Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 170 Ouyang Xue and Su Chen close to close combat! Riding outfit!!

Chapter 170 Ouyang Xue's riding outfit! Fight with Su Chen!

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"Mommy look!

"It's Spider-Man!

The little girl screamed in surprise!

She also has a Spiderman doll in her arms!

A shocking scene was reflected in her pupils. In the dark night sky, a figure in the distance jumped directly between buildings...

Like Spiderman, like Superman!

"Nah, what did you say..."

The beautiful young woman got up and picked up the child, she just thought it was her daughter's dream, but she looked in the direction of her daughter's line of sight!

Immediately, the young woman was stunned, her mouths were all open, and she looked in the direction of the huge French window!

A figure, from the nearest building, rushed directly towards their window!

The young woman hugged her daughter directly, shocked and a little scared. Originally she was wearing a silk nightgown, but a strap just fell off! Bang! The object monster outside just hit their wall. , it should be above the floor-to-ceiling window, making a soft sound...

And this just slides down the glass window,

Su Chen accurately returned to his first-class Tomson building!

At this time, I didn't expect that there were two mothers and daughters awake on this floor.

But it was too late for him to turn around now.

Looking at the mother and daughter in the room, Su Chen smiled at them and made a V gesture!

Although it was dark inside, Su Chen's eyes had already been strengthened by the C7H5N5O3 substance potion last time. Night vision in the dark is a basic ability. He saw this beautiful young woman at once. Surprised and the reason for resting in the bedroom, the shoulder straps all fell off. The silk skirt just fell down, and Su Chen looked no evil at a glance. I thought that in this high-end community, the female residents of the same building as myself are of such high quality! How noble and selfless!


Suddenly, the woman let out a scream, and Su Chen just jumped up!


As if what just appeared was a hallucination!

She didn't care about her skirt, just ran out like this, then opened the window on the balcony and looked up, but the top was empty, there was nothing!

"Damn it?"

The young woman was directly blinded,

"Still hallucinations!? I'm sleepy?"

The young woman opened the window and felt the cool air blowing on her body, so she quickly retreated.

at this time,

Su Chen has returned to the top floor of his building.

"I didn't expect it to be seen.

Su Chen smiled indifferently, but he didn't care, and called the police that someone had climbed up dozens of floors? Or did it fly over?

No one will believe it!

"Sure enough, in this mansion, all the old men live, and the female residents are all so pretty.

Su Chen thought to himself.

He turned back again,

Follow your original route,

Jumping from one building to another on the original road, and then destroying and destroying all the traces that I once produced, so that they lose their original appearance,

For example, those scratches, Su Chen has processed them to avoid being seen as the marks of claws,

Otherwise, everyone else would be so stupid, what kind of animal is this!?

Climbed to dozens of floors?

. . . . . . .

After finishing everything, Su Chen returned to the flat floor where he was.

At this time, Gu Xiaoxi still didn't know what happened.

Early the next morning, the two agreed to leave the big flat and go to the magic capital for a walk.

After all, Su Chen is also the first time to come back to the magic capital.

He worked as an essayist in a small town, and finally entered the city, but Gu Xiaoxi had been there before. She had been shopping or visiting with her parents before.

When I got off the elevator, I happened to see a mother and daughter taking the elevator down...

Su Chen was startled, this woman almost didn't recognize her in her clothes, she was the one she saw last night, and the one she saw herself!

At first glance, this mother and daughter are either rich or expensive. The clothes they wear together are not worth 100,000 yuan. The exquisite dress and make-up are worthy of the residents of Tomson, especially the young woman. The real dame elite on TV.

The little girl was the first to spot Su Chen flying yesterday... However, the little girl didn't see it, and the young woman gave Su Chen a look!

After all, she is a woman, experienced, and has a very keen sixth sense. She looked at Su Chen and Gu Xiaoxi in surprise, after all...

These two are so eye-catching!

like a godlike creature...

Those top stars can't compare to these two...

Immediately, she looked at Su Chen, saw Su Chen's eyes, and suddenly her heart moved!


How similar are those eyes in the dark night to these!?

It's all in this building...all so sharp...


Immediately, her face turned slightly red, and yesterday was a very embarrassing situation!

Su Chen doesn't suspect him, and doesn't think he has been recognized. After all, he wore a mask yesterday. Even if he recognizes him, he is suspicious. There is no evidence. What can you do!?

He smiled and nodded, said hello, and then left...

