Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 163 The 1 batch of human genetically optimized warriors! Mass production! National weapon!

Chapter 163 The first batch of human genetically optimized warriors! Mass production! National weapon!

"I'm coming!! 99

"I'll be the first!

this man,

It is Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng stood up!

At that time, the one-month reagent was tested by him!

He experienced the benefits of that super physical strength and stress tolerance....


He's less suspicious of potions!

He wants to keep getting back to that full stamina!

He didn't have that much resistance to this reagent, and even if it had side effects, it was considered a dedication to the country!

"I'm here to be the first batch!

at this time,

Zhang Shaozhong stood up and said!

"I lead the way!"

Zhang Shaozhong is very brave!


at this time,

The people below looked anxious, this kind of first-line experimental medicine, even if it is safe, the level of Sizuo can't take the risk...

There is a 1 in 10,000 risk, and there is no regret!

"Don't say more, I've made up my mind!

Zhang Shaozhong said very firmly!

"I'm in my fifties, and I'm almost sixty years old. Even if I live on "210", how many years can I live?"

"At most eighty or ninety years old...and eighty or ninety years old is still my lifespan. How much time can I soberly judge something and make a decision?"

"It's been ten years!""

Zhang Shaozhong said!

"I'll be the first batch of guinea pigs!"

"Let's see if it really works! Even if there are any side effects in the future, my life is worth living, and I can contribute some experimental data to the country after death!

Zhang Shaozhong said it freely!

"Also, since Su Chen said that there are no side effects, there is none!"

"Jiang Feng said that after the use of this important medicine, the energy of the whole person is infinite, and at any time, it is as if he just woke up from a full sleep. I also want to try it!"

What he said is true, after all, he is getting older and his energy is not as good as before!

On the one hand, cheer for the team members and lead the way!

On the other hand, he also wants to try the feeling of being young!

"Me too!

at this time,

Seeing that the Secretary was on the seat, all the members of the flight team stood up!

Mu Lingzhen and Chen Jinqiu are also listed.

Their group of pilots is best suited for this potion,

After all, it was built to withstand overload!

Finally, ten people, mainly Zhang Shaozhong, Jiang Feng, Chen Jinqiu, and Mu Lingzhen,

All of them took off their clothes, put on special clothes for the survival cabin, and entered the survival cabin.

There is only one woman, Mu Lingzhen. Naturally, she changed her clothes while avoiding her. Her survival cabin was in the far corner with her back to everyone. However, Su Chen glanced at him and was shocked. That flying suit is so large that it hides the treasure!

Mu Lingzhen has no doubts about Su Chen, she doesn't care about any side effects at all, since Su Chen said there is no problem, it is no problem!

"Su Chen, I believe in you!"

Mu Lingzhen was about to enter the survival cabin and said firmly to Su Chen!

Immediately, Mu Lingzhen's face turned a little red. After all, the clothing of this survival capsule is actually very simple. At this moment, she is standing in front of Su Chen...

"Then I'm in."

she whispered.

Su Chen nodded! @

"Go in, in a few days, you'll be reborn!

Su Chen said!

With an order, all the personnel were connected to the nutrition and oxygen tubes of the survival cabin, etc.

Then the sound of babble sounded, and the hatch of the survival pod closed...

Their vital signs are displayed outside!

at the same time,

Su Chen distributed ten test tubes and placed them at the liquid inlet of the survival chamber, and injected them with bolus...

Everyone's life table is constantly changing!

. . . . . .

After a full day!

The first hatch opens!

It's Jiang Feng!

one after another,

All are out...

Including Zhang Shaozhong, they all put on their regular clothes......

Everyone is refreshed!

"This feeling......"

Zhang Shaozhong was immersed in incomparable excitement!

"It's as if I'm back in my twenties, a young state!

"My eyesight is better.... I have enough strength... The most important thing is.... I feel that my physical strength and energy are infinite!

