Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 183 is magnificent! This is the power of a great country!

Chapter 183 is magnificent! This is the power of a great country!

What happened?

Not just this old master!

Netizens all over the country have the same doubts!

"f*ck, basically all major highways are closed...'

"Is this going to be a war?"

"I heard that the highways in Shanlu Province are all wartime reserves, and they can fly planes!

"It's cold, brothers, hurry up and buy military stocks!""

"Thank you for going to the supermarket to stock up on food!

. . . . . .

The people are boiling!

All kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky... There is even a phenomenon of robbing food and supermarkets,

This is not uncommon, the basic operation!

And at six in the morning,

The official traffic department of Dongshen has released relevant announcements!

"From now on,

In the territory of Dongshen, G1-G25 sections....all high-speed, two-way closed. People please get out of the way. "5

"At the same time, in terms of railways, some high-speed trains on the Gyeonggi section of the railway have been suspended!

Part of the high-speed trains on the Jingchen section of the railway are suspended!

All high-speed trains on the Jiao-Liu Line Railway have been suspended!

A total of 566 vehicles are involved, and all passengers who have booked tickets will be automatically refunded, and the railway department will compensate for the loss. 55

"The sections above "043" are all urgently requisitioned by the state in the face of emergencies, and they are all mobilization within the normal range. Please don't panic, believe in rumors, and don't spread rumors. I'm sorry.... After three days, high-speed rail and expressways will be opened one after another."

. . . . . .

Not only that,

The airline has also issued an emergency notice!

Hundreds of passenger planes were all grounded and grounded, and all of these passenger planes were urgently transformed into cargo planes!

The first batch of raw materials, steel, metal, building materials, etc. from all over the country, the demand is huge!

Almost one-third of the country's output value last year!

And these things are not shipped from a certain place,

It is from the south and the north of the country!

Every steel mill, every material factory, every mineral deposit, every factory!

. . . . . . .

So many supplies!

Only then can we build a truly huge city-sized machine on the edge of the East China Sea!

Sea, land and air, all aspects of transportation, must cooperate fully to achieve this feat!

They need to ship some domestic inventory to the target location in Caogang within a month or even less!

A new road plan has been constructed for the target site of Caogang, and in the process of gradual improvement and construction,

Now the construction of the road is already a prefabricated structure, and the long-produced road sections are hoisted and assembled together!

At the target Caogang location, dozens of such smooth roads have been constructed!

at the same time,

Nearby dozens of kilometers away, the airport has been rapidly built on the basis of the original flat land, and the port has also been completely transformed.

Constructed a huge inventory warehouse miles away from the target preset location...

Everything is to accept the needs of various raw materials and secondary materials from all over the country!

Under the upward and downward effect,

national linkage,

Dawn starts this morning...  

In terms of transportation, all heavy, medium, and even light trucks are urgently requisitioned, not only state-owned enterprises and major companies, but also many private logistics departments and large trucks in express delivery departments, all of which have been requisitioned!

Under the emergency plan, all departments are working overtime overnight, planning the most coordinated and perfect traffic plan for each factory and each fleet, to ensure that the location in the expressway and Caogang can ensure unimpeded traffic in the greatest sense. ./.. . . .

At this time, the mobility and dominance of the relevant departments must be reflected. The order issued is to ensure smooth flow, and let those who know it do the calculation and rehearsal. Once there is a large-scale congestion, it is immediately taken and replaced. Dry!

If your leadership ability is not good, let your subordinates come down; if your subordinates are not good, let new people come!

What Eastern God lacks the most is talent, there will always be someone who can do this well!

. . . . . .

From all over the country, a heavy-duty truck loaded with goods began to board the high-speed one after another. At the same time, about five million heavy-duty trucks across the country were urgently requisitioned...

Join the transport team!

They set off from Henan, Shanxi, Shandong, Anhui and other provinces, cities and towns with full loads, boarded various highways, and gathered into a long steel dragon.

Start to converge towards the top of the East China Sea, the direction of Caogang!

If you look at it from satellite positioning at this time...

You will see that on the gray highway crony in the past, it is full of various colors, which is the convergence of heavy trucks, light trucks, and medium-sized trucks of various colors.

Millions of vehicles, merged into the river and sea!

This is an unprecedented shocking scene, a shocking scene that the whole country and even human civilization has never seen since the birth of human civilization!

. . . . . . . .

on the network,

People are talking about it!

