Chapter 146 FBI-waring! Old drivers know it!

This is going to kill you!

"Wait a minute, Colonel James."

at this time,

A woman appeared, her body exploded and she wore an open-back sequined gold short skirt, it was Lilith!

She also participated in this discussion as one of the plans for Su Chen!

"But....isn't our top priority to carry out the plan to instigate Su Chen? I will carry out this plan... Now we have to carry out the assassination and beheading plan against him, wouldn't it be a conflict?" "

Lilith is very dissatisfied!

Although she is under the command of James and is a subordinate of James, they are not very divided into superiors and inferiors in this place, and it is not uncommon for many team members with character to act against their superiors.

Lilith's mission is to seduce Su Chen, and Lilith has a good impression of Su Chen! She even said that she has half-truthed in love with Su Chen! In this air show, Chen Haoze, as an old classmate, must have the opportunity to get close to Su Chen , then you will follow this clue to approach Su Chen!

Su Chen is also a human being. No matter how talented he is, he still needs rest, right? He also needs sleep. Need entertainment too?

As long as you know which hotel Su Chen is in, you can find it by yourself at night, presumably with her purple color, Su Chen will definitely not refuse the free extra meal! According to Lilith's observation, Su Chen's side can be said to be beautiful Ruyun, the three oriental beauties I just saw each have their own merits and characteristics, but Su Chen doesn't have Lilith's style! No matter how bad it is, even if the location of Su Chen's hotel is sealed and guarded, Su Chen Always go out to eat, or go on a tour, right? Lilith will follow him. Once Su Chen is alone, go out to eat, or travel, or drink coffee, or go to the toilet, Lilith will find a needle! Just go right up Su Chen by means



Now, Colonel James has the intention of killing Su Chen!

"There's no way around that, Lilith."

James said,

"This person has grown too fast. In just two years, he has caused so much trouble for us. He made Eastern God's technology develop like a run!"

"The entire design, development and production process of the J-67 is based on our technology blockade, chip blockade, and raw material blockade!"

"How did they do it?"

"I think the core is this Su Chen!

James speaks for itself, and his judgment is very accurate!

"A truly great scientist brings changes to a country with great strides and transcendence. This is the explosion of the technology chain!

"East God, the technology chain is about to explode, I have a hunch that J Liuqi is just a small beginning! 55

"And in the future, Su Chen's status will be higher and higher, and the security factor will be higher and higher!"197

"In the future, when Su Chen develops and becomes a scientist who truly changes the world, it will be too late if we want to touch him!

"And now, the closest we've gotten to Su Chen!"

"When he is fully grown, kill this person in the cradle!

James' face is full of murderous intent,

He got goosebumps,

It seems that, in the dark, if you can communicate with the future, your future self will definitely not regret this decision, and your future self must tell yourself to kill Su Chen first!

This is similar to those who had a good life back then. If they could predict the future, they would definitely kill that man named Einstein in the 1930s!

James felt that his decision at this time was extremely correct!

"We have to do this!"

"Kill him, in its infancy! 35

"If he doesn't participate in this actual combat drill, we must also engage in assassination. If he participates, it will be better, and it will provide us with convenience. He doesn't know that the act of pretending to be flying by himself rather than participating in the competition is already putting himself on the line. You're in a very dangerous situation!"

"I dare say, this is our best chance to kill Su Chen in the next few decades!""

James carefully considered,

If the general assassination methods, such as creating accidents, sniping, etc., will leave flaws, even if they are top-level killers, they will have nothing to hide in front of Eastern God's huge state machine!

At that time, he will definitely be able to find out the black hand behind him. Once Su Chen is removed, then the Eastern God can just let it go!? By then, their life will not be easy, that is, they will be completely ripped off!

The air combat drills are different. The life and death documents have been signed. During the competition, accidents caused by technical reasons, all forces cannot be held accountable!

. . . . . .


At this moment, Macbeth, who had four stars on his shoulders, also frowned,

"According to the agreement, this is a peaceful exercise, and we cannot use live ammunition. How can we kill this Su Chen in the air!?"

