Chapter 198 God Comes to the World! The Truth Comes!

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Su Chen got the report that the water drop plan was completely implemented!

It took a whole eight months!

The power of the whole country has consumed the country's resources and inventories for a year, and sacrificed several years of gdp,

With the continued downturn of other financial, real estate, entity, electronics and other industries, in exchange for - results!


he came!

He is done!

Even Su Chen's mentality like an old dog is a little bit excited and a little nervous.

the heart of a huge rammer,

At this time, it was not the chaotic appearance of Su Chen when he first came here, with lines everywhere.

Although Su Chen's design is that original industrial style, because this is the most time-saving and labor-saving,

But Dongshen is a style that pays attention to the image, just like in that space capsule, other countries are all over the line, like a rough house, while the Dongshen space capsule is made of the best skin materials, It looks like a high-end well-decorated house!

Just like the interior of the current rammer, it has already undergone the most high-end decoration, using the most suitable materials, without affecting the function,

Everything looks sci-fi!

If Su Chen entered this heart for the first time, it was like entering a modern factory,

Entering this heart now is like entering a sci-fi spaceship command center!

These are not in Su Chen's design,

All are masterpieces by the scientists and architects of Eastern God!

And in the huge atrium in the middle, that is, inside the synthetic chamber..

The machinery, with the addition of human workers, is taking out the molding material!

Thousands of power compactors have stopped working, and at the same time thousands of accelerators, separators, etc., have all been suspended,

ensure worker safety,

Dozens of workers enter, plus the power of the robotic arm...

Only then did this material really hoist out!

Then, it was transported to the ground channel!

When the skin material, and also the mold material, is removed...


The world's first barrel of sub-strong molecular material finally appeared in front of the world!

Even if I have seen it countless times in the detector,

But Su Chen, who saw the entity for the first time, as well as hundreds of leaders, thousands of engineers, and scientists on the scene were completely stunned!


So beautiful!

Simply, not like a product of the human world,

If there is Nuwa or God, then this is the most beautiful masterpiece of the creator gods!

Thirty meters in length!

has a perfect cylindrical structure,

Unlike ordinary gun barrels!

Now the advanced gun barrels have brakes, smoking devices, air pressure difference ventilation devices, and other combinations of various devices, all of which are used for ventilation!

Guns also need ventilation!

When the shell is fired, there will always be residual gunpowder left inside the barrel, and a chemical reaction occurs in the high temperature environment inside the barrel, producing a lot of harmful gases!

These gases will corrode the inside of the gun barrel, causing the life of the gun barrel to be greatly reduced, and there is even a danger of bursting after a large number of shells are fired!

Therefore, the gun barrels we saw have some inexplicable protrusions, or at the head position of the gun barrel, the gun head with a hollow structure, etc...


Su Chen's barrel is cylindrical in shape without any protrusions!

Only at the rear is there a base unit that fits the current rapid-fire gun or heavy gun or anti-aircraft gun!

In addition, it is a thirty-meter long barrel, cylindrical, and the whole body is in perfect proportions!

Appearance is silvery white...

Do not!


It's mirror color!

The barrel of this gun can't be said to be any color at all, because the whole body of the cylinder is like a mirror!

At close range, you can see your face against the barrel of the gun,

From a distance, it seems that the heart of the whole rammer is reflected on the mirror surface of the gun barrel!

From the outside, to the rifling inside, to the cuboid-shaped base fitting device at the rear end,

All are perfect mirrors!

There has never been such a structure on the current creation of mankind,

Human mirrors cannot form such a complex structure, including curved, dense rifling, and it is basically impossible to form such a structure with mirrors!


On top of this object, all this is achieved!

"A perfect creation! 55

at this time,

Su Chen also exclaimed!

"She's so beautiful..."

Perfect industrial proportions, perfect cylindrical structure, perfect rifling, perfect mirror surface... The surface is an extremely smooth total reflection mirror surface!

As if the whole universe was in her shadow!

"Turn off the lights and see.

Su Chen gave the order,


All the lights in the entire observation room square are turned off,

This place is sealed as a whole. After turning off the lights, it is pitch black, and the light reflected by the mirror is gone, and it is pitch black!

Then as the light gradually increases in brightness,

This mirror is also getting brighter and brighter, beautiful!

"Perfect, really perfect!

The engineers next to them were full of admiration, and they were all addicted to it, almost sticking their faces!

"Don't put it on!

Su Chen, stop it now!

"Although the temperature of this gun barrel is not really absolute zero, the molecules and atoms in it are mostly stationary, or have very weak Brownian motion.

