Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 148 Kimchi stole the country again! Kimchi fighter 1?

Chapter 148 Kimchi stole the country again! Kimchi fighter first?

Follow the tower's order!

various factions,

Dozens of drivers, all entered a state of high tension!

This is the blue star of this parallel world, the first time such a large-scale air combat exercise, the first simulated air battle...

It can be called a big contest in this parallel world and peaceful era!

. . . . . .

As the captain, Su Chen was very calm at this time. He has been honing his mood for so many years, and in the years before he was dormant in high school, he has long cultivated the character of Gujing Bubo,

And most importantly, after using the super human medicine, Su Chen was overly nervous, overly frightened, overly panicked, and the negative emotions and states that greatly affect the human state have left him!

"Tower No. 6, Ye Xiao 01 applied, transferred to channel 188 to contact, Ye Xiao 101 formation has reached the target airspace."

"Now start turning back, free to seek targets, free to fire!

. . . . . .

All players and towers switch channels.

This is a routine process operation, the radio is highly encrypted, but also has to be prevented from being stolen by the enemy. Therefore, every time an aviation action or a small task is performed, the channel will generally be changed.

Zhang Shaozhong nodded,

Su Chen fought for the first time, but he was very experienced. Everything at present is textbook level.

At that time, Commander Liu of the Rongcheng Training Field Command Center commented on Su Chen that he was calm like a tiger in the midst of predation, and a natural combat machine. At that time, that evaluation was also formed in a report submitted above, and sure enough Not kidding!

"Here is the ground tower No. 6, Ye Xiao 101 formation, radio inspection.

"Communication is normal.

. . . . . .

"Call the captain. 35

The voice of Su Chen's wingman Jiang Feng came from Ye Xiao 02.



"At this moment, let's go back to "197" and go directly to the designated combat airspace according to the original plan.

Jiang Feng's voice was steady, but there was a hint of excitement.

. . . . .

Su Chen replied immediately.

"Night Owl 01 received, entered high-speed cruise mode, and changed to low-altitude flight after entering the combat airspace. 35


The entire formation consisted of seven people, and the received voices came in sequence,

The voices of many players are light and freehand!

Fighting high!

This is a good start!

Whoosh whoosh!

The fighter planes are in a two-two-three formation, with a short and long distance apart, and fly towards the combat airspace!

at this time..

All this is presented above the big screen sky of the command!


After a three minute delay!

Only the personnel of each camp headquarters received the most synchronous real-time news, in order to prevent the audience from seeing the real-time dynamics of the other party from the perspective of the audience!

This principle is the same as the lol spectator mode!

At this time, the Mao and Pretty camp, as well as the running kimchi camp, are stepping up to fly towards the combat airspace.

Because there is no early warning aircraft in this air combat simulation, all parties rely on the radar on the fighter plane for reconnaissance.

Early warning aircraft are the eyes of fighter jets. Compared with ground radars and satellite radars, they are more reliable. Because ground radars have obstacles such as mountains and rivers, it is inevitable that information processing is not timely. However, early warning aircraft are launched together with fighter jets. The information in the air is processed and fed back to the fighter.

And this air combat simulation simulates a small-scale fighter encounter, so it is not equipped with a big killer such as an early warning aircraft.

It all depends on the performance of the respective fighter jets and the temporary handling of the pilot's battle!

"In every way, the radar is not turned on!

At this moment, Zhang Shaozhong stared at the scanning logo on the big screen.

It is indeed easy to detect the whereabouts of the enemy when the fighter turns on the radar, but the problem is...

Once the radar is turned on, then your position is easily exposed!

Under normal circumstances, the fighter radio radar is silent, and the early warning aircraft is fully turned on!

"This kind of encounter tests the tactics of both sides and who can hold their breath..."

"The test is the performance of the fighter!"

"The test is the extreme performance of the fighter and the pilot's extreme operation within the visual range during the encounter!"

"This is a rare extreme situation in modern real warfare... But the more extreme it is, the more it meets the gold standard for fighter performance testing!

Zhang Yanghao was very calm at this time.

He is right, modern warfare, ground radar, space radar, cooperate with countless early warning aircraft, point out the best direction for fighter jets,

A missile goes straight into the soul,

The reality is that you can't see the enemy's fighter jets there, the planes are still more than a thousand kilometers away, and a long-range missile kills the target!

Modern warfare is no longer the period of World War II. Basically, there will be no encounters between fighter jets and fighter jets, and they appear within the visual distance of each other!

