief designer of the industry was a weak nerd,

Looking at it now, it's awesome!

However, Zhang Beihai is unsmiling and does not like to talk too much. Even if he admires Su Chen, he never says anything!

Su Chen was in the inspection room at this time, looking at the inspection report,

Sure enough, as expected,

There was no deformation at all, including even the fine and complicated rifling, there was no scratch in these ten days of artillery fire!

It's nothing at all!


Now it's minus eighty degrees!

From the initial minus 150 degrees to the current minus 80 degrees, there is an increase in temperature of 70 degrees.

"This shows that the dense molecules inside have begun to undergo some small-scale Brownian motion thermal motion under the action of heat.

"Dense sub-strong molecular force keeps the temperature in the range of minus 150 degrees to minus 40 degrees."

"If it exceeds the range of minus forty degrees, then this relatively static molecular atomic structure will gradually separate, and it will gradually be indistinguishable from ordinary metal materials!"5

"From minus 150 degrees to minus 40 degrees, it takes more than ten days and twenty days, and nearly 300,000 shells are continuously fired!


"From the limit of minus forty degrees to the high temperature of several thousand degrees, it may only take a few hundred shells to reach it!"

"It may take an hour, and it will heat up quickly!

Su Chen thought to himself!

-40 degrees below zero is a threshold, after this threshold, the sub-strong molecular force material will no longer have sub-strong molecular force!

And it has become a material stronger than the general metal gun barrel material!

"Let's continue to launch for three more days! 99

Su Chen thought to himself!

"This gun barrel, under the condition of less than the limit, can use the cooling method to gradually cool down the molecules and atoms, and it can continue to recover, and then reused!"

"But once the limit is breached, it can never be recovered! 35


Su Chen has to keep the characteristics of this gun barrel for the sake of Dongshen's motherland!

"After three days, stop the shelling! 99

Su Chen issued an order at this time!

It has been seventeen days since the beginning of time!

Seventeen days and nights!

It's all buzzing!

The sea was tumbling and boiling, and the target location changed again and again, because the same sea surface could not withstand such a huge bombardment, and the sea surface was burning!

Endless vaporized white air rises up, transpiring the entire space!

The chicken island next to it has completely turned into a no-man’s land.

The waves have submerged the small half of the chicken island...

This is the price they must pay for provoking the Eastern God!

At this time, on the outside network, the little sticks are completely gone, and their comments can no longer be found. Even the previous comments, cursing and cursing the Eastern God, have all disappeared collectively!

There are a few posts, begging the Eastern God's fleet to leave......

"Stop shooting 477! Please, we kimchi people can't take it anymore!"

. . . . . .

In the past ten days, the Kimchi people have endured conceit, arrogance, contempt, fear, shock, anger, disappointment, helplessness, fear...

arrogant, contemptuous,

It's because I wanted to watch Dongshen lively at first! I thought I was a superior person, and Dongshen would definitely make a fool of myself!

By then, they will be brothers!

And the shock of fear is because the bombardment is endless, and the bullet point is on their shore!

Anger is anger towards the Eastern Gods. Strong condemnation is useless. They turned their heads towards their officials and wanted the officials to come forward, but the officials did not dare to let one go!

For more than ten days, Kimchi's official door was closed, and he didn't answer any phone calls. He didn't even dare to negotiate with Dongshen. Millions of people petitioned the official to dispatch fighter jets or fleets, but nothing went into the sea!

Officials won't show up at all!


Where can they get a fleet of hands!?

Where can I get a fleet of planes!?

(Unconsciously, there are more than 200 chapters, and this book has only been more than 200 chapters in a month,

It has been really hard for more than a month, the author sits in front of the computer for more than ten hours every day, please give me an automatic subscription, and support the author a little!).

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