"Their fighter jets, the J-67, don't know whether they are advanced or not... Even if the level is mediocre, it is very difficult to shoot down a fighter jet in a simulated electronic battle!

Macbeth's words go straight to the core!

"Yes, that's the point!"

"It's time to test your loyalty!"

at this time,

James looked at the seven players on the scene!

These are the most ace pilots selected, as well as the most tested candidates spiritually, technically, loyally!

"It is very likely that you will give your life! 99

At this time, James said seriously!

"When necessary, you can use close-range dogfights. We have practiced, flying to the front or flanks of the enemy's aircraft, using huge horsepower and speed to interfere with its airflow direction, causing the opponent's aircraft to roll over and other accidents!

"When necessary, this method doesn't work, it can only collide with the enemy's wing or tail!"

"Our fighter jets have state-of-the-art ejection safety systems...and auto-lock on target impact!""

"I allow you to use the intelligent system to lock the combat target, and then actively eject! Then the fighter jets collide!"9

"Whatever it takes, solve Su Chen!"

"However, don't use live ammunition, everything has to be pretended to be an accident, or you have lost control of the fighter plane. The operation record of the plane will be completely destroyed after the collision and explosion. If the black box is found, we will also Technologically manipulated tampering!""

"Don't worry!

James's strategy must not be vicious!

Can't use live ammunition, it's just a drill, a peace drill...

However, accidental casualties are always allowed during peaceful drills, right?

This kind of thing has signed a life and death certificate, you can't make a fuss about it!?

Above the sky, apart from radar detection, who knows what happened above the clouds!?

A bite to death is an accident, and all kinds of manipulations on software and hardware make it impossible to find out...  

Isn't it the perfect plan!?

Even sacrifice a few of their ace pilots for a Su Chen.....

It is equivalent to exchanging pawns for generals!

Worth it!

"I promise, whether you sacrifice or survive, your names will shine under the banner, and your descendants will be taken care of for infinite generations!"

"Your achievements will be known by all the high-level officials!

"You are true heroes!"

James gave a very classic Western-style speech...

All the pilots are on fire!

Although they are afraid of death, but.... endless glory, endless wealth awaits them...

Who doesn't want to fight!?

Moreover, after the scheduled crash program, you can skydive first!

Survival rate is high!

They may be afraid of death, but they all like to gamble!

Tom can be killed directly because he is excited!

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!

. . . . . . . .

Two hours later!

The command center of the entire air show,

It has been constructed into one of the strongest ground towers!

this tower,

Unlike ordinary towers!

It's a huge hall!

It's like a sci-fi showroom!

There are four huge video walls in the middle, forming a four-sided square video wall,

Each video wall consists of at least hundreds of video screens!

Then there are dozens of computers and staff in front of the video wall.

Behind each wall are hundreds of staff and technicians!

Monitor everything!

In the video wall, you can see all the scenes on the ground of the flight of the country, from all angles!

The runways, airways, and even the sky of each camp can be seen!

Even more shocking is that...

Above the sky in the command center!

Four walls all around!

All are screens!

Countless curved screens are spliced ​​into an upside-down bowl-shaped huge screen,

It looks like a real sky!

The whole field is like half a football field,

Then these four walls and ceiling constitute a strong bowl structure enough to buckle half a football field inside!

"It was so shocking...

"It's like looking at the sky!

at this time,

Gu Xiaoxi and his party (cgfg) who just came in exclaimed!

Everything is science fiction and fantastic!

The huge screen composes the sky, making it real!

In the middle of the ground, four huge and countless screen walls...

Behind each screen wall are countless staff members in military uniforms, commanders...


"This simulation system was used as early as last year in the practice of beauty.

Han Haoyang is knowledgeable.

“Even we don’t have this system in place at the moment.35

"The new generation of command centers is just like that.

Han Haoyang is also very envious,

"Here, we can see the battle picture in the air, the flight picture... just like the perspective in the air, close-up!"

They were invited in,


This command center tower the size of half a football field can not support hundreds of thousands of people!

According to the level, Han Haoyang and others are completely unable to enter,

But before Su Chen got on the plane, he temporarily greeted Zhang Sizuo, saying that they were his friends,

The Sizuo opened the door and invited them in.

