Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 196 Su Chen surpasses Einstein! Humanity has entered the 2 civilization era!

Chapter 196 Su Chen surpasses Einstein! Humanity has entered the second civilization era!

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In Su Chen's heart, he thought of this candidate!

He used to be at the core of his plan,

It's a central character, but he doesn't even know it himself!

He is the most critical figure, even more critical than Zhang Yanghao and Zhang Shaozhong!

In the fourth year of the college entrance examination,

Replacing Xie Ming's position as the questioner!

This person!

It's Hua Shaoan!!!

2026 National Volume Math Group Proposition Leader!

The leader of the overall proposition group of the national volume in 2027!

In the past two years, he has always been the first line of questioning!

The topic of the new fighter research and development in 2026 is that Su Chen hinted that Zhang Yanghao and Zhang Shaozhong had played tricks and found Hua Shaoan in the math proposition group, and let Hua Shaoan solve this problem!

"How to develop a fighter that exceeds the f22?"


In 2027,

In April, the college entrance examination questions of that year were all published!

But Su Chen hinted to Zhang Yanghao that he can solve the problem of pilot overload, improve human fitness, and also solve the material problem of rapid-fire guns!

Zhang Yanghao once again found Hua Shaoan, who had been promoted to the leader of the leadership group at this time, and put these two questions into it very cleverly!

delivered twice,

He does everything neatly!

And it doesn't arouse anyone's suspicion!

Because this Hua Shaoan is a little clever ghost, a little genius!

He is best at hiding some questions in the background of the questions!

For example, the problem of fighter planes is in the monotonic function problem used by mathematical fighter planes, such as hiding the problem of improving human body endurance in the problem of genes, such as hiding the material of rapid-fire guns in the problem of physical specific heat capacity...

Students can't see it, society can't see it,

Even praised Hua Shaoan,

Praise him for his vision, understanding of quality education, and divergent thinking!

Hua Shaoan's voice is very high!

"This year, I don't know if this old man is still the team leader!"

Su Chen immediately made a few calls!

He also has a lot of connections in this circle, such as Xie Ming, for example, when the Riemann conjecture proved the research group, dozens of top mathematics experts in the country were closed at that time, such as the owner of the marking group, Su Chen has basically met, and they all admire Su Chen!

Su Chen called Xie Ming directly!

"Su Chen?"

"Long time no contact! 35

The Xie Ming voice over there was full of surprises!

after all,

Su Chen was the best friend from the very beginning!

When Xie Ming first met Su Chen, Su Chen was still a poor student, and then he grew up step by step, Su Chen's development has long exceeded his imagination,

At the same time, Su Chen's status and prestige are also increasing day by day!

The current Xie Ming, the status of a professor at Qinghua University, is not enough on the surface in front of Su Chen!


Su Chen has always been grateful to Xie Ming, because he proposed the Riemann conjecture problem of the key plan!

He took the risk and took the responsibility, and put the Riemann conjecture into the test paper, which started Su Chen's huge follow-up plan!

Without Xie Ming, everything would not be complete, and it may take several years to come!

During New Years and festivals, Su Chen will take the initiative to contact Xie Ming to say hello and send his own gifts at the same time.

But at work, things are getting less and less.

"Yes, thank you."

Su Chen said with a smile!

"I haven't seen you for a long time, this time I want to ask you something, that Hua Shaoan, do you still have an impression?

"When we were in the Riemann conjecture argument group together, I dealt with him several times. This is not the New Year's Day this year. I prepared a New Year's gift for everyone, and I also prepared a copy for Teacher Hua, but unfortunately I didn't find his. I didn't send it out because I didn't send it out. I would like to ask Mr. Hua's details.

"Is he still the leader of the proposition team this year!?"

Su Chen asked straight to the point,

Between the two of them, at this level, there is no need for all kinds of courtesy!

Moreover, Su Chen hides the problem in a series of questions!

Xie Ming said immediately,

"Let me ask, you wait two minutes for me."

"I haven't participated in the proposition group and the grading group in the past two years, and now I am presiding over the work at the school. I don't know this very well, but I have a few juniors and teachers. Let me ask. 99

This is the benefit of networking,

Ordinary people will never know the situation, Su Chen can find it with just a phone call!

Xie Ming hasn't been in the question-and-answer group for the past few years, because he has been promoted long ago.

Because that time Riemann conjecture was successful, and now he has been promoted to vice president, and the future is bright!

Xie Ming will call back soon!

"Su Chen, Hua Shaoan is the leader of the project group this year, or the overall leader position. It stands to reason that he should be promoted, but I don't know why he has been in this position for the past few years~~."5

Xie Ming said that he only knows one, but he doesn't know the other. The reason why Hua Shaoan has not improved is not because he doesn't want to improve, but because...

