Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 179 Build a city with the whole country in 3 months! Crazy infrastructure! A city sized mach

Chapter 179 Build a city with the whole country in three months! Crazy infrastructure! A city-sized machine!

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You know, every data Su Chen said.

It's all real super king fried!

The total steel output that needs to be consumed is 1.01 billion tons! (This is a parallel world, the protagonist's country is called Dongshen, don't substitute real data, big guys)

What concept!?

Last year, Quan Dongshen, the total output value of refined steel in the country, was 1.67 billion tons!

And Su Chen's project requires one billion tons!

This is more than a decade ago, the national strength did not meet the standard for a year!

“The coal energy that needs to be consumed is 2 billion tons! 35

This is Su Chen's coal consumption, what is the concept?

The total annual coal output last year was 2 billion tons,

This is under the controllable level of coal mining, because in the strategic direction of these years, it is necessary to reserve the natural resources in Dongshen territory. Therefore, the output is reduced,

But 2 billion tons is already a year of synthesis!

At the highest time over the years, when coal production was the most ferocious, it was only 4 billion tons!

"The electricity that needs to be consumed is 5 billion degrees!"

The electricity required by Su Chen is one third of the total annual electricity consumption of Dongshen!

That is to say, there must be an additional one-third of the extra power generated exclusively for Su Chen's plan!

and also!

"The total amount of rare earths required is 120,000 tons."

The total output of rare earths last year was only 150,000 tons!

"The required oil energy is 400 million tons.

Total oil consumption last year was 800 million tons!

It is equivalent to half of this year, for Su Chen!

"The total amount of non-ferrous metals required is 5.26 million tons!

Last year, the total output of non-ferrous metals was 90 million.... equivalent to more than half of Su Chen!

. . . . . . .

These things... are the lifeblood of the country!

To be honest, the bosses present would rather give Su Chen money, several trillions, tens of trillions, than give Su Chen the lifeline economy!

"Also includes metallurgical auxiliary raw materials such as fluorite, magnesite, refractory clay, dolomite and limestone etc...

"All kinds involve ..

"All must be used!"

Su Chen said, no joke...

Although there is only one purpose,


Don't forget, this is the material for the second civilization level!

It is the control technology at the molecular atomic level and the microscopic level!

With the current highest technical level of human beings, even if Su Chen carries out technological transformation, within a year, don't even think about creating it!


No cost, crazy compression test!

Among them, there will be 99.9% loss....

However, as long as there is a 0.01 percent success rate, it is worth it!

The molecular yard of various raw materials will be utilized by Su Chen to form the most reasonable proportion of composite materials,

Not pure metal, not pure stone, not pure carbon ceramic...

But a composite material in absolutely perfect proportions!

For the effective utilization of this very small part, Su Chen will use the dynamic compaction machine for endoplasmic transformation of the molecules or atoms of these raw materials...

Of course, there is also a huge loss rate here, and a very small success rate!

After calculation, these consumables are just enough!


The most important thing is that Su Chen will also use these materials to make the core technical tool, the strong molecular force rammer!

This machine alone,

A lot of consumables are needed!

"Don't worry too much.

Su Chen said with a smile,

"Although these consumables have a huge loss rate, it does not mean that after the loss, these steel materials and materials are completely unusable.

"The tamper will destroy the molecular atomic structure inside, but the damage will not be very large. The parts that are eliminated are the parts that are difficult to destroy or fail to destroy the structure. The materials in this part can continue to be used in the secondary market. .99

Su Chen explained!

"For example, some places with low requirements on hardness and degree can fully meet the national standard. Take steel as an example, the steel that has been lost in our experiments can be completely re-smelted and can be used in steel tools, steel knives and other industries. , and also fully meet the national standards for use, of course, can not continue to be used in the building materials market, after all, it has already undergone the structural damage of metal atoms.

"Follow-up, relevant personnel can issue corresponding laws and form special rules and regulations.;95

Su Chen was very thoughtful, and the bosses nodded frequently.

"at the same time........

"A year of consumables is definitely not wasted out of thin air."

"There are one-third of the consumables, and I will use these materials, such as steel, metal, construction consumables, etc... The formation of our country is also the first rammer in human history to use molecular atomic force. , this machine can assemble the molecules or atoms of the material in a certain direction and proportion to form a polymer atomic density

and sub-strong molecular force materials!"

"This machine...preliminarily estimated that it will take three months, or even longer, to build a national power!

"Because of this machine, it's said to be a machine...

"But the total footprint..."

"Up to a million square meters!!!""

"The highest altitude is expected...1000 meters!""

. . . . . .

Below is the sound of a breath of cold air!

In addition to the real Dongshen's high-altitude knowledge of the construction of this dynamic compaction machine, there are also many people who do not know about the 10,000 industry leaders!

Isn't this a machine!?

One million square meters!

It's all a city!

A city-sized machine!?

"A machine that covers an area of ​​one million square meters?