Various economic sectors are unable to stabilize,

No one knows what's going on!


At this time, it is natural that some people who take U.S. dollars, and some public officials, start to get angry!

"This is a violation of people's right to travel!""

"Hehe, this is the style of a great country!?

"It's so stupid, so the highway is closed, and the airline is suspended. Do you know how much Laozi has been delayed!?"

"Laozi's business of millions in minutes is so lost, Cao f*ck!"

"No human rights! Spicy chicken!

“This is a gross violation of human rights!35

. . . . . . .

Many well-known and marketing accounts, such as US dollar accounts, have begun to take rhythm!


These rumors will soon be subverted!

Because netizens are easy to follow suit, but they also exist rationally. After careful thinking, they can always find the truth!

"This operation is very likely to be a real super operation!

"Because this is an unprecedented feat!"

"Brothers, we may witness history, and also participate in historical events!"

At this time, a meager article began to emerge, and the number of clicks increased!

"Think about it carefully, although these actions have brought so much inconvenience to our daily life...

"But, why is Dongshen taking such a big risk, why is it closing so many highways and air and sea transport?"

"Here, I have a different idea. First, let me show my identity. I am an employee of an oil company. Since yesterday, all the oil in our warehouse has been loaded into trucks and transported to Donghaicao Port in the east. !"

"You know, this hasn't happened in the past decades, or even a hundred years... 35

"In other words, in our country, there is a major project that urgently needs a lot of energy! Materials, steel, etc.!

"The power of the whole country, is currently constructing this project or event! 35

"However, Dongshen has always sought stability, and there has never been such a major event, which deserves such a big action from the entire Dongshen...

"The result is not obvious yet!?

"It's absolutely sure, confident, though not sure what the project is at the moment!"

"However, I am sure that it will cause a change in the world pattern!!39

"Hundreds of thousands of tons of materials, tens of thousands of tons of energy, endless power transmission..." Shadow

"Everyone, we are participating in history!"

"No matter how bad it is, it has also witnessed history!!!"

This article was published, and within a few hours, the number of reprints exceeded 100,000, the number of likes exceeded tens of millions, and the number of viewers was tens of millions!

"My Cao, it seems reasonable!

"That's right, maybe, Dongshen is going to do another major military project!

"Maybe if this thing comes out, we will be invincible in the world!?"

"I'm Cao! I'm so f*ck excited, at this scale, it's not going to make a cannon in the magic capital! /

"Project Earth Cannon!? 35

"Come on, wait, I can't wait anymore, isn't it inconvenient to travel? Hold up, wait for the final result, wait for the final official announcement!"5

. . . . .

The people all began to wake up, Dongshen has always sought stability, and without stable confidence and skills, he would never make such a big scene, because it would not end well!


It must be a certain big project!

At the same time,

Netizens also took pictures of various...

These pictures make people sigh some kind of powerful power that only the East has!

In a steel factory, a huge tower crane is turned on at full power, hoisting steel rails and steel parts, and loading it into a huge heavy truck.

Thousands of heavy trucks entered one by one in the huge earth and iron ore with flying dust, and then left with a full load!

In the huge rock mine like a tiankeng, the heavy truck enters the pit. From the perspective of aerial photography, it is like countless red ants returning to their nests! 4.4

Stones are being evacuated, steel is being consumed...

Above the huge Caogang port, the gantry cranes are in full operation, hoisting oil, steel, raw materials, rare earths, etc. from all over the world and across the country into the port, and the throughput is full! Day and night!

The densely packed workers and heavy trucks in the port are like worker ants...

In the change of day and night, on the Donglu Expressway with eight runways extending in all directions, all eight runways are fully occupied, and countless heavy trucks are densely packed, driving forward at a constant speed, like flowing blood!

The endless whistle, the endless roar of the engine, the exhaust gas and the heat wave seem to be scorching the space and distorting and deforming,


Looking back and forth from the commanding heights of the shooting point, the dense steel convoy is so long that there is no end in sight.

Like an endless steel dragon!

Flying, flowing!

Wei Ran was shocked by this scene.

Netizens photographed it and posted it on Douyin, and it exploded immediately!

When millions of people work together to do one thing, that kind of emotional exaggeration can make people involuntarily raise a kind of respect and trembling in the soul!

"Grass.... I got goosebumps just looking at it!"

"Is this the power of our great power!? 35

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