Chapter 137 Super Gene Warrior! All people optimize genes!

"Let human beings...

"Evolution millions of years ahead of time....

Zhang Yanghao was completely stunned by Su Chen−'s words!

He has a high status,

Experienced countless things that ordinary people have never experienced,

I have seen countless big scenes, big projects...

Even he has even seen some incredible plans for landing on the moon and space defense plans.... He has studied...


Rao is so,

I was also shocked by this grand blueprint!

"You mean...

Unconsciously he used your name,

At this moment, it seems that Su Chen is in front of him, not a junior, but a great giant!

"Let our warriors evolve in advance..."

. . . . .

"Do not!

Su Chen shook his head.

"it's not true."

"Not our warriors."

"A soldier, on the one hand, is an oil painting of physical endurance, capable of driving a supersonic aircraft with an overload of about 10 g..."

"Our warriors must be strengthened!"

"Imagine once we have millions of fortified warriors..."

"What level is that!?

In Su Chen's words,

Let Zhang Yanghao shine!

"Invincible in land warfare!"

"Air battles, naval battles, all have powerful advantages!

Su Chen said!

Needless to say, the buyongs of land warfare, it is directly that everyone is the king of soldiers!

In terms of tank driving, etc., there are inherent advantages, and artillery can also withstand more high temperature and pressure......

That is simply invincible!

In terms of air combat and naval combat, you can drive vehicles that carry more pressure and break through the limits of the human body and machine!

"And what about expanding it!?

"This gene-optimized agent, once mass-produced...

"Our country, the whole people use...

"What scene would that be!?

Su Chen said lightly at this time!

He can be 100% sure that the superficial pressure-tolerance potion developed by his first phase test is 100% free of side effects!

He won't just take out Wang Zhan in the first phase of the test, he won't announce the real target super genetic optimization agent used on himself, he will use the best for himself!

But the results of the test on the surface - a drug that greatly increases the body's stress tolerance.

He can give it to everyone!

This medicine is estimated to increase the body's stress tolerance by 50%!

He is sure that there are no side effects, no negative effects on the human population in the future, no mutations, etc.!

This is a deduction under the state of God, absolutely correct!

The experimental plan under the state of God has one of the most important and standard points: the most advanced!

The so-called state-of-the-art means:

Even the medicine that Su Chen synthesized with the existing conditions to increase the body's stress tolerance by 50% is the best solution in the world!

It will not be replaced because of the passage of time and the improvement of technology in the future!

For example, it is like the on-board music of a car. In the 1990s, the most advanced was the use of magnetic tape. At that time, magnetic tape was the apex of technology, and then over time, the development of technology, the most advanced technology at that time. Tapes are eliminated and replaced by CD-ROMs, U-disks, electronics, etc.!

Then tapes are not the most advanced!

And Su Chen's experimental product is the most perfect deduction result under the state of the college entrance examination god!

That is to say, this medicine (a gene medicine that increases the human body's stress tolerance by 50%), even after one million years, the technology has been improved countless times, and the solutions and technologies Su Chen has given are the best. Excellent solution!

It is the best product within the limited range of improving the endurance by 50%!

It will never be updated!

"And this medicine, once the whole people produce it..."

"All the people put into use... 99

I am Cao!

Zhang Yanghao dare not think about it any longer!

That hospital needs a lot less business...

The population of our country will gradually increase...

But the physical fitness will also increase wildly.

.....for flowers

In some basic industries, such as construction, electricity, infrastructure, etc., the speed will be greatly enhanced!

All industries will win the innovation of human resources......

Work will become a less tiring thing...  

In today's environment, people can handle it with ease!


Humans are fragile individuals, we have little advantage in the face of foreigners' tall and sturdy bodies, hey people's explosive physical fitness.

And with this drug...

That's the upliftment of the whole people!

Who is afraid of whom!?

That is the overall temperament of the nation, the improvement of the overall momentum, and the change of character!

A person's physical fitness increases by 50%..

Multiplied by the population of 1.5 billion Dongshen!

I f*ck!!

Zhang Yanghao was confused,


He also thought of another plan,

That is, it is not used by the whole people,

but in the form of partial sales,

How much profit would that be!?

I'm afraid it's more powerful than tobacco!

How many aircraft carriers does it take!?

He didn't dare to think about it any longer!

"It's just a stress tolerance potion. 55

Su Chen smiled lightly.

"Other aspects, I'm still researching and testing...

. . . . . .

"Stop talking bro!

Zhang Yanghao stretched out his hand to stop Su Chen from continuing.

"What's the matter, drinking too much?"

Su Chen asked.

"No, blood pressure is a bit high." 5

Zhang Yanghao sat down,

"Let's stop painting the pie""

"I just wanted to ask, can it be done?

. . . . .

Can "5


Su Chen is so breezy, and he was so confident when he started making the J-67 last year.


"for how long?"""

Zhang Yanghao continued to ask.

"Three days.


Zhang Yanghao just sat down,

Here it is!

It just jumped straight up!!! The door.

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