However, here is a simulation! It is this extreme battle scene that is simulated! This kind of extreme battle scene is the most test of technology and the most test of equipment!

. . . . . . .

Dozens of the most advanced war machines from several factions are like silent hunters breaking into a huge dark forest!

who fires first...

Whoever turns on the radar first will definitely be the target of all public criticism!

They are all hunters in the dark jungle with guns, they can see very little...

Once you see the fire light up,

It will fire instantly!

. . . . . . .

After 30 minutes, basically all the fighters entered the combat airspace,

But the airspace is too large, above the plain in the middle of the country, above the vast blue sky...

There are constant sounds of breaking the sky resounding in various places, and occasionally there are sonic booms. Almost in the entire middle-earth of the land, every household has heard wind noises of varying degrees, and they all look up!

I have to say, God is beautiful.

Today in the central part of Tuao, thousands of miles of clear sky.

at this time.

A gladiatorial fight is taking place.

at this time,

Basically, all the teams have turned on their radars one after another, they are quickly searching for the whereabouts of other teams, and all the team members are scattered...

To avoid being caught by fire!

. . . . . . .

pretty aspect,

Three f22-x as the main aircraft, the other four f22 as teammates or their respective f22-x wingman.

Captain Tom Keshen was chewing gum at this time. That's how they behave. They tend to be more relaxed. They can perform some harmless little operations on the fighter plane. Chewing gum is a trivial matter, and drinking coffee or even a wave is normal.

He contacted his teammates while chewing gum:

"Commander F11 has entered the designated combat airspace, released the high-altitude cruise, and entered the ultra-low altitude."

"Wait for the turn on radar command.

At low altitude, the probability of being discovered after turning on the radar will become smaller,

The opponents are also aircraft radars, and the identification of fast targets near the ground cannot be so fast.

This is also a method used by veterans.

. . . .

"Yes, Commander!

"Received, Commander!"

0. . . . .

"F2, F3, two small teams, enter the route 130 and route 140 respectively! Lower the altitude and enter the air defense route...

"on, my, way!

0. . . . .

Tom is very skilled in issuing orders,

Several plane lines in the sky were pulled apart, and the plane turned in the air. run in different directions. Several formations quickly dispersed and took their places!

. . . . . .

"Turn on the radar! Start looking for the locked target, after locking the target, wait for the close range distance and launch the missile directly!

Tom is very calm, worthy of being an ace pilot,

A few years ago, he once filmed the movie Top Gun, in which he became another Tom's stand-in, and many aerial movements were completed by him personally!

In the battle at the moment, he also exerted the style of a brilliant commander!

The beautiful teams are all scattered, investigating everywhere...  

Although the f22 was developed in the last century and was only put into service at the beginning of this century, the radar has undergone several generations of upgrades, and they are confident that their radar is the best!

Moreover, the f22-x radar is integrated with the most advanced system!

It is the last to be discovered, and the first to discover the enemy!

"The radar starts scanning!

. . . . .

Turn on the radar, and you can't find the enemy directly in an instant! It takes a certain amount of time!

It depends on how advanced the opponent's radar stealth technology and airframe stealth technology are...

Depends on flight speed, target distance, etc..

. . . . .

And at the same time!

in the adjacent airspace,

From the stick's camp, seven KF-C series fighter jets are in flight.

This kf-x fighter series is the fifth generation of the stick,

They can't say that they have independent research and development capabilities, they can only say that they have the level of semi-self-developed research and development.

Have full self-plagiarism ability!!

In terms of plagiarism, they are the strongest!

Their generation of fighter jets has "swaggered across the market" from the very beginning of the project


The entire construction progress of the first prototype was almost carried out in a "full live broadcast" mode, and a grand celebration was held at that time!

And boasted: "Change the world air situation!"

The core of their research and development was given to them by their father. For example, the F414-2E-400 engine was given to them by their father, and the weapon system was also dominated by their father's standard weapons. The engine and weapons are given by my father, and the air intake is copied by the Eastern God.... Avionics and Infrared Exploration and Tracking (IRST), electronic warfare equipment, stealth coating and the like are all their own. ,

It's so awesome!

That invisible coating dog shook his head when he saw it!

The magazines and air intakes are actually copied from Dongshen, but they do not understand. At present, their magazines and intakes are still at the level of the third-generation aircraft, and they have not even undergone a complete wind tunnel test. , because there is no such strength!

A patchwork product is at most the level of four and a half generations, but they are blown away by them to surpass the existence of five generations of machines.