"This... can this still be called a dynamic compaction machine!? 99

"This is really a city!"

"The main urban area of ​​a county is about the same!"

"The area of ​​the Forbidden City is only 700,000 square meters!"

"This is equivalent to one and a half Forbidden City!

"At a height of 1,000 meters, the oil tower is only 800 meters tall, and there are several tens of meters that are not considered as buildings, but only metal poles, and Su Chen's design reaches 1,000 meters?""

"A machine that occupies a small county area and is taller than the Burj Khalifa!?"

"This....is it scary!?""

"This...what a grand project!? 39

. . . . . .

The people below were shocked,

However, they are all shocked in their hearts, these big bosses will not like all kinds of discussions like those ignorant people in the society!

"Currently, the site selection for this dynamic compactor.

Su Chen continued.

"I chose Ji Province, Tangcheng, and Caogang Port!"

"There are several reasons for choosing the site. First, it is a vast land and sparsely populated. It is built near the sea and has a vast area. 95

"Secondly, it is very close to the capital, and the first step is to complete the transportation of steel. At the same time, there is a complete system of expressways and national highways, which can completely complete the transportation of materials for dynamic compactors in various places!"5

"Thirdly, there are many well-known domestic factories, chemical factories, steel, energy factories, etc. nearby... The factory can be transformed into a supply point for lower-level materials required by the dynamic compactor!

"Fourth, it is located in a developed coastal area, the power network is complete, and the power supply can be completed!"


The geographical location here is just around the Caogang port. The annual throughput of the Caogang port is huge. It can be changed into a port specially planned for the water droplets, and the materials from my country and even abroad can be transported to the target location as quickly as possible!

"Sixth, many of the local people are practitioners in ports, steel, construction, coal enterprises or workers, and they can quickly build a team to build a dynamic compactor from the local area! Because of the local industry, there are still many steel transporters. The transport driver personnel can also be quickly absorbed into the team!"

. . . . . . .

Su Chen stated the reasons one by one...

All below for sure!

"Now, here's what we should do!"

Su Chen continued!

'Intensify the exploitation of all the existing mine resources in our country, and transport all the raw materials to the designated factories for the first step of processing and production!"5

'At the same time, the transportation department will transport the first-level materials to the second-level factories for further processing!"

"After the two processes, the secondary materials can be built into a dynamic compactor and all delivered to the target location in Caogang!

"Construction department, start building the rammer!"

"The foundation needs to be drilled deeply. Everyone is an expert in this field, and they know it better than me! 99

35 at the same time!

"Transform all of my Dongshen's existing steel plants, smelters, etc.! 99

"According to the various plans given by me, we will upgrade the technology, and at the same time, all the products that have been produced in the inventory will be transported to the target location in Caogang! 99

"Stop Dongshen, all existing secondary production projects, construction projects, etc., all!""

"For the water drop plan, sell raw materials!"

"At the same time, the power sector should increase power generation, supply it to the target location of Caogang, and quickly establish a power network at the target location! Ensure power supply!"

"In terms of various raw materials such as steel, rare earth, and metals, stop all exports and increase imports!"

"Ensuring adequate domestic supply...  

"In terms of finance, it is to ensure the logistical support, capital 210 guarantee, salary payment, social insurance, etc. for all personnel of the Water Drop Plan at all costs... In the early stage, we need a lot of people! To build a dynamic compactor is to build a City, the whole country will build a city in three months!;

. . . . . . .

everyone on site,

It's all so quiet!

they know.....

Once this plan is implemented, the entire Eastern God will change!

All units in materials, transportation, electricity, and energy are all linked together. This is the basic business of the country, so finance, economy, media, etc., will all be linked together!

At that time, if one is not handled well, it will be a tsunami!

The people present are under a lot of pressure!

However, they still saw the light from the real technical specification!

Because once the first section of the gun barrel is produced, the huge dynamic compaction machine can greatly improve the efficiency. In the future, dozens or even hundreds of tons of material products with sub-strong molecular force will appear every year... .

Once the first few hundred tons, armed on the aircraft carrier of the Eastern God...

That is the immortal kingdom at sea!

An aircraft carrier can represent a whole country!

Because he is material that cannot be sunk, cannot be shot down, and can never be destroyed!

Endure the pain in front of you!

The future is infinitely bright!!!

. . . . . . .

"This plan can't be hidden from the public for too long, after all, the action is too big...

"You can choose a day to announce it, but it's not now. If it's announced now, the voice of opposition will definitely drown everything. In three months, everyone will work together to build a dynamic compactor, set up a dynamic compactor, and give everyone an explanation!"

"The strength of the whole country, to build a real behemoth... A giant molecular machine that surpasses all current human civilizations,...  

"Whether it succeeds is up to us all!

Su Chen nodded to everyone present!

"I have nothing more to say..."

"Okay, I'm done talking.

"Next, I announce!"

"Project Waterdrop!"

"Officially begin!!!"

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