He was so surprised!

Su Chen smiled indifferently, this is the feeling that one should have. After the improvement, even if it is not much, there is a feeling that he is invincible in the world.


As if the world belongs to him!

"Everyone can do a physical fitness test, a stress training test...

After a unified test...

as predicted,

The anti-overload ability has been improved by about 50%!

The ability to withstand pressure has been improved by 50%!


Compression resistance is reflected in the support of bones, muscles, etc., as well as the ability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, internal organs!

These people's muscles, bones, blood vessels, heart, brain, and internal organs have been greatly strengthened!

Although the improvement is not much, there is a big improvement in strength and other aspects!

They are the real first, human genetically optimized warriors!

"This feeling is really cool!"

Zhang Shaozhong looked at Su Chen in surprise!

He personally experienced this feeling of improvement, and only then did he know how awesome Su Chen's project is!

Now that he can run several kilometers, his old body was completely unimaginable before!

He is keenly aware of the huge opportunity here!

This is used as a weapon for front-line combat personnel... The original research and development purpose was to use it on pilots to allow them to withstand the maximum overload of the aircraft!

And now...

After he experienced it himself, he had an amazing idea!


Use it on some important and key people!

Those who really contribute to Eastern God, those who are truly visionary, should live longer and sit longer!

He immediately thought of this aspect!

"Su Chen, this thing... can be mass-produced!?

Su Chen nodded...

"That's right."

"All the production steps, I will form a detailed document, a written report."

"All technology will be archived inside. 35

"As long as the equipment is fully equipped, the staff is complete, and the raw materials are kept in supply....

"Completely mass-produced!"

"It's just that the capital cost of mass production is relatively high. A single reagent, from an accounting point of view... at least several million US dollars! 35

Millions of dollars!

This data....

so cheap~

Zhang Shaozhong waved his hand,

"This amount of money is nothing!"

"There are now a hundred reagents..."

"Of these, I left ten for preservation research in the laboratory, and I have to take the rest with me! 35

"Those soldiers in the army need a group, the most important thing is.... I need this group of things, go to the top... Let them agree with my plan!

Su Chen also knew what he was talking about, and naturally nodded!

This is also his original intention.

Transform the soldiers, and at the same time, let those true patriots, those in more important positions, have a healthier body!

And, the reason why Su Chen doesn't care,

This is because the main improvement of this potion is the ability to resist pressure, although other aspects are improved, but not much.

Don't threaten yourself at all!

This potion does not have much effect on the length of life,

It will not affect the normal lifespan of a person.

"no problem!"

"This laboratory, as well as laboratories all over the country, can produce together as long as the raw materials are in place....

. . . . . . .


"And, I have another plan, which is the one-month period of the first phase of the test."

"This kind of reagent, the cost is lower, about a few hundred thousand dollars..

"This batch can also be used for the shaping of temporary super anti-stress fighters!

In Su Chen's words,

Gave Zhang Shaozhong a reminder!

5.6" is good!

"You are right, the one-month period is already very powerful, and those soldiers who perform special tasks can fully apply...

Zhang Shaozhong quickly calculated those scenes in his mind,

This can completely constitute a super weapon, which is used by the soldiers when they perform their tasks, that is, a month-long super physical strength anti-stress fighter!

The shocking and striking effect on the enemy is unprecedented!

To complete the task, it is twice the result with half the effort!

Also, the bigger benefit is, since this is a one-month term...  

It is no problem to use it for ordinary soldiers, and there is no need to conduct too strict assessment of moral loyalty!

And, after this injection, the warriors experience this feeling of invincibility...

It will definitely have a boosting effect on positivity!

"Fantastic, Su Chen, you have given the Eastern God a piece of national treasure!!!35

Zhang Shaozhong said excitedly!


It's not that simple!

If this important weapon of the country cannot be used reasonably and fairly, it will be a huge disaster!!!.

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