That's it, they also claim to be self-developed, shameless to the extreme!

Without his father, they couldn't even make a shell!

But his father didn't give it for nothing, it was naturally profitable! Rumors in the market say that every time the stick builds a kf-c, their father can make 86% of the profit! It is equivalent to giving money to the father for nothing. , If it weren't for this huge profit, their father wouldn't allow his son to build fighter jets indiscriminately!

The fighter is 27 years old, which is the model of this year's replacement, named KF-C.

The appearance of the fighter planes copied our fifth-generation planes, but the sticks all solemnly declare that this appearance is their patent and invention, and their ancestors made a similar design as early as 10,000 years ago. ......

Their shamelessness is evident!

. . . . .

at this time,

Aviation captain Kim Dae-soo is triumphant!

"Turn on the radar!"

They also turned on the radar and searched for the enemy in the airspace!

At this point in time, almost all the records are concentrated in the air combat area. If you are unlucky, you will meet each other in less than ten minutes! In the air combat area, there must be a lot of fighters from various countries!

"Axi, what is the J-67 of Dongshen? It's just like the car made by Dongshen, it has a sci-fi shell, but the things inside are completely incompetent!"

"I heard that any company can build a car, real estate companies can build cars, and insurance companies can build cars! They all make a carcass and cut leeks!"

The members of Jin Daxiu chatted in the channel at this time!

"Yeah, wuli kimchi's fighter, has Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar (AESA), Infrared Search and Track (IRST)..."

"Under these two systems, none of their fighter jets can stop our reconnaissance!

"Axi, quickly find the Eastern God's fighter plane, and send them to the sky as soon as possible!"

"We have formed an alliance with Daddy, we don't attack Daddy, Daddy won't attack us! We can't afford to provoke Maozi! We will attack East God first!

"That's right, just staring at Su Chen's J-67. There are two J-67s in total. We all took down and Su Chen was eliminated!"

. . . . . . .

Several team members whimpered in the channel. The radio channel is the same as the vegetable market, all kinds of asi bars and throat-stuck sounds!

As we all know! Kimchi is the most squeaky, people who have been abroad know that, but whenever you see a black-haired face in a public place in a foreign country, a group of people get together chatting, laughing, and making a lot of noise, it must be Kimchi! Their habit is directly brought to the serious air combat radio channel...

Compared with the radio of other camps - the scene where the words are precious and the instructions are accurate is not the same at all... It is also a kind of strange thing!

. . . . . . .

Three minutes later, this picture reached the huge sky screen in the lobby of the command center,

The ridicule of the Kimchi team members and their complacent ease made many people frown, especially the people from Eastern God, who were very dissatisfied!

The audience from Kimchi and the media were extremely excited, and even burst into cheers in the quiet scene!

"Ah! Oppa is so handsome!

"It's Kim Dae-soo Oppa, the ace pilot! He's so handsome! 5.6"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

"Too handsome, Kim Dae-soo Oppa must be super-kd today!"

"Yeah, Jin Daxiu is much more handsome than Dongshen's Su Chen, Su Chen has to fly by himself and pretend to be a man, our Oppa is the real great man!

"That doesn't have to shoot down a dozen enemy planes?

"They're right, the Eastern God's fighter jets are nothing more than appearances... Our experts said that their appearance is also copied from our kimchi... Shameless! Shameful stealing the country!"

"Shoot down the J67 first! Down with the myth of Su Chen! 99

"Let him show himself!"

. . . . . .

Some kimchi media and audiences, humming, slag, twittering. Some plastic faces show admiration!!

Even the kangaroos of the organizer can't see it!


In such a quiet venue, there was only the exclamation when I was shocked when I entered the venue at first, and then it was basically quiet.

Here's a bomb in a pickle jar - the shithole exploded!

The organizer's staff had to keep quiet!

"Quiet, quiet!"

"Watching the venue, please keep quiet and pay attention to your quality!""

He said please, but his heart was filled with incomparable contempt!

Even the beautiful people are disgusted, this son is so shameful!

. . . . . . .

Gu Xiaoxi, Lin Youwei, Jiang Xinyue and others are also frowning... Is their quality too poor?

At the same time, they are also really worried about Su Chen... Although they know the game process, there is basically no danger...

"Oh shit......…

At this time, Han Haoyang cursed!

"I'll wait and see how Su Chen cooks these kimchi!

. . . . . . .


Just when these few team members were triumphant.

Just when these little pickles were cheering!.

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