Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 141 Gene optimization agent released! Experiment completed!

Chapter 141 Gene optimization agent released! Experiment completed!

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100 to 200 times the bonus!

Su Chen secretly calculated! His weight will be after this genetic optimization,

Become a hundred kilograms!

Two hundred times a hundred kilograms!

The pressure bearing capacity is about 20 tons!

In other words, a big truck is all right on itself!

This data, compared to 39,000 times the devil beetle, and more than 400 times that of the ant, has been greatly weakened!

The weakening of this data is because it is impossible for Su Chen to actually graft animal genes, but to fuse, weaken, adapt, and remove sequelae.

It is the most perfect state deduced from the state of God!

In order to adapt to this state, in order not to change human characteristics, it is natural to weaken the strength!

It's the same as adding points to playing games!

For example, the devil beetle, the reason why it has a tolerance of more than 30,000 times,

It's because the structure of the demon beetle is the most perfect compression structure, but Su Chen can't be that kind of structure, right?

He wants to maintain the basic genetic chain of human beings!

0. . . . . .

"Even after genetic optimization, I can't beat the tank with one punch..."

"It's impossible to fly around, it's impossible to produce laser eyes, it's impossible to control the wind, it's impossible to control the earth, it's impossible to control the mental power...

"Although it's not the level of invincibility in the novel, it's not the level of smashing everything in the movie Slow Power dc...""

"Not really invulnerable...  

"The pressure tolerance of more than 100 times to 200 times body weight is also very good.

Su Chen thought to himself!

"At least something with a dozen tons like a truck can't help me, and a high-tonnage thing like a tank can't help me. 55

Heavy tanks, though forty tons,

However, the pressure cannot be applied to such a small area of ​​the human body, the force will be more dispersed,

Theoretically speaking, if you press Su Chen over him, he won't hurt at all!

"The level that a sniper rifle can't kill..."

Su Chen converted the pressure tolerance. The sniper rifle bullet could just penetrate his skin, but it would get stuck in the muscles and outside the bones, and could not penetrate his bones.

"At least, this data has made me in the human world without too many threats.

"In terms of physical defense, it's basically the pinnacle!"

"Small grenades, etc., won't kill me, at most minor injuries. 35

"Recover soon."

"Even if the missile exploded next to me."

"I can live at 197! 55

"Although there will be injuries, life will also remain! If there is life, it can be restored for me! 55

Su Chen thought to himself!


My own gene extraction this time, all my knowledge is related to endurance,

no resilience,

His own resilience is still within the scope of the previous potion improvement.

"But one thing,"

"The reason why an ant's endurance is four hundred times greater is because the cross-sectional area of ​​an ant's muscle is 1/62,500 that of a human, and the strength of the muscle is approximately proportional to the cross-sectional area!

"I'll get this part of the trait gene,

"The endurance will be reflected in the muscle structure, so correspondingly, my strength will be increased by about 5-7 times!"

Currently Su Chen has a ton of power,

About 5-7 times, it is a few tons of power!

Lifting a two-ton SUV is a no-brainer!

He can lift even light and medium trucks!

"I look forward to the changes after genetic optimization!"

0. . . . .

"In terms of high temperature tolerance, Pompeii will provide me with the best high temperature resistant genes...

Pompeii is one of the most heat-resistant organisms in the world.

Pompeii can not only withstand the high temperature of 81℃, but also can leave the heat and swim to the seawater with a temperature of only 10℃ to feed.

Pompeii can withstand such disparate temperatures before and after!

High temperature endurance is also an aspect of endurance!

This Pompeii gene can allow Su Chen to withstand temperatures around 70-80 degrees!

The human body does not look strong,

But it's fragile!

A temperature of 40 degrees Celsius is enough to kill!

For a long time above 40 degrees Celsius, it is no problem to have a seat directly!

A change in the temperature of the earth by one degree Celsius has a great impact on the human body!

And Su Chen's tolerance of about 80 degrees Celsius....

No matter the climate is high temperature, or some explosions, flames, etc., Su Chen has a certain degree of endurance!

0. . . . . .

"And in terms of extremely low temperatures, the Antarctic cod that tolerates low temperatures, and ice worms provide me with genes for low temperature tolerance."

It inhabits the extremely cold deep sea 2,200 feet below the surface of the Southern Ocean, and for ordinary fish,

It can be frozen into a "popsicle" at −1°C!