The young woman looked at the back of Su Chen's departure, puzzled again and again, very curious and curious!

Afterwards, Su Chen drove the car and went to major shopping malls to buy a batch of his own clothes, and Gu Xiaoxi also bought a lot of them, after all, both of them have improved their bodies......

The escort was hung behind or around, hiding for protection.

I bought a few boxes of clothes...

Su Chen knew that with the implementation of the next mission, he would have to join the group for a while...

Clothes are a must!

Then, they went on a tour together.

In the next month, not only in the magic capital, but Su Chen's footprints, together with Gu Xiaoxi, spread all over the country, and went everywhere.

Especially in the northwest location, staying for a long time,

Even Su Chen drove off-road vehicles to some inaccessible places and villages for fun.

Many bodyguards don't know what Su Chen is doing...

After all, some places Su Chen went to were not scenic spots at all!


Su Chen also applied for a special set of exploration equipment!

However, everyone will not have more doubts about what Su Chen does. After all, this man is the best at,

It's a miracle!

In September...

All schools are open as usual,

This year, the opening ceremony of the High School Affiliated to Hangzhou University was very grand.

Although Su Chen didn't show up in person, after Principal Ma and Teacher Wang took turns calling, he also sent a 1-minute video of blessings to the students of the High School Affiliated to Hangzhou University!

It just burst the hot search!

All the students of the High School Affiliated to Hangzhou University are honored!

All are so excited!

Teacher Wang also remitted 20 million to Su Chen!

He said that these are all the money he has made over the years by relying on Su Chen's fame.

It's all clean....

However, the money is too much, he now has more than 100 million in cash, and he really dare not spend it!

All are in the refrigerator in the villa,

Dedicated to Su Chen and remitted 20 million. If Su Chen wants it, just go to his villa to get it!

Su Chen did not refuse,

For him, money is just a number, but a little bit of his own savings is not bad.

Now, I have a total of 30 to 40 million in my savings,

It's all the bonuses, annual salary, plus the money that Lao Wang gave to himself!

In the past few years, Su Chen gave back the full-score champion award every year, but he did not receive it in the following years, so as not to be said to be repeated extortion bonuses. (Readers, don’t say that the protagonist is extorting bonuses. The protagonist didn’t care about the annual bonus from the beginning. Besides, the protagonist gets full marks in the college entrance examination every year, and according to the rules, he will be given bonuses. Is this illegal? This is a parallel world, don't substitute into reality, brothers, don't put a hat on the novel casually)

A month later...

Su Chen returned to his Hangcheng villa.

At this time, Gu Xiaoxi is also starting the second year of graduate school,

Must go to school.

Reluctantly bid farewell to Su Chen and returned to her school!

Ouyang Xue, Shi Zuogang and others were all waiting for them in the villa. They were ordered to stay by Su Chen's side forever to protect their safety. When Su Chen was taken over by other security units, they were there. Stand by!

"Mr. Su" "!"

Shi Zuogang has not seen Su Chen for a while,

After a couple of months...

Unexpectedly, Mr. Su Chen has become like a knife out of its sheath!

It used to be a knife, now...

Like a real sword!

"Da Shi!"

Su Chen patted Shi Zuogang on the shoulder. From 2025 to the present, it has been more than two years...

Shi Zuogang has not changed much,

To say that the team around him, Shi Zuogang and Ouyang Xue, are the ones who have been with him the longest.

At this time, Su Chen still has eight enhanced genetic medicines, if possible, it is for them.

Although they are loyal to the Eastern God, but people have feelings!

They follow themselves the longest, and they know best what they've done...  

Even if in the future, their superiors make a decision that is not good for Su Chen, they will not really implement it!

Shi Zuogang looked at Su Chen,

over two years,

This young man has grown from a taciturn and reticent student back then to such a powerful giant. Now, within various systems, who doesn't know Su Chen's name!?

The designer of J-67, the prover of Riemann's conjecture...

And the most ace driver in the world!

"Your air battle, my team members and I have watched it countless times, it's a classic among classics!"

Shi Zuogang said with admiration!

He is a soldier, and his favorite is fighting. Although it is a land attribute, he also yearns for air combat!

Soldiers, pay attention to record!

Su Chen, has already convinced everyone with his record!

Shi Zuogang is a taciturn person and never talks to Su Chen much. This time, it is the most unprecedented time. It is conceivable how much he admires Su Chen!

Not only Su Chen's flying skills, but more importantly, Su Chen won glory for the country and changed the general pattern of aviation for decades!