"That is, approaching absolute zero."

Absolute zero is a concept in the universe,

It can only be achieved when the molecular atoms are at absolute stillness.

Because the temperature is transmitted by the movement of molecular atoms, or, in essence, the movement of molecular atoms, the concept of temperature was born.

In the state of absolute stillness of molecular atoms,

Just no temperature!

That is absolute zero!

The water drop in the three-body is the concept of absolute zero.

Because of the strong molecular interaction, all the molecules in the water droplets are in a relatively static state, just like rows of soldiers standing still!

And Su Chen's barrel,

It's not relatively static, it's just using force and technical means to force and squeeze molecules or atoms to an extremely dense level!

It was like the tens of thousands of people in the square, who were forced by Su Chen into a small space of several hundred square meters by technical means. These tens of thousands of people were not like real water droplets. Although they are also in motion, the space for Brownian motion is extremely narrow, and their range of motion is also smaller. After all, there is such a large space and so many people are crowded, where can you move?


The movement of molecules and atoms in the barrel material is relatively low, and it is also close to absolute zero!

It is the closest thing to absolute zero that has been developed by human beings, and the lowest temperature within the range of human cognition!

"The surface temperature should be in the range of minus 170 degrees Celsius to minus 80 degrees Celsius.

Su Chen opened his mouth and said!

The temperature detector has been detected, and the current temperature is about minus 150 degrees Celsius!

this temperature,

If a person touches it,

Cells die on the spot!

The instant low temperature will make the human body collapse instantly!

When other materials are attached, the carbon steel metal will be as fragile as potato chips, and it will shatter with force!


All materials close to this gun barrel are treated with more advanced nickel steel, such as cranes, robotic arms, etc., and even workers' metal gloves, metal clothes, and temperature-isolating clothes. , are all heavy nickel steel on the watch strap!

Because nickel steel materials can be used at low temperature, nickel steel containing up to 9% nickel can be used at ultra-low temperature of -196 °C!

at the same time,

Except for this section of the barrel,

And the contact range of the gun barrel is some low temperature resistant metal,

Some parts are also forged by the dynamic compaction machine!

The internal affairs of the dynamic compaction machine can create various shapes in 3d mode,

For example, the contact part of the base is made of a material whose relative temperature is not very low. The barrel itself is a structure forged by the maximum power of the dynamic compaction machine.

But other parts are not so high-power parts, such as the base contact area, the accumulation of molecules and atoms is not so dense, the temperature is only about minus 40 degrees, and there are some personnel contact areas,

It is only about ten degrees below the order. This material is suitable in temperature, increasing layer by layer, and although the hardness decreases, it is enough.

Everything is calculated with precision!

at this time.....

Everyone manipulates the special machine, turning this important weapon of the country,

Just moved out!

And transported a special special vehicle transport vehicle!

Don't look at the size of this gun barrel,



super heavy!

Generally, this 15-meter barrel,

At most, more than 30 tons,

For example, the famous heavy artillery model fgt-203 weighs 16.396 tons, the beautiful M110 self-propelled howitzer is about 28 tons, and the M115 is about 14 tons.

Dongshen's 203 traction type did not have specific parameters, but many analyses were about sixteen or seven tons!

The German K18 (170) of World War II seems to be 18 tons.

Aso's self-propelled 240 is only about 30 tons!

And this 30-meter-long object,

A staggering 150 tons!

Shipping is a big hassle,

Therefore, in the future, it can only be used as a positional gun for a short time, and it cannot move too much.

However, in the future, when Su Chen develops supporting energy sources such as nuclear fusion, he can move at any time!

. . . . . .

All the people follow along,

And then transported to the sea!

At this time, at the port, the No. 03 aircraft carrier Hu Jian was already waiting at the port!

After a year of renovation, this port has been able to berth the aircraft carrier, fully equipped, huge heavy artillery, transported into the aircraft carrier, and began to assemble and install.

Although the gun barrel is inaccessible, the base and the relevant parts of the base have repeatedly lowered the standard of molecular strong force, which can be matched step by step.

From the barrel, to the base, to the operation interface, to the manual interface, the material gradually decreases, and to the man-machine interface, it is already the level of materials that can be manipulated with special equipment.

But the core of the rapid-fire gun is still the best standard, and other materials are completely sufficient even if they are downgraded to sub-strong molecular materials!

...... ask for flowers



"The installation of the droplet type rapid-fire gun has been completed! 99

"The stock of medicinal pills is sufficient!"

