Chapter 173 National production stop! Insanely crazy plan!

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In this plan...

something to pay,

Too much!

Zhang Shaozhong frowned,

If he could take full responsibility, he would definitely let Su Chen do it!


The plan in front of him is obviously not something he can decide alone!

Su Chen is to use all the power of the Eastern God!

“Steel mills across the country. All have been shut down for a year. 35

"All steel-related enterprises in the country are on standby. Waiting for dispatch.

"All rare metal units and enterprise factories nationwide have all stopped production and are awaiting transfer orders.

"All coal, steel, rare earth, copper, and other metal veins in the country are on standby...""

"All transportation industries in the country, including air transport, shipping, land transport, high-speed rail, and high-speed, allocate 70% to 80% for my command and dispatch." "--zero"

"All iron ore, manganese ore, chromite ore, copper ore, lead, zinc, cobalt, tungsten, molybdenum, antimony, aluminum, tin ore, bauxite, sulfur, limestone, alumite, attapulgite, clay peat, gold, Vanadium, antimony, selenium, tellurium, potassium feldspar, rock salt, glauberite, arsenic, dolomite, magnesite, high alumina mineral raw materials, marble, quartzite, porcelain stone, cast stone basalt, perlite, bentonite, zeolite, etc. All veins on standby. 99

"Energy and mineral coal, stone coal, oil, shallow natural gas and coal-derived gas, 5 types, 244 mining sites, all on standby.."

"Metallurgical auxiliary ore veins, 11 kinds of ximenite, magnesite, fluorite, limestone, dolomite, quartzite, refractory clay, serpentine, molding sand, andalusite, kyanite, etc., in 154 origins, all production and mining were stopped. Standby..”

"Increase the import of 133 kinds of materials such as rare earth ore veins and precious metal ore veins that are insufficiently stored by Dongshen!"

"Stop all exports of raw materials, raw materials and semi-finished products!

A series of words made Zhang Shaozhong just stupid!


"You are killing my Eastern God!"

"This is to make all the properties of Jeon Dongshen make way for you!"

That's right!

These mines, these factories, these enterprises mentioned by Su Chen

In this parallel world, the basic board of the Eastern God!

What is a modern power built on?

Technology? Military? Economy?



Essentially, it is built on energy and minerals!

These things constitute a real modern world, speeding cars, flying planes, buildings rising from the ground, advanced silicon crystal components, advanced and developed electronic networks . . . .

These are all built on energy and minerals!

Without these things, what is modern? What is advanced?

Just like the farming society!

Dongshen is a big country of energy and minerals. In the past few years, in the parallel world, there has been such a great development, and most of them rely on these incomparably developed energy and minerals!

And Su Chen opened his mouth one by one

In energy minerals, ferrous metal minerals, non-ferrous metal minerals, precious metal minerals, rare rare earth minerals, radioactive minerals, chemical raw materials minerals, metallurgical minerals, construction minerals, special minerals, rock minerals!?

As soon as he opened his mouth,

Almost monopolized all the mines of Dongshen!

these things,

It is the basic disk and foundation of modern industry!

without these things,

The country will not be the country!

That's straight back to the farming world!

"What you have listed... covers 95% of the types and quantities of raw materials required by modern basic industries!

"And as soon as you open your mouth, it's a one-year monopoly... A year of listening to your orders..."

"One-year increase in imports, stop any exports.."

"This thing is too big! 35

"It would be a huge loss, even all the profits of the past few years would be lost..."

"All related industries in the country will stagnate or even go bankrupt...'

"East God will give these companies the bottom line, but... East God's financial resources will have to pay a very huge price!"

Zhang Shaozhong said!

He frowned..

"That's right.

Su Chen smiled lightly,

He knows, this is the hardest part!


This is already the best answer,

How to achieve this goal in one year....

This is the best solution!

this crossing,

It is a leap from the first-level civilization level to the second-level civilization level material!

And the current level of human civilization is only the primary stage of the first-level civilization level!

The leap in this is like letting Yuanmou people use the production technology of the primitive society at that time to produce a Barrett!

Just one year..

How to do it!?


The modern age where Su Chen lives is not the Yuanmou era, but the modern era. What is better than the Yuanmou era is that there are all kinds of tools! There are all kinds of materials!

Although such tools and raw materials are far from the standard for producing strong molecular force materials.


But there is a way, that is to pile up crazy!

Using raw materials, using the transformation of tools, transformation of production equipment, etc...

Complete the preliminary modules,

A little bit of stacking strong molecular force materials!

like a fortress,

You can't see the structure inside, you can only choose the best bricks, and then build them hard, smash them hard, and keep smashing them!

If it breaks, replace it with a better one!

Break again, change again!

Then smash all the most awesome masonry into a minimum volume to form a truly airtight wall!

The consumables here are very huge,

Possibly a wall, which requires the consumption of slabs that can build a city!


This analogy is not quite right...  

The arrangement between molecular atoms is not as simple as smashing and squeezing light,

Su Chen needs to use special techniques and special devices to carry out macro-level general control,

He can't reach the level of molecular and atomic technology, but in the examination room, he can produce a large-scale special equipment, which can predict the density of molecular atoms and control the direction macroscopically!

Su Chen sorted out the language!

"Sizuo, you know me, I won't aimlessly, I won't do things without goals and without certainty.

"This material is already a material involving strong molecular forces!

"The so-called strong molecular force means that the various molecules or metal atoms of this material are arranged in the most compact and perfect array like a soldier's parade! 99

"This kind of material can meet the conditions and standards, and can become the hardest material in fact. Even if God comes, don't even think of scratching the slightest notch on this material!"5

"Our technology is far from the technical level of manipulating structures at the molecular level, and we are still thousands of years away from this technology!

"If you want to achieve strong molecular force materials, you can only use stupid methods! Relying on consumables, relying on countless tests, countless times of building, metal atoms, material molecules, ruthlessly stacking, compressing... . Little by little piled in it!

"This is our only chance in a short period of time!"

"Give me a year, Dongshen...It takes all the people to tighten their belts, and the support of the whole country...Once it succeeds...we will truly win the immortality of human civilization. Times!!!35

(The new era has opened, and the protagonist has really started to change the world!

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