"That's right, Da Shi."

"These days, I'm going to stay at the villa for more than a week or so.

"If you have nothing to do, come in and find me, I have been very interested in fighting recently, come in and teach me.

Su Chen said.

Shi Zuogang nodded!


He smiled in his heart, although, Mr. Su Chen's flying skills are awesome...

However, this ground combat experience is definitely not comparable to his experienced land special forces soldier!

Shi Zuogang has experienced countless lives and deaths. He has performed special tasks at border crossings or in more dangerous areas, close-quarters life-and-death fights, and the use of firearms. He is a real ace!

At this point, even Jiang Feng and others are completely incomparable!

"" "By the way, Mr. Su, I'm a good player in firearms, freehand combat, and close combat. . .

"But in our team, Ouyang Xue is also not bad. She was the women's barracks fighting champion for three consecutive years. You can also ask her to learn from her."

Su Chen was startled, he had a master by his side!

"Okay, I get it!

Su Chen quickly opened the villa door,

Ouyang Xue was practicing horse riding inside, and she was very happy to see Su Chen arrive...

"Su Chen, you're back!?" Su Chen was startled, after all, the picture of this beautiful woman riding a horse was so shocking that everyone knew it, especially the good figure. "I saw the video of you driving the J-67, it's so handsome!" Ouyang Xue said! Today, Ouyang Xue is wearing equestrian clothes, and the white pants are extremely tight to set off her perfect figure. With short hair, she looks more heroic and sassy. When riding a horse, this kind of corset equestrian clothing makes her body explode. Who can't be confused by this f*ck? Su Chen used to watch the young lady riding a horse on a certain sound, and she followed the horses. Running up and down, especially some people deliberately make the body move up and down, it is a visual explosion, and today, Ouyang Xue is better than those goddesses who are a hundred times elongated on Douyin. exhibit!

Ouyang Xue jumped off the golden horses! Ouyang Xue said happily!

"I've watched your video dozens of times... it's so handsome!"

Su Chen smiled indifferently, "He's handsome, brother has more handsome moves!

"By the way.... I heard that you are very knowledgeable about fighting, especially close-to-hand combat... I recently, I want to learn this knowledge, can you teach me!?

Su Chen said,

Ouyang Xue nodded!

"Of course I can, I'm very good at melee combat!

"I can teach you now!

"Okay, hurry up, gkd!

Su Chen is impatient, he now lacks a really practical fighting technique!

In the next few days, Su Chen was in the yard, in the villa, and had a real personal combat teaching with Ouyang Xue!

Ouyang (Awesome) Xue don't look like a girl, but her fighting skills and fighting skills are all learned from the most elite troops in the army.

Originally thought that she could have the upper hand in the battle with Su Chen, she could suppress Su Chen stubbornly on the top, but, unexpectedly, Su Chen was faster than her and stronger than her!

Also, learn fast!

Ouyang Xue taught him everything, Su Chen accepted all the hand-to-hand combat skills of Ouyang Xue, and Su Chen learned all of them in just one or two days during the fighting exercises!

It was Su Chen who suppressed his own strength. He suppressed his strength to a level similar to that of Ouyang Xue, and the speed was deliberately slowed down. The two began to fight close to each other, from the villa to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the swimming pool. , after all, the Marine Corps also has a lot of skills to fight underwater!

During the process, Su Chen grew rapidly! He quickly grasped these fighting skills, and he basically absorbed all of the ace fighting skills in the army from Ouyang Xue! In the end, Ouyang Xue was exhausted. There is nothing to teach Su Chen!

"It's over, it's over...

Two days later, Ouyang Xue lay on the lawn, sweating all over her body, "I really don't have any skills to teach you, your fighting skills are among the best even in the army. ....you surprised me too much, I thought you were the kind of civil servant, you are a mathematician...... Who would have thought that you would be so fierce, physical, speed, and skill In terms of comprehension, they are all so excellent! In a few days, I have learned what I have been doing for several years!"9

After two days of close-quarters combat training, Su Chen was able to handle it with ease, and the final result was naturally a surprise to Ouyang Xue!

Surprised by Su Chen's explosive physique and rapid growth ability!

Killing skills, fighting skills, he grows like a hundred times faster!

(Thanks to that one for the auto-subscription support, there are still two auto-subscriptions left!

This chapter is an overdramatic chapter, and the next one is a more cool story! Please subscribe automatically!!).

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