"All the supporting rapid-fire continuous equipment has been installed, and the engineers are in place, and can be checked at any time!"


In the captain's room of the aircraft carrier,

The engineer in charge reported to Captain Zhang Beihai!

Su Chen and many experts, as well as leaders, were also screened, and dozens of people boarded the aircraft carrier.

Su Chen is also the first time to board a real aircraft carrier, which is a lifetime dream for most people...

Su Chen has only a previous life. Once in Jingang, he boarded an aircraft carrier's park, which was refitted from an abandoned aircraft carrier. It was very shocking at that time!


It is still very exciting to board the real No. 03 aircraft carrier Hu Jian!

Flat overtime, there are more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft above, and the heavy artillery has been installed on the flanks, and the staff has completed the final debugging,

Everyone was staring at the huge heavy artillery, lost for a while!

And even more shockingly,

On the deck of this aircraft carrier, an open space is specially designed for heavy artillery. On the open space, there is a huge inventory of boxes everywhere, and many engineers are busy transporting the huge artillery ammunition in the boxes!

Behind the base of the heavy gun is a reloading device specially designed for rapid-fire guns.

The device has been specially modified for testing,

extremely fast rate of fire,

The 150mm cannon has a rate of fire of 6 seconds per shot!

This far exceeds the firing speed of this heavy artillery-level howitzer. Now the fastest is ten seconds, but this time, it is specially designed for rapid fire, so all are fully automatic. Replace it with another in an instant, and the inventory behind will continue to flow!


The gunpowder inventory at the scene is extremely huge, and it is full of decks.

It's because this time it's on the edge of the high seas, for a rapid-fire test,

A conservative estimate would be to shoot for several days in a row!

Without changing the barrel, without cooling the barrel!


Live broadcast to the outside world!

Expose all this to the eyes of the world!

One shot in six seconds, ten heavy artillery shells were fired in one minute,

That's 600 rounds in an hour!

One day is nearly 15,000 rounds!

Even if it takes two days to shoot, it is 30,000 rounds!

This is a cannonball at no cost,

When the cannonball rings, gold is ten thousand taels!


Su Chen conservatively estimates that a few days is not the limit, at least it must be able to maintain a rapid-fire state for half a month or even longer!

The required shells are conservatively estimated at 200,000 to 300,000 rounds!

150mm caliber, the large artillery shells are of the howitzer level, and the inventory of 200,000 to 300,000 rounds fills up part of the deck of the aircraft carrier!

A shell is fifty kilograms!

200,000 rounds is 10,000 tons!

The deck can't bear this weight, so there is only part of it in the early stage, and part of it is in the space under the aircraft carrier deck, and there are other parts, through the cruiser and transport fleet, when the consumption is almost the same, and then replenish!

That scene was magnificent!

"it is good!"

Captain Zhang Beihai was a middle-aged man in his forties.

He looks incomparably energetic and calm. As the captain of Hu Jian, calmness is his greatest character trait.

In modern warfare, the aircraft carrier is the largest standard unit sequence. In modern warfare, there are very few battleship collisions or air hostile battleships. Because of the perfect radar concealment system,

But once the two sides face each other, the captain's command will display the most perfect command art.

This captain's position, if you don't have an IQ above 150, don't even think about doing it.

Because in addition to measuring the air unit and target distance, it is necessary to judge the fighter rotation sequence, taking into account the deck space of the aircraft carrier, changing the mount time, changing the type of mount, taking into account the enemy's position, and taking into account various factors, the computer cannot handle it. these questions,

All must come from the human brain!

The information processing in this is extremely complicated!

To give a simple example, this batch of fighters took off and returned within a certain range. When they returned, the deck was not cleared and there were no conditions for landing, so the first batch of fighters would be finished! In the vast sea, there is no Continue, then wait to die!

. . . . . .

A wrong decision will determine the destruction of the entire fleet. A decision delayed for a few seconds is a catastrophic disaster! Just like the famous naval battle of Midway during World War II, it was a typical battle in which the captain exerted his expertise in the aircraft carrier battle. Anyone who is familiar with this history or is familiar with aircraft carriers knows that the famous anti-Japanese general Nagumo Chuichi relied on a series of stupid tactics to randomly command the aircraft carrier fleet that had a good life. annihilate!

A super aviation combat hero who piloted a fighter jet to shoot down two aircraft carriers in one day was also born. Of course, this brother is very fierce, and he is also the only one in human history who has personally sunk two aircraft carriers. In one day! Later, many films and works were created based on him.

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