Don't let it go!

Both Zhang Yanghao and Zhang Shaozhong believe that Hua Shaoan is best to stay in this position!

One less newcomer to know, one less risk!

Therefore, Zhang Shaozhong greeted the people from the Imperial Court of the Ministry of Rites and deliberately let Hua Shaoan stay in this position, but the salary has been improved, and the professional title has also been promoted to the highest level, and some part-time positions and other positions have also been promoted. It's a good compensation!


Su Chen narrowed his eyes, Hua Shaoan is very important to him!

"Brother Xie, thank you, when the task on my side is completed and I have time to go to Beijing, let's get together. 99

Su Chen This is not a polite word,

He has always been very grateful to Xie Ming. This man is a talented person. He has been appointed as the vice president in his forties, and he is also patriotic.

Moreover, to say something inappropriate, Su Chen was still a student at the time, and Xie Ming paid great attention to himself and took great care of him. It can be said that he had a half-a-knowing kindness!

Su Chen is not a white-eyed wolf, this kind of relationship must be maintained!

"Okay, I'll wait for you to finish! 35

Xie Ming also said happily!

He didn't ask what task Su Chen was doing, and he didn't need to think about it to know that it must be a huge task!

"However, during the festivals, don't give me anything...


Xie Ming said with a smile, after the two exchanged a few words,

Xie Ming hung up the phone.

At this moment, his wife came over and looked at Xie Ming curiously!

"Really that Su Chen!?

His wife was extremely curious. After all, she had heard Su Chen's name all the time, and knew that her husband had something to do with Su Chen at work, and that he had improved so quickly in the past two years because of this Su Chen!

That's the king of the country!

Su Chen!

The R&D designer of a new generation of fighter jets, the prover of Riemann's conjecture!

In the country, has a pivotal position!

Women are curious, gossipy,

The previous time, when Su Chen proved Riemann's conjecture, the state urgently summoned Xie Ming and others to prove it. His wife was still very dissatisfied. It turned out to be the most recent time he approached Su Chen!

"Is that Su Chen!?

. . . . .

His wife asked again.


Xie Ming nodded.

"This child is very promising now. To be honest, I didn't expect that the perfect number one scholar back then would have such an achievement..."

"It really took me by surprise.

"I thought he would be successful, but at most I thought he was a math genius. Unexpectedly, he came up with so many things!"

Xie Ming had to sigh!

This is simply genius and almost enchanting~!

When meeting with Zhuang Yunqing this year, the two also kept sighing!

Who would have thought that the two of them were fighting for the perfect number one spot in less than three years to make such a feat!

"Then you quickly invite him to my house as a guest! Luo

Xie Ming's wife said,

"Don't forget, your daughter is a staunch admirer of Su Chen...'

They have a daughter who is three years younger than Su Chen. In 2025, when Su Chen proved Riemann's conjecture, she happened to take the college entrance examination and was admitted to Qinghua University.

Now that I am a junior, I will be a senior after this summer vacation.

Su Chen's myth in the past, as well as his outstanding appearance, as well as the invincible attitude of testing gods every time, made many scholars of the year admire endlessly, Xie Ming's daughter is one of them. Even before the college entrance examination, he worshipped Su Chen's avatar.

"Wu Dao people, what do you know, can you invite people casually now?"

Xie Ming said:

"He is now in charge of a lot of things, and he is participating in major projects. If I am not wrong, this year's new material plan, the so-called water drop plan, he must also participate!"

Xie Ming is guessing. After all, the Water Drop Project has not yet been announced to be related to Su Chen. Su Chen has always been the highest level of confidentiality in the Water Drop Project team!

No one in the outside world knows that Su Chen is the chief engineer of the water drop project, and everything is waiting for the publicity and testing in the past few days!

"The Water Drop Project is also Su Chen's!?"

Xie Ming's wife was even more surprised!

Although she came from an official family, and Xie Ming has a bright future, but, after all, she has stopped here, the upper limit is there,

However, once you have a relationship with Su Chen...

That's the real future!

"With this kind of relationship, you don't know how to maintain it, it's good to move around more!

Xie Ming's wife complained!

Xie Ming smiled wryly, is this something I can decide!?

Besides, Su Chen is not that kind of person at all!

. . . . . .

But Xie Ming's wife, after all, has been fascinated by her since she was a child, and understands all kinds of interpersonal relationships at the upper levels. This is how she thinks, and she can't change it.

"According to the relationship between the two of you, you are the first to contact him. Although it is not the talent you tapped, but the two of you have a good relationship, you should walk around well. People give gifts to our family every year during the Chinese New Year. This year's gift is worth at least two 30,000, you are still ingenious, you should also express it!