Antarctic cod, however, can live actively at temperatures of −1.87°C and swim around as if nothing had happened!

There is a component called antifreeze protein in the body, which can be a special chemical composed of it as the main component to help cod face the cold!

Don't underestimate that it is only minus 1.87 degrees Celsius, the actual (cgfg) is in the range of minus zero, and a small improvement is a natural moat!

The temperature mentioned here is a long-term low temperature survival!

Instead of taking off your clothes in the ice and snow, going outside for a run and coming back, that's not called cold tolerance!

That's called accidental testing, and it can't constitute a standard!

Humans wear clothes, have various equipment, houses, etc., of course they can survive in ice and snow,

But without any foreign objects, it cannot survive at a temperature of a few degrees!

And after Su Chen fused this gene,

He can come and go freely at minus one degree Celsius, without any external assistance, without wearing any clothes, and living for a hundred years without any problem! It is as comfortable as lying in an air-conditioned room at home!

If coupled with human equipment and other aids, his ultimate survivability is greatly enhanced!

"And durability..."

"The durability genes of horses and camels...

"It will increase my endurance... Whether it is long-distance running, physical storage, or hunger tolerance, there is a great improvement...

"I'll be fine if I don't eat for dozens of days...""

"And the anti-venom, the king snake and the honeypot, the powerful anti-venom of the meerkat...'99

The king snake itself is a non-venomous snake, but it often preys on some highly poisonous snakes for food, and is not afraid of these toxins at all, because they contain a special serum in their bodies, so they can isolate most of the toxins!

The meerkat's gallbladder has a powerful interpretation function, and it can be called an engine-like existence!

"It can be said that harmful substances are basically invulnerable to all poisons...

"And radiation tolerance, water bears can be said to be the animals with the strongest radiation tolerance in nature.""

Studies have shown that water bears can withstand 57,000 roentgens of X-ray radiation!

In places where atomic bombs have been detonated, everything has been reduced to ashes, but tardigrades can still be found!

With this ability,

Even if Su Chen goes to Fukushima to take a bath and drink water, there is no problem!

. . . . . . .

At the same time, low pressure, hypoxia and other endurance,

Su Chen also has a variety of animals and plants to correspond..

And the most awesome is the turtle from the South China Sea, and the Galapagos tortoise from the Colon Islands in South Mi Ecuador!

In the prediction of the state of God in the examination room,

The fusion of the DNA longevity genes of these two longevity turtle species will provide Su Chen with a life span of at least 350 years!

His total lifespan will increase to 500 years!

Realize the true borrowing from heaven for another five hundred years!

These above goals are the first phase of Su Chen's Rock Plan, the real purpose of genetic optimization!

0. . . . . . .


"The isolation, optimization, fusion and other experiments of these genes will begin immediately!

"But this process takes a long time!"

Separation, optimization, partial fusion...

these jobs,

Su Chen will be handed over to the 002 laboratory to do it!

This laboratory is the largest biochemical laboratory in China,

After Su Chen's technical transformation and upgrade is completed, it can fully cope with such a test!

Because this is a very complicated process!

Dozens of genes need to be extracted to extract the most useful parts, and then start the optimization of the first part,

Then the fusion is performed, and then the parts that are mutually exclusive or have side effects after fusion are removed as a whole, even if there is a risk of one in ten thousand, the gene must be removed!

Then proceed to the next round of fusion..

These operations are extremely complex, extremely precise,

Su Chen divided the 20,000 workers on site into 100 groups, each of which was divided into 10 groups...

Each has a different task, each has a different division of labor and steps!

kept secret from each other,

Each does not understand what they are doing, technically, and information is completely isolated!

The above part of the operation,

It takes tens of thousands of trials to repeat...

It will take about a month!


There are a few crucial final steps at the end!

these steps!

All must be done by Su Chen himself!

In a month, Su Chen will be taking their finished product to work!

laboratory supplies,

In millions of dollars every day...

These include a large number of chemical and biological materials, reagents, precious medicines, etc...

There are also consumables for materials!

. . . . . . .

This is the real purpose of Su Chen!

But no one will know about it!

Because they don't know what Su Chen's real purpose is, they don't know what Su Chen's final steps are!

thousands of groups,

the different gene groups produced,

Only Su Chen knows their real codes and sequences,

The gene placement position of each species, as well as the placement sequence, placement sequence, timing,

must be strictly controlled!