The entire command center, the commanders of various camps, the staff of the organizer, and the personnel who maintained the order at the scene, there were about a thousand people in total.

They stand at the center and are protected by walls and guards,

The rest of the people are located in the corners, they are the media, or important people, or representatives of various camps, or major potential customers.

These people add up to only a thousand people.

Everyone was shocked by this sci-fi scene and fell silent.

"Military technology is always decades ahead of civilian technology.""

Jiang Xinyue looked at the dreamy screen sky at this time, like the world of Truman.

"This is indeed true.

. . . . . .

That's right,

Military technology is always decades ahead of civilian technology, or even longer.

Just like the Internet, also in the 1960s, it was used for military connection purposes.

No one could have imagined that the invention and creation of the Internet, which is now a hot topic, was originally intended for military use only. At that time, people never thought about civilian use, nor did they think that there would be such a big development in the civilian market, and it even affected the progress of human civilization.

. . . . . . . .

"Everyone, let me introduce you!"

"This is a special system we have implemented for air combat drills.

at this time,

Head of Tower Command Center,

An official of the country said!

"The command centers of all aspects are separately distributed to their respective screens to achieve private communication!"

"at the same time......"

"We have added some simulated combat modules, some sensor devices, etc. to the fighters of various camps, but you can rest assured that this does not affect any functions of the aircraft. 99

"Through our complete set of virtual engines, when they fly and launch missiles, they are empty, but our simulator will simulate a set of pictures of actually firing and launching missiles,"

"It will also simulate the trajectory of the missile, as well as the hit situation, etc..."

"We have hundreds of sets of aerial monitoring equipment on the ground, which can capture quite a lot of pictures. At the same time, the satellites are turned on, and we are also capturing the pictures of fighter planes. At the same time, we also have dozens of neutral modified fighter planes on the proving ground, which can be captured at close range at any time. Airplanes from various countries!"9

The person in charge immediately waved his hand!

The screen above the entire command center suddenly changed!

Two planes circled in the air, then opened fire!

This picture is quite shocking, as if the audience were watching the battle within a thousand meters!

To know,

This was not possible before!

The exchange of fire in the air, when viewed on the ground, is just two small dots, what a passionate picture, when viewed from such a distance, it is like two ants fighting, losing the fun of watching!


Under this system simulation, two fighter planes exchange fire in the air, right in front of you!

That kind of shock is like watching a 3D movie on the big screen,

Do not!

Far more shocking than 3d!

Because it's almost real!

Because this picture is on the inverted sky screen!

People need to look up!


In the air! A fighter jet fires a missile, and the missile explodes on top of another plane!

Soaring fire, overflowing the sky!


"warning! 95



Warning sound sounds!

red waring flashes,

The old drivers suddenly thought of other things.

"The 003 fighter was hit and the engine was destroyed. The system judged that it was unable to fight again and was eliminated!"

. . . . . .

The icy sound of this analog system rings out!

People were stunned by this scene!

"Everyone can see!"

At this moment, the person in charge waved his hand!

in the sky,

The grand explosion picture was gone, and the two fighter planes were still in the flight state just now, as if the explosion had not occurred.

Where does the explosion look!?

Simply intact!

"Actually, these two planes are our planes. They are really flying in the sky at this moment, and the pictures captured now are the pictures of them flying! 35

"They did engage in fire just now, and the pilots pressed the missile launch button, but in reality there was no live ammunition...

"In the simulation, our audience would see the actual firefight, but in reality, it didn't happen!35

"The pilot will receive the elimination order as soon as possible.


Then No. 003 lost the qualification and began to return!

This advanced system,


Let Zhang Shaozhong and Zhang Yanghao be amazed!

After going back, I have to do a set of high and low!

This is much better than a pure simulator!

The pilot can actually drive, and even for the pilot, they do press the launch button, and for the pilot's senses, everything is true!

"Now, no more talking!""

The person in charge is concise!

He checked the time!

"12:30 Turkey time.""


"Officially begin!!!"

(In reality, the author does not know if there is such a system, but if there is such a system, it must be very interesting).

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