"And, let me tell you the truth, our daughter is not too young, isn't she the right age for Su Chen!?"

"There is no news that Su Chen has a girlfriend on the Internet. If our family seizes this opportunity, it will be even better in the future!

Xie Ming's wife said!

"And the most important thing is that we are not sacrificing our daughter's happiness, political marriage or something, our daughter really admires Su Chen, and you said that Su Chen's character is excellent, have you been stupid in mathematics all these years? With such a good resource, why can't you think about it!?

Suddenly Xie Ming was slightly startled!


He hadn't really thought about it!

During the conversation between the two,

Su Chen has got what he wants,

Now, the question is still in progress in February, and it will be completely finished in March and April, and then it will be published!

You can do it yourself during this time!

He planned the plan in detail,

And from Xie Ming, I got Hua Shaoan's detailed information, including phone address, etc.

He didn't go through other channels, such as Shi Zuogang or others, and he could get the information quickly, but that left traces!

However, Su Chen's own phone is encrypted and will not leave traces. Xie Ming is also a high-weight. In the blue and white education system, naturally no one will ask him to question.

Su Chen naturally inquired about Hua Shaoan, and Xie Ming would not suspect anything because he didn't have an address for the gift!

Moreover, what Su Chen said is not a lie!

He was in the argumentation group of Riemann's conjecture at that time, but he met Hua Shaoan himself, and he met and greeted him several times, and he also met several times at work!

Everything is logical and self-consistent!

. . . . .

"" "Next, it's time to find an opportunity!

Su Chen thought to himself!

At the same time, I went to the warehouse, found out a New Year gift left over from the Chinese New Year, and got ready!

0. . . .

"This matter can be done after the announcement of the water drop test!

What matters now is the water drop test!

After a week!


In public opinion,

On a social level,

The new material conference of the Water Drop Project has been heated to an unparalleled level of heat!

Meager, Douyin, Faster,

Everyone knows about this conference!

As long as you go online, you will know that there will be a shocking new material conference tomorrow!


The public has no concept of material,

Because of new materials, it doesn't look like a new car, like a new plane, fighter jet, or a new style of mobile phone,

There are specific things out there that can be intuitively contacted by the public!

A lot of people don't understand it!


There are also a lot of popular science on the Internet, and the cognitive war has begun!

Through the popular science of some knowledge bloggers and others, let people know that these things are awesome!

The significance of new materials!

Now, with the popular science in the past few days, many people who often go online know that Dongshen is about to release a barrel material that can continuously fire up to 30 minutes!

On the persecution, an article "What does it mean for gun barrel materials with a continuous service life of 30 minutes?" has become popular on the Internet!

This is a great answer,

There are hundreds of answers below,

Written like science fiction,

"Isn't it a question of being harder (is it good) a little stronger, it means that there is almost no wear and tear under the known chemical energy limit high temperature and high pressure explosion!"

"The hardness and stability of this thing are wasted as a gun barrel, make it an aircraft shell, and then hit anything and it's over!"

"With this technology, what other achievements do you discuss? Just build a space elevator and immigrate to Mars to build a Dyson sphere around the sun!"

"Humanity has entered the second cosmic civilization era, and the person who invented this barrel is the leader of the new human beings into space!"

"Where is this gun barrel!?

This is in the fields of metal smelting, casting, forging, machining, heat treatment, etc. A split leap!"

"The Chinese Academy of Sciences has specially designed an office park for you. Find a bunch of doctoral supervisors to bring you tea and water, waiting for you to give lectures. If you are tired of playing, go to the campus of your engineering institute and sit.

"What kind of Nobel Prize, get it softly!"

"Tongshen Science Progress Award, no one dares to reach out if you don't take it. all your requirements. As long as it is not anti-human, you can be satisfied!」

"You stand behind Einstein in your academic achievements.

Your contribution and influence on the world will last at least until the era of solar system colonization. . . 》

"Then here comes the question: such a beautiful dream. How yellow does it take to wake up?"

(The above is transferred from Zhihu)

The answer to this article, the most popular, is reproduced by screenshots on major platforms!

The number of clicks directly broke one billion,

Over a million comments and retweets within a week!

Many bloggers use this article to talk about things!

It's all going crazy!

Many people understand the importance of new materials,

Everyone understands why the Eastern God wants to use the whole country to create such an exaggerated and expensive thing beggar!

Of course, many people think that

This plan of the Eastern God is simply nonsense!

It's just a dream!

This is obviously a dream, such an awesome thing, you can't even dream of it? This has surpassed the current level of human civilization. Can the Eastern God do all this?

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