These, Su Chen will personally handle,

No one else knows!

Equivalent to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of gene sequencing combinations,

some of!

Only one is right!

There is only one kind of stable gene optimized form that can be completely fused without pollution, without any side effects and without mutation!

As long as Su Chen doesn't tell this sequence, no one in this world will ever be able to try it out!

And even if someone has persistently tried it out of tens of millions...


The timing of gene delivery is also very important. A single second of gene delivery will have different effects.

This results in,

If others even know Su Chen's materials and Su Chen's techniques...

He comes to try, and there are billions, tens of billions, and even infinite indeterminate variables!

It is impossible to succeed at all!

Only Su Chen can accurately know the steps and timing of this rhythm!

This last critical step,

Naturally, Su Chen will do it!

"How can genetic optimization be that simple?"

"If I hadn't known God's answer, with human means, I might not have grasped it in millions of years!

Su Chen is full of confidence,

It is precisely because of this technique of finding a needle in a haystack,

Only then can he be sure that in such a situation of recruiting and moving the crowd, he will deceive everyone!

"Of course! 99

"Not without results. 55

"Tomorrow, we can preliminarily fuse the genes of the devil beetle with the genes of the ants, and produce the first result reagent."

There are two kinds, naturally much simpler.

Su Chen needs to come up with a superficial product crossover.


a day later,

Under Su Chen's personal control,

He successfully completed the first finished product!

In the laboratory, Su Chen was dressed in a white lab coat and held a pale red medicine bottle in his hand.

In this little red bottle...

It is a genetically optimized drug that can increase the body's stress tolerance by 50%!

However, the function of this medicine is nothing more than that.

Other life, anti-toxic, pressure, high temperature, etc., are not!

Just using part of the genes of ants and demon beetles,

Su Chen didn't make a really perfect production,

Just increasing the pressure tolerance by 50% is considered a cross!

after all,

This is an unprecedented feat in human biochemistry at present!

Su Chen gave the above a potion that increases anti-stress by 50%. This millions of dollars a day is not wasted!

The follow-up income is not as simple as millions per day!

He will definitely not hand over the real goal of the rock project's genetic optimization stage,

But it's still possible to deliver a general product!

Su Chen wants to ensure that his strength is invincible, and no one can shake his status and strength.

As for other human beings, Su Chen can also improve their overall strength, but he can't approach him too much, he can follow him under himself, within a range of distance behind him!

For example, if Su Chen is a Superman Kryptonian,

So it's okay to make other humans become Hawkeye's level of strength, right?

0. . . . . .

"Invite Zhang Sizuo and General Zhang immediately!"

Su Chen immediately spoke on the walkie-talkie!

"Tell him that the first phase of the test is finished!

. . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao and Zhang Shaozhong have been waiting anxiously in this building for a long time.

They are complete laymen,

completely unplugged,

In addition to the previous materials, etc., deployment, etc., after that work, they are here waiting for the results of the test!

I heard the news at this time,

The first time I rushed to Su Chen's main laboratory without stopping!


The two speak in unison!

Su Chen nodded indifferently!

"That's right!"

"Three days of work, and a product that can improve the human body's ability to withstand pressure by 50% is produced.

Zhang Shaozhong and Zhang Yanghao stared at the red potion,

Feeling that touch of scarlet is so wonderful!

Su Chen smiled lightly!

"As long as the injection, within 20 hours.... 35

"This genetic optimization agent will optimize the human body's genes and develop gene expression in God's forbidden area."5

"But don't worry about him changing your human body genes, that's impossible.

The two of them were breathing fast!

50% increase in stress tolerance!

What does it represent!?

Representing an elite pilot soldier, it can withstand 8g overload before, and after using it, it may withstand 9g, shenzhi or even 10g!

The red vision effect of the blocking cable landing will disappear! Because that overload is nothing at all!

Flying the plane will be smoother.....

You will have more energy and more energy. . . .

Even correspondingly, there will be a small improvement in all aspects of ability!

歼67, the maximum horsepower is accelerated to Mach 4, and the overload that the human body bears will reach 9g or more at a certain moment!

"The J-67...the perfect driving state can be achieved!

Zhang Yanghao clenched his fist excitedly!


at this time,

Su Chen's words changed!


This Su Chen's words have changed!

Let the hearts of both lift up!!


